2020-07-26为主的缘故在政治领域顺服(彼得前书2:13-17)Submission for the Lord’s Sake in the Political Sphere


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Jason Meyer 杰森·迈尔
1 Peter 2:13-17 彼得前书2:13-17
13 Be subject for the Lord’s sake to every human institution, whether it be to the emperor as supreme, 14 or to governors as sent by him to punish those who do evil and to praise those who do good. 15 For this is the will of God, that by doing good you should put to silence the ignorance of foolish people. 16 Live as people who are free, not using your freedom as a cover-up for evil, but living as servants of God. 17 Honor everyone. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the emperor. 13 你们为主的缘故,要顺服人的一切制度,无论是至尊的君王, 14 或是君王所派赏善罚恶的官员; 15 因为这是 神的旨意,要藉着你们的善行,塞住糊涂无知人的口。16 你们是自由的人,但不要用自由来掩饰邪恶,总要像 神的仆人。17 要尊重众人,爱护弟兄,敬畏 神,尊敬君王。
We are living in the midst of one of the most turbulent, confusing, and contentious moments that many of us can remember. So many people have so many strong opinions about so many issues right now. And we still have to face what may be one of the most challenging election cycles in a generation. The question before us is not simply how to think and how to engage issue by issue, but how to think and engage Christianly across a whole spectrum of political issues. That is, what do Christians do with their lips and their lives to proclaim the excellencies of Christ in the political sphere? How do they call attention to the war for the soul and the call to glorify God when it comes to the issue of the governing authorities? 我们正生活在我们许多人记忆中最动荡、最混乱和最有争议的时刻之一。现在好多人对好多问题都有这么强烈的意见。而我们仍然要面对可能是一代人中最具挑战性的大选之一。摆在我们面前的问题不仅仅是如何就各个具体问题进行思考和参与,而是如何在整个政治问题上进行基督教式的思考和参与。也就是说,基督徒应该如何用自己的嘴唇和生命来宣扬基督在政治领域的卓越?在执政当局的问题上,他们如何呼吁人们关注灵魂的战争,呼吁人们荣耀神?
This is not a text that we chose because Governor Walz mandated masks to be worn throughout Minnesota! This was simply the next text in our journey through 1 Peter. I think it is simply proof again that God loves us and wants us to live according to his word, not the winds of worldly thinking. 这不是因为Walz州长规定整个明尼苏达州都要戴口罩我们才选择这段经文!这只是因为我们在按顺序讲彼得前书,正好轮到这段经文。我想这只是再次证明神爱我们,希望我们按照祂的话语生活,而不是照着世俗思想的风潮。
Text: 经文:
13Be subject for the Lord’s sake to every human institution, whether it be to the emperor as supreme, 14or to governors as sent by him to punish those who do evil and to praise those who do good. 15For this is the will of God, that by doing good you should put to silence the ignorance of foolish people. 16Live as people who are free, not using your freedom as a cover-up for evil, but living as servants of God. 17Honor everyone. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the emperor. 13你们为主的缘故,要顺服人的一切制度,无论是至尊的君王,14或是君王所派赏善罚恶的官员;15因为这是 神的旨意,要藉着你们的善行,塞住糊涂无知人的口。16你们是自由的人,但不要用自由来掩饰邪恶,总要像 神的仆人。 17要尊重众人,爱护弟兄,敬畏 神,尊敬君王。
Main Point: 要点
Christians glorify God in the political sphere when they submit to their rulers for the Lord’s sake 当基督徒为了主的缘故顺服统治者的时候,他们就会在政治领域中荣耀神。
Outline 纲要
1.Be Subject to Governing Authorities for the Lord’s Sake (13-16) 1.为主的缘故顺服政府当局(13-16节)
A. The Meaning of Submission A. 顺服的含义
B. The Object of Submission B. 顺服的对象
C. The Reason for Submission C. 顺服的理由
D. The Nature of Submission D. 顺服的性质
2. Give to Each What God Commands (v. 17) 2.照着神所吩咐的对待各人(第17节)
A. Honor All A. 尊重众人
B. Love the Brotherhood B. 爱护弟兄
C. Fear God C. 敬畏上帝
We will take each point one at a time and apply as we go. 我们会逐个讲解,且边讲解边应用。
1. Be Subject to Governing Authorities for the Lord’s Sake (13-16) 1. 为主的缘故顺服政府当局(13-16节)
A. The Meaning of Submission A.顺服的含义
Submission refers not only to obedience to governing authorities, but a posture or disposition or readiness to obey. This is standard New Testament teaching. Listen for example to Romans 13. 顺服不仅指对统治当局的服从,而是指一种服从的姿态、意向或意愿。这是标准的新约教导。请听来自罗马书13章的例子。
Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. 2Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment. 政府的权柄,人人都应当服从。因为没有一样权柄不是从 神来的;掌权的都是 神设立的。2所以抗拒掌权的,就是反对 神所设立的;反对的人必自招刑罚。
Titus 3:1-2 提多书3:1-2
