
























IDE环境: Eclipse,Myeclipse,IDEA都可以
tomcat环境: 最好是Tomcat 7.x,8.x,9.x版本均可,理论上Tomcat版本不是太老都可以。,我们在这个环境上运行的,参考置顶文章安装环境。
硬件环境: windows 7/8/10 1G内存以上
用了技术框架: HTML+CSS+JavaScript+Spring+mybatis等



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>  
<web-app xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"  
    xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee/web-app_3_0.xsd"  
    <display-name>Archetype Created Web Application</display-name>  
    <!-- Spring和mybatis的配置文件 -->  
    <!-- 编码过滤器 -->  



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<taglib xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee"
		xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee/web-jsptaglibrary_2_0.xsd"

	<description>Spring Framework JSP Tag Library</description>

			Sets default HTML escape value for the current page.
			Overrides a "defaultHtmlEscape" context-param in web.xml, if any.
			<description>Set the default value for HTML escaping, to be put
				into the current PageContext.</description>

			Escapes its enclosed body content, applying HTML escaping and/or JavaScript escaping.
			The HTML escaping flag participates in a page-wide or application-wide setting
			(i.e. by HtmlEscapeTag or a "defaultHtmlEscape" context-param in web.xml).
			<description>Set HTML escaping for this tag, as boolean value. Overrides the
			default HTML escaping setting for the current page.</description>
			<description>Set JavaScript escaping for this tag, as boolean value.
			Default is false.</description>

			Retrieves the message with the given code, or text if code isn't resolvable.
			The HTML escaping flag participates in a page-wide or application-wide setting
			(i.e. by HtmlEscapeTag or a "defaultHtmlEscape" context-param in web.xml).
			<description>A MessageSourceResolvable argument (direct or through JSP EL).
				Fits nicely when used in conjunction with Spring's own validation error
				classes which all implement the MessageSourceResolvable interface. For
				example, this allows you to iterate over all of the errors in a form,
				passing each error (using a runtime expression) as the value of this
				'message' attribute, thus effecting the easy display of such error
			<description>The code (key) to use when looking up the message.
			If code is not provided, the text attribute will be used.</description>
			<description>Set optional message arguments for this tag, as a
			(comma-)delimited String (each String argument can contain JSP EL),
			an Object array (used as argument array), or a single Object (used
			as single argument). You can additionally use nested spring:argument
			<description>The separator character to be used for splitting the
			arguments string value; defaults to a 'comma' (',').</description>
			<description>Default text to output when a message for the given code
			could not be found. If both text and code are not set, the tag will
			output null.</description>
			<description>The string to use when binding the result to the page,
			request, session or application scope. If not specified, the result
			gets outputted to the writer (i.e. typically directly to the JSP).</description>
			<description>The scope to use when exporting the result to a variable.
			This attribute is only used when var is also set. Possible values are
			page, request, session and application.</description>
			<description>Set HTML escaping for this tag, as boolean value.
			Overrides the default HTML escaping setting for the current page.</description>
			<description>Set JavaScript escaping for this tag, as boolean value. Default is false.</description>

			Retrieves the theme message with the given code, or text if code isn't resolvable.
			The HTML escaping flag participates in a page-wide or application-wide setting
			(i.e. by HtmlEscapeTag or a "defaultHtmlEscape" context-param in web.xml).
			<description>A MessageSourceResolvable argument (direct or through JSP EL).</description>
			<description>The code (key) to use when looking up the message.
			If code is not provided, the text attribute will be used.</description>
			<description>Set optional message arguments for this tag, as a
			(comma-)delimited String (each String argument can contain JSP EL),
			an Object