Remind them to be submissive to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready for every good work, 2to speak evil of no one, to avoid quarreling, to be gentle, and to show perfect courtesy toward all people. 你要提醒他们服从执政的和掌权的,听从他们,随时准备作各种善工。2不可毁谤人,要与人无争,谦恭有礼,向众人表现充分温柔的心。
The parallel in 1 Peter 3:1-7 is very instructive here as well. Peter moves easily and naturally from “submit” (3:1, 5) to “obey” (3:6). Therefore, the word does not merely mean “respect,” it means to do what they say (as long as they do not tell you to sin). 彼得前书3:1-7中的平行内容在这里也很有启发意义。彼得很轻松自然地从“顺服”(3:1,5)转换到“听从”(3:6)。所以,这个词不仅仅是“尊重”的意思,它的意思是按他们说的去做(只要他们不叫你犯罪)。
B. The Object of Submission B. 顺服的对象
This is where a knowledge of the original language is so helpful. The ESV makes it sound like we are to submit to every human “institution,” but the object of submission in the original language is submit to “every human creature” (pasē anthrōpinē ktisei). He immediately clarifies the human beings he has in mind: the emperor and the governors. He is not talking about submission to every individual human. He is talking about governing authorities. But what he is definitely doing is reminding everyone that they are fundamentally human and not divine. There was a whole religion in Rome that regarded the emperor as divine. Peter says, he is clearly human, just like every other earthly ruler. He will end this section on that same note as we will see in a few moments. 在这里,懂得圣经原文就显得很重要了。在英文版中这节经文听起来好像是要顺服人的一切“制度”,但在原文中顺服的对象是“每个人类受造物” (pasē anthrōpinē ktisei)。他紧接着澄清他所想到的人类:君王和官员。他说的不是顺服每个人类个体。他说的是政府当局。但他所做的肯定是在提醒大家,他们从根本上是人,而不是神。罗马有一个完整的宗教体系,将皇帝视为神明。彼得说,他显然是人,就像其他世俗的统治者一样。正如我们稍后将看到的那样,他将以同样的口吻结束这一部分。
C. The Reason for Submission C.顺服的理由
Peter lays out three reasons to submit to the governing authorities: (1) for the Lord’s sake, (2) they punish evil and praise good, and (3) it is the will of God and the result is that foolish people will be silenced. 彼得列举了三个顺服政府当局的理由。(1)为了主的缘故,(2)他们赏善罚恶,(3)这是神的旨意,其结果是愚昧的人闭口无言。
Look at verse 13 for the first reason: for the Lord’s sake. 请看第13节,第一个理由:为了主的缘故。
13Be subject for the Lord’s sake to every human institution 13你们 为主的缘故要顺服人的一切制度
You submit to your rulers not for the sake of your rulers (because they are worthy), but for the Lord’s sake (he is worthy). That is why he reinforces the point that they are merely human; they are not the Lord. You must always keep your ultimate authority in view and remember not just why you do what you do, but for whom you are doing it! Your submission to Caesar is not for the glory of Caesar, but for the glory of God. 你顺服你的统治者,不是为了你的统治者的缘故(因为他们配得),而是为了主的缘故(祂是配得的)。所以他才加强了一点,他们只是人,他们不是主。你必须始终记住你的最终权威是谁,不仅要记住你为什么要这样做,还要记住你是为谁而做!你对凯撒的顺服不是为了凯撒的荣耀,而是为了神的荣耀。
Verse 14 gives the second reason for submitting: they punish evil and praise good. 第14节给出了第二个顺从的理由:他们赏善罚恶。
14or to governors as sent by him to punish those who do evil and to praise those who do good. 14或是君王所派赏善罚恶的官员;
Why would God institute governments and put fallen people in charge? Peter highlights the fact that government is generally a good gift. Even in a fallen world, with fallen rulers governing fallen people, there is enough common grace at play that governments will usually work for the overall good by punish evildoers and reward (or praise) those who do good. 上帝为什么要设立政府,并让堕落的人类来掌管?彼得强调,政府一般而言是好的礼物。即使在一个堕落的世界里,堕落的统治者治理堕落的人,也有足够的普遍恩典在起作用,政府通常会通过惩罚恶人,奖励(或赞美)行善的人,来为共同利益服务。
What does Peter mean by praising those who do good? Praise is a term used in this context for commending. Many ancient governments would find ways to commend those who helped the community (erect statues, plaques, memorials, name things in their honor, etc.). 彼得所说的赞美善行是什么意思?赞美在这里是指表扬的意思。很多古代政府会想方设法表扬那些对社会有帮助的人(树立雕像、匾额、纪念碑、为他们命名的东西等)。
Does this mean that governments always reward good and punish evil? We will take up this question in a moment. But let us look at his third reason before answering that practical question. Look at verse 15 for the third reason for submitting: it is the will of God and the result is that foolish people will be silenced. 这是否意味着政府总是赏善罚恶?我们稍后将讨论这个问题。但在回答这个实际问题之前,我们先看看他的第三个理由。请看第15节,顺服的第三个原因:这是神的旨意,结果是要让愚昧的人闭口。
15For this is the will of God, that by doing good you should put to silence the ignorance of foolish people. 15因为这是 神的旨意,要藉着你们的善行,塞住糊涂无知人的口。
Here is the logic. Christians should submit to governing authorities because it is God’s will. When you submit to God by submitting to the government, what impact will that have for Christianity in the sight of others? The result of this submission is that you will silence the ignorance of foolish people who think Christians are anarchists just because they will not say that Caesar is god. Furthermore, when people will slander Christians as evildoers, Christians give them lots of evidence to the contrary. The good behavior of Christians should silence the ignorance of foolish people. 这里的逻辑是这样的。基督徒应该顺服于政府当局,因为这是神的旨意。当你通过顺服政府来顺服神的时候,这会对别人如何看待基督教有什么影响?这样顺服的结果是,你会让那些糊涂无知的人闭嘴,他们认为基督徒是无政府主义者,只因为他们从不说凯撒是神。此外,当人们会诽谤基督徒是恶人时,基督徒会给他们很多相反的证据。基督徒的良好行为应该使糊涂无知的人安静下来。
Application 应用
Peter is not being naïve here. The Old Testament and early church history had plenty of examples of oppressive rulers (Pharaoh, wicked Israelite kings – Ahab and Jezebel) and Jesus was beaten and crucified by Roman rule. But even the most oppressive and corrupt governments hold widespread evil in check and keep society from descending into anarchy. But we ought not be naïve in assuming that obeying the government is always the will of God. We do not submit with unquestioning obedience with total trust. There are times when God’s people are called to disobey the government. 彼得在这里并不是天真幼稚。旧约和早期教会历史上有很多压迫人的统治者的例子(法老、邪恶的以色列国王--亚哈和耶洗别),耶稣被罗马统治者殴打并钉在十字架上。但即使是最压迫和腐败的政府,也能控制住广泛的邪恶,使社会不至于陷入无政府状态。但我们不应该天真地认为,服从政府总是神的旨意。我们不会以全然的信任,毫无疑义地顺从。有的时候,神的子民被呼召不要服从政府。
An example from the Book of Acts may help. In the case of the early church, God has called them to preach Christ. The governing authorities told them not to preach Christ. Therefore, what the church needs to do is costly, but it is not complicated. The apostles responded and said, “we must obey God, rather than men.” 使徒行传中的一个例子可能会有帮助。就早期教会而言,神已经呼召他们去传扬基督。政府当局叫他们不要传基督。因此,教会需要做的事情虽然成本高,但并不复杂。使徒们回答说:“服从 神过于服从人,是应当的。”
The governing authorities are forbidding something that God commanded. They have overstepped their bounds of authority and are no longer in alignment with God’s authority because they are forbidding something that he commanded or commanded something that he forbade. When forced to choose, the church will choose to obey God. 政府当局在禁止上帝命令要做的东西。他们越过了权柄的范围,不再与神的权柄一致,因为祂所吩咐的事他们却禁止人做,或祂所禁止的事他们却强令人做。当被迫选择时,教会会选择顺服神。
Therefore, when the will of God and the will of government come into direct opposition, the church will obey God by respectfully refusing to submit to the government. When those two wills are aligned, we will obey God by respectfully submitting to the government. 因此,当神的旨意和政府的旨意直接对立时,教会要顺服神,以恭敬之心拒绝顺从政府。当这两个意志一致的时候,我们就会顺服上帝,以恭敬之心服从政府。
This is the same principle at work in both Testaments. For example, Pharaoh commanded something that God forbade (killing babies). God blessed the defiance of the Hebrew midwives and gave them families because they feared the Heavenly King more than the earthly ruler (Exod. 1:21). Daniel and the exiles could submit to foreign rulers until commanded to do something that God forbade (idolatry - worship the golden image in Daniel 3) or forbidden to do something that God commanded (like pray to God in Daniel 6). 这个原则始终如一地贯穿旧约和新约。例如,法老吩咐了神所禁止的事情(杀婴)。神祝福希伯来接生婆的反抗,并赐给她们家庭,因为她们敬畏天上君王胜过敬畏地上的统治者(出埃及记1:21)。但以理和流亡者可以顺服于外国统治者,直到被命令做一些神所禁止的事(拜偶像--在但以理书第3章拜金像),或被禁止做一些神所吩咐的事(如但以理书第6章向神祷告)。
Therefore, obedience to God is a non-negotiable part of being a child of God. Our ultimate allegiance is to him and thus obedience to him is precious to us. We would rather die than disobey. When forced to choose, it may be costly, but it is not complicated: we must obey God rather than man. We are happy when obedience to God and submission to earthly rulers align and we are sad when earthly rulers overreach with their authority and command something that God forbids or forbid something that God commands. 因此,顺服神是作为神的儿女没有商量余地的本分。我们最终的效忠对象是祂,因此对祂的顺服于我们而言宝贵无比。我们宁死也不违抗神。当被迫选择时,可能会付出代价,但选择并不复杂:我们必须服从神而不是人。当顺服神和顺服地上的统治者一致的时候,我们是快乐的;当地上的统治者用他们的权柄越俎代庖,命令一些神所禁止的事,或者禁止一些神所命令的事的时候,我们是悲伤的。
D. The Nature of Submission (v. 16) D.顺服的本质(第16节)
Verse 16 now unpacks the nature of this submission: 第16节解释了这种顺服的本质:
16Live as people who are free, not using your freedom as a cover-up for evil, but living as servants of God. 16你们是自由的人,但不要用自由来掩饰邪恶,总要像 神的仆人。
The word “live” is an unfortunate translation. The Greek text has no verb, which means it is implied from the earlier verses. The topic of discussion is not “life in general,” but “submission in particular.” We should translate it “submit as people who are free” and “submitting as slaves of God” (v. 16). 英文翻译“生活”是不太恰当的。希腊文原文在这里并没有动词,而是隐含地沿用前文。这里讨论的主题不是“一般性的生活”而是“特定的顺服”。我们应译为“像自由人一样顺服”,以及“像神的奴仆一样顺服”(16节)。
1. Submit as Free People 1.作为自由人顺服
2. Submit as Good People 2.作为好人顺服
3. Submit as Enslaved People 3.作为奴仆顺服
First, Christians submit as free people. Look at the first phrase of verse 16. 首先,基督徒作为自由人顺服。请看第16节的第一个片语。
Live (SUBMIT) as people who are free 你们是自由的人
The children of God have true freedom because there were set free with a price. Peter can simply refer to this freedom without unpacking it further because he has already established it in 1 Peter 1:18-19. 神的儿女有真正的自由,因为这自由是重价赎来的。彼得可以简单地提到这种自由,而不进一步解说,因为他在彼得前书1:18-19已经确立了这种自由。
18knowing that you were ransomed from the futile ways inherited from your forefathers, not with perishable things such as silver or gold, 19but with the precious blood of Christ, like that of a lamb without blemish or spot. 18因为知道你们得赎,脱去你们祖先传下的妄行,不是凭着能坏的金银等物,19而是凭着基督的宝血,就像无瑕疵无玷污的羊羔的血。
We were once enslaved to sin, but they were bought with the precious blood of Christ and so they are ransomed and free. They do not and cannot belong to the governing authorities. 我们曾经被罪奴役,但他们是用基督的宝血赎来的,所以他们是得赎的,是自由的。它们不属于也不能属于政府当局。
Second, Christians submit as good people. Look at the second part of verse 16. 第二,基督徒作为好人顺服。请看第16节的第二部分。
not using your freedom as a cover-up for evil 但不要用自由来掩饰邪恶
In other words, we submit to the government with the transparent aim of infusing good into civil society, not for nefarious, underhanded purposes (join a corrupt system and work the system and secure dishonest gain). Christians are free with respect to the government and so they can use their freedom to do good in society 换句话说,我们服从政府的目的是透明的,是为公民社会注入善意,而不是为了邪恶阴暗的目的(加入腐败的系统,在系统中工作,确保不诚实的利益)。基督徒对于政府而言是自由的,所以他们可以利用自己的自由在社会上行善。
Third, Christians submit as an enslaved people. Look at the third part of verse 16. 第三,基督徒作为奴仆顺服。请看第16节第三部分。
but living (SUBMITTING) as servants of God. 总要像神的仆人。
Christians submit to the government because it is the will of God. Therefore, Christian freedom is not unlimited or autonomous. It is freedom defined by obedience to God. Romans 6 speaks to this issue with incredible clarity. 基督徒顺服政府,因为这是神的旨意。因此,基督教的自由不是无限制的,也不是自主的。这自由是由对神的顺服来界定。罗马书第6章以不可思议的清晰度讲到了这个问题。
16Do you not know that if you present yourselves to anyone as obedient slaves, you are slaves of the one whom you obey, either of sin, which leads to death, or of obedience, which leads to righteousness? 17But thanks be to God, that you who were once slaves of sin have become obedient from the heart to the standard of teaching to which you were committed, 18and, having been set free from sin, have become slaves of righteousness. 16难道你们不知道你们自愿作奴仆去顺从人,顺从谁就作谁的奴仆,或作罪的奴仆以致于死,或作顺从的奴仆以致于义吗?17感谢 神,你们虽然作过罪的奴仆,现在却从心里顺从了传授给你们的教义的规范。18你们既然从罪里得了释放,就作了义的奴仆。
In other words, do not think of true freedom as having no boundaries. True freedom, like true love, wants boundaries because you want to protect what is precious. In marriage, you make commitments to each other that says, “This relationship is precious. Let’s protect it. I do not want anyone else or anything else getting in the way of what we have.” 换句话说,不要认为真正的自由是没有边界的。真正的自由,就像真正的爱一样,要有边界,因为你要保护珍贵的东西。在婚姻中,你向对方做出承诺,说:“这关系是珍贵的。让我们来保护它。我不希望有任何人或任何事妨碍我们拥有的关系。”
Believers are slaves to God, not government. Christians have true freedom – freedom to choose good and not be enslaved to evil. Christians live for God, not fleshly lusts. Those that don’t live for Caesar can submit to him without worshipping him as part of their worship of and allegiance to God. 信徒是神的奴仆,不是政府的奴仆。基督徒有真正的自由—选择善的自由,不被恶所奴役。基督徒是为神而活,不是为肉体的情欲而活。那些不为凯撒而活的人,可以顺从他,却不因着崇拜他如同他们对神的崇拜和效忠。
2. Give to Each What God Commands (v. 17) 2. 照着神所吩咐的对待各人(第17节)
17Honor everyone. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the emperor. 17要尊重众人。爱护弟兄。敬畏神。尊敬君王。
A. Honor everyone A.尊重众人
B. Love the Brotherhood B.爱护弟兄
C. Fear God C.敬畏神
This verse is a chiasm: 这一节是一个交叉结构:
A Honor everyone A 尊重众人
  B Love the brotherhood   B 爱护弟兄
  B Fear God   B 敬畏神
A Honor the emperor A 尊敬君王
There is a distinctive way that Christians engage with others according to what is due to them. 基督徒对待他人,有一种独特的方式,就是按照他们应得的对待对方。
A. Honor All (including Earthly Rulers) A. 尊重众人(包括地上的统治者)
First, notice that the same word is used at the beginning and the end. We owe honor to all because all are made in the image of God (Gen. 1:26-27). We give the same honor and respect to the emperor that we would give to all people. 首先,这一节的开头和结尾用的是同一个词。我们应该尊重所有人,因为所有人都是按照神的形象造的(创1:26-27)。我们给皇帝的尊荣和尊重,就像给所有的人一样。
This seems to reiterate the point of verse 13 that the emperor or king is simply human – nothing more. But it is instructive that we do more than just obey someone. We could obey the king (because we fear for our lives), but then maliciously speak against him every chance we get. Peter is calling for both obedience and respect: Christian civility that is based on the recognition that the earthly ruler is merely human (not a god), but as human he is made in the image of God and thus deserving of respect and dignity and decency. 这似乎重申了13节的观点,即皇帝或君王只是人类—仅此而已。但它的指导意义在于,我们不仅仅是服从某人。我们可能服从国王(因为我们担心自己的生命),但却一有机会就恶意地说他的坏话。彼得是在呼召人们既要顺从又要尊重。基督徒的礼貌是建立在承认地上的统治者只是人(不是神)的基础上,但作为人,他是按照上帝的形象创造的,因此应该得到尊重、尊严和体面。
Paul’s words in Titus also pair together submission to authorities and courtesy or dignity: 保罗在提多书中的话也是把对权威的顺服和礼貌或尊严搭配在一起:
Remind them to be submissive to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready for every good work, 2to speak evil of no one, to avoid quarreling, to be gentle, and to show perfect courtesy toward all people. 你要提醒他们服从执政的和掌权的,听从他们,随时准备作各种善工。2不可毁谤人,要与人无争,谦恭有礼,向众人表现充分温柔的心。
Let us stop for a moment and let the word do its work in us. Are we letting this word dwell richly within us? Is it guiding and instructing the way we engage in the political sphere? 让我们暂停片刻,让这话语在我们身上作工。我们是否让这个话语丰丰富富地住在我们的内心?它是否引导和指导了我们参与政治领域的方式?
Gut check time. How do you talk about the current President? I really don’t care how much you like him or don’t like him – how much you agree with him or disagree with him. I am asking if you are honoring him the way that your Sovereign Lord and King of the Universe would have you honor him. How do you talk about him (and maybe even post about him)? How do you pray for him? How about our mayor – Jacob Frey? How about our Governor – Governor Walz? I am not asking you if you agree or disagree with how they responded to Covid-19 or what they did when our city was on fire or what they are saying right now about wearing a mask. 内省时间。你是如何谈论现任总统的?我真的不在乎你有多喜欢他或不喜欢他--你有多赞同他或不赞同他。我问的是你是否以你的主和宇宙之王所要求的方式来尊敬他。你如何谈论他(甚至可能发帖谈论他)?你如何为他祈祷?那我们的市长雅各布-弗雷呢?那我们的州长--华尔兹州长呢?我不是问你是否同意或不同意他们对Covid-19的反应,或者当我们的城市着火时他们所做的事情,或者他们现在关于戴口罩的说法。
Do you think this was easy for Peter’s readers? We are probably talking here about emperor Nero. Not exactly a morally upstanding leader. He took sexual immorality to another level. And it is not as if Christians were a special interest group with political power. Christians were not a moral majority. 你觉得这对彼得的读者来说容易吗?我们这里说的可能是尼禄皇帝。他完全不是一个道德端正的统治者。他把性不道德提升到了一个新高度。而基督徒又不是一个拥有政治权力的特殊利益集团。基督徒也不是道德上的大多数。
You may disagree with how Mayor Jacob Frey responded when our city was set on fire. You may disagree with how slow Governor Walz was to re-open churches. You may disagree with the mandate to wear masks. But imagine someone like Nero who set the city on fire and then blamed Christians and set them on fire as human torches. 你可能不同意雅各布-弗雷市长在我们的城市被烧时的反应。你可能不同意华尔兹州长关于重新开放教堂的决定有多慢。你可能不同意戴口罩的规定。但试想一下,像尼禄这样的人,他放火烧城,然后诬陷基督徒,把他们当做人肉火把燃烧。
No one is saying: “never disagree” or “do not share your thoughts.” Obey whatever they say that is not sin. Honor them – treat them with courtesy and dignity as people made in the image of God. 没有人说,“永远不要有异议”或者“不要分享你的想法”。凡是他们说的,只要不是罪,都要听从。尊敬他们--以礼节和尊严对待他们,因为他们是按照神的形象所造的人。
B. Love the Brotherhood B. 爱护弟兄
But let us go further. Peter says that we should not only honor those made in the image of God (all humanity). We owe something beyond basic dignity to the family of God: love. We owe love to the people of God because they are made in the image of God and are in the family of God (through the plan of God, the purchase of Christ, and the power of the Spirit). Peter clearly stresses family love because he uses a unique word: love the brotherhood (used only here and 1 Pet. 5:9 – same sufferings are being experienced by the brotherhood throughout the whole world). 但让我们更进一步。彼得说,我们不仅要尊重那些按照神的形象所造的人(全人类)。我们对上帝家人还要有超越基本尊严的东西:爱。我们应该爱神的子民,因为他们既是按照神的形像造的,又是属于神的家庭(通过神的计划、基督的赎买和圣灵的大能)。彼得清楚地强调家庭之爱,因为他用了一个独特的词:爱弟兄之爱(只在这里和彼前5:9使用--你们在世上的弟兄,也经历过同样的苦难)。
This is an even more challenging command. Do disagreements with another believer suddenly make the command to love them null and void? If they take another view on some contentious topic (or if they vote for some other candidate), are you suddenly free to verbally vent and go on the offensive and let them have it? Is it now suddenly ok to shame them or douse them with sarcasm and light them on fire with rude rhetoric? 这是个更具挑战性的命令。难道与另一个信徒意见不一致,就突然使爱他们的命令失效了吗?如果他们在一些有争议的话题上持另一种观点(或者他们投了其他候选人的票),你是不是突然可以在口头上发泄,去攻击他们,咒骂他们?现在是不是突然可以羞辱他们,或者用讽刺泼他们冷水,或用粗鲁的言辞点燃他们的火?
What we allow to divide us is a sad commentary on what actually unites us. You know what it is like to be loved by God and to be accepted in Christ. Do people feel that same family acceptance from you or do they feel cancelled by you and condemned by you? Have you become the self-appointed referee for the Christian community: saying you are out or you are in? 我们允许分裂我们的是对实际上团结我们的可悲评论。你知道被神所爱,在基督里被接纳是什么感觉。大家从你身上感受到的是同属一个家庭的接纳,还是觉得被你一笔勾销了,或被你一棍子打死了?你是否已经成为基督教界自封的裁判:说你出局就出局?
Disagreement that leads to demonizing non-Christians dishonors the image of God. Disagreement that leads to demonizing fellow believers dishonors the image of God and the blood of Christ (the purpose of God, the cost of the cross, the setting apart of the Holy Spirit, etc.) 导致对非基督徒进行妖魔化的分歧是对神形象的侮辱。导致信徒同胞被妖魔化的分歧,使神的形象和基督的宝血蒙羞(神的目的、十字架的代价、圣灵的分别等)。
C. Fear God C. 敬畏上帝
Fearing God is the key. When God occupies the central place there is a gravitational force that helps you rightly esteem the image of God and the work of salvation. The only way you could possibly persist in dishonoring those made in his image or hating on people in the family of God, is if you stopped fearing God. If you fear God, you will not dare to dishonor those made in the image of God. If you fear God, then you would think twice before going after someone in the family of God. 敬畏上帝是关键。当神占据中心位置时,就会有一种引力,帮助你正确地尊崇神的形象和救赎的工作。你唯一可能坚持不尊重那些按照祂的形象所造的人,或者憎恨神家人的方法,就是你不再敬畏神。如果你敬畏神,你就不敢玷污按神的形象所造的人。如果你敬畏神,那么在追杀神的家人之前,你会三思而后行。
We are to fear only God. We must decenter all other topics and issues and people. He alone is the source of our trust and fear and hope. There is a joy in fearing God. He must occupy a place above all others in a class by himself. 我们要单单敬畏上帝。我们必须把所有其他的话题、问题和人移出中心位置。唯独祂是我们信任、敬畏和盼望的源头。敬畏神是一种快乐。祂必须独一无二地占据高于一切的位置。
1 Peter 1:17 彼得前书1:17
17And if you call on him as Father who judges impartially according to each one’s deeds, conduct yourselves with fear throughout the time of your exile 17你们既称那不偏待人、按各人行为审判的主为父,就当存敬畏的心,过你们寄居的日子
1 Peter 3:14-16 彼得前书3:14-16
Have no fear of them, nor be troubled, 15but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect, 16having a good conscience, so that, when you are slandered, those who revile your good behavior in Christ may be put to shame 不要怕人的恐吓,也不要畏惧。”15只要心里尊基督为圣,以他为;常常作好准备,去回答那些问你们为甚么怀有盼望的人,但要用温柔敬畏的心回答16当存无愧的良心,使那些诬赖你们这在基督里有好品行的人,在毁谤你们的事上蒙羞。
Ditches of Political Engagement 参与政治要避免的阴沟
Cowardice   Humility   Courage (Pride) 怯懦  谦卑  大胆(骄傲)
Christians believe that we can engage and participate in politics without trusting in politics. It is a dangerous game. C. S. Lewis warned against this in Screwtape Letters when the demons say we can tempt people to cowardice (don’t get involved in the world) or courage (bold engagement – even if they are right – as long as there is consequent pride and division). Can we hold political convictions with humility instead of cultivating political pride and smugness, which hinders us from treaing people with dignity and loving the family of God along the political spectrum? 基督徒认为,我们可以参政议政,而不相信政治。这是个危险的游戏。C. S.刘易斯在《地狱来鸿》中警告过这一点,恶魔说我们可以引诱人们变得怯懦(不敢涉足这个世界)或大胆(大胆的参与--哪怕他们是对的--只要有随之而来的骄傲和分裂就好)。我们能否以谦卑的态度持有政治信念,而不是培养政治上的骄傲和自以为是,因为这阻碍了我们在政治光谱上有尊严地对待他人并爱神的家?
What happens in our two party system when we divide along political lines? There are two unique temptations, and our text helps us maintain image of God dignity and courtesy. 在我们的两党制政治中,当我们按政治路线划分时,会发生什么?有两个独特的诱惑。而我们的经文帮助我们保持神的尊严和谦恭的形象。
Demonize   Dignity   Deify 妖魔化  尊严  神化
The church must guard against the temptation to disobey God by refusing to treat political leaders with dignity or disobey God by putting false trust in political leaders. In our two party system, we can be tempted to demonize political opponents (and those who disagree), while putting undue trust in our political party and leaders. 教会必须防范两种诱惑:一种是通过拒绝尊重政治领袖而不顺服神,一种是以错误的信任政治领袖而不顺服神。在我们的两党制中,我们可能会被诱惑对政治对手(和那些持不同政见的人)进行妖魔化,而对我们支持的政党和领导人过分信任。
The Danger of Political Idolatry: C. S. Lewis quote: 政治偶像的危险:C. S. 刘易斯引文:
“C. S. Lewis observed that almost all crimes of Christian history have come about when religion is confused with politics. Politics allures us to trade away grace for power, a temptation the church has often been unable to resist” (Philip Yancey). “C.S.刘易斯指出,基督教历史上几乎所有的罪行都是在宗教与政治相混淆的情况下发生的。政治诱使我们放弃恩典来换取权力,这是教会常常无法抵挡的诱惑”(Philip Yancey)。
An Example of Political Dignity 政治尊严的例子
George H. W. Bush 乔治-W-布什
Jan. 20, 1993 1993年1月20日
Dear Bill, 亲爱的比尔:
When I walked into the office just now I felt the same sense of wonder and respect that I felt four years ago. I know that you will feel that, too. 刚才走进办公室的时候,我感受到了四年前的惊奇和尊重。我知道,你也会有这种感觉。
*I wish you great happiness here. I never felt the loneliness that some Presidents have described. * 我祝你在这里幸福快乐。我从来没有感受到一些总统所描述的孤独感。
There will be very tough times, made more difficult by criticism you may not think is fair. I’m not a very good one to give advice; but just don’t let the critics discourage you or push you off course. 是会有非常艰难的时刻,而且这艰难时刻可能因为你所认为的不公批评而变得更加困难。在这方面我无法给你很好的建议;但只要不要让批评者使你气馁或把你推向歧途。
*You will be our President when you read this note. I wish you well. I wish your family well. * 当你看到这张纸条时,你已成为我们的总统。我祝你一切顺利。祝你全家安好。
Your success is now our country’s success. I am rooting hard for you. Good luck. 你的成功就是我们国家的成功。我全力支持你。祝你好运。
George 乔治
We refuse to demonize because we fear God and want to honor his image. We refuse to deify because we fear God and worship him alone. 我们拒绝进行妖魔化,因为我们敬畏神,要尊重神的形象。我们拒绝进行神化,因为我们敬畏神,单单敬拜祂。
Conclusion: The Court Preacher and Louis the Great 结语:宫廷主教和路易大帝
Louis XIV, king of France, died in 1717. Known as “Louis the Great,” he wanted his funeral to be a continued display of his grandeur. So he arranged for all the candles in the cathedral to be put out save for one, burning brightly right on top of his casket as if to say, ‘Even in death my light shines stronger than any other.’ However the preacher before giving the funeral oration descended to the casket, blew out the candle, and proclaimed loudly, “Only God is great!” 路易十四,法国国王,死于1717年。号称“路易大帝”,他希望自己的葬礼能继续展示他的辉煌。于是,他安排大教堂里所有的蜡烛都熄灭,只剩下一根,就在他的棺材顶上明亮地燃烧着,仿佛在说:“即使在死亡中,我的光芒也比任何其他的蜡烛更强烈。”然而,主教在发表葬礼演讲之前,走下台阶到棺材前,吹灭了蜡烛,并大声宣布:“只有上帝是伟大的!”
Closing Song: You Are God Alone 结束歌曲:你是独一的神
2020-07-26为主的缘故在政治领域顺服(彼得前书2:13-17)Submission for the Lord’s Sake in the Political Sphere_第1张图片
Sermon Discussion Questions 讲道讨论问题
Title: Submission for the Lord’s Sake in the Political Sphere 标题:为主的缘故在政治领域顺服
Text: 1 Peter 2:13-17 经文:彼得前书2:13-17
Outline 纲要
1. Be Subject to Governing Authorities for the Lord’s Sake (13-16) 1. 为主的缘故顺服政府当局(第13-16节)。
A. The Meaning of Submission A.顺服的含义
B. The Object of Submission B.顺服的对象
C. The Reason for Submission C.顺服的理由
D. The Nature of Submission D.顺服的性质
2. Give to Each What God Commands (v. 17) 2. 照着神所吩咐的对待各人(第17节)
A. Honor All A. 尊重众人
B. Love the Brotherhood B. 爱护弟兄
C. Fear God C. 敬畏上帝
Main Point: 要点
Christians glorify God in the political sphere when they submit to their rulers for the Lord’s sake 当基督徒为了主的缘故顺服统治者的时候,他们就会在政治领域中荣耀神。
General Questions 一般性问题
1. What were your initial responses to the sermon? What was the Holy Spirit doing in your heart during or after the sermon? Was there a new insight gained? Any questions prompted? What did you find convicting, helpful, eye-opening, or troubling? Explain. 1. 你对讲道的初步反应是什么?在讲道时或讲道后,圣灵在你心中做了什么?是否有了新的感悟?想到什么问题了吗?你觉得哪些地方让你信服,哪些地方对你有帮助,哪些地方让你大开眼界,哪些地方让你烦恼?请解释。
2. What point from the sermon landed on you with the most weight of joy or conviction? What things did you see and savor that you feel like you need to share with others? 2. 讲道中的哪一点让你感到最大的喜悦或为罪沉痛?你看到了什么,品味了什么,让你觉得需要和别人分享?
Discussion Questions 讨论问题
1.What is the meaning of submission in verse 13? What is the object of submission? Why does he tell us to “submit to every human creature”? 1.第13节中的顺服是什么意思?顺服的对象是什么?为什么他要我们“顺从每一个人类受造物”?
2. What are three reasons for submission found in verses 13, 14, and 15? 2. 在13、14、15节中,顺服的三个理由是什么?
3. When is it the will of God to disobey the government? 3. 什么时候才是神的旨意要我们违抗政府的时候?
4. How does Peter describe the nature of submission in verse 16? 4. 彼得在16节中如何描述顺服的性质?
5. How does Peter help guide us in terms of how to relate to everyone (including rulers), the family of God, and God himself in verse 17? 5. 在17节中,彼得如何帮助指导我们如何与每个人(包括统治者)、神的家人和神自己相处?
Application Questions 应用问题
1. What unique temptations do you see in yourself as you engage in the political sphere in this difficult season? Are you treating rulers and others with dignity? 1.在这个困难时期你参与政治领域的工作中,你认为自己面临哪些和别人不一样的诱惑?你是否尊重统治者和其他人的尊严?
2. What unique temptations do you face right now as you relate to fellow believers on the political spectrum? Are you loving them as fellow members of the family of God? 2. 当你与政治光谱上位置不同的信徒同胞打交道时,你现在面临哪些独特的诱惑?你是否把他们当作神家里的同胞来爱呢?
3. Are there specific changes you need to make? 3. 你是否需要做出具体的改变?
4. What truths landed upon you in this message that you need to share with others in your life? How can you share these truths? Devote it to prayer! 4.在这个信息中,有哪些真理触动到你,让你觉得需要在生活中与他人分享?如何分享这些真理?把它交托在祷告中吧!
Prayer Focus: Pray for a grace to treat everyone with dignity and honor, love the brotherhood, and fear God above all. 祷告焦点:祈求恩典让我们以尊严和尊荣对待每一个人,爱护兄弟,敬畏上帝高于一切。

你可能感兴趣的:(2020-07-26为主的缘故在政治领域顺服(彼得前书2:13-17)Submission for the Lord’s Sake in the Political Sphere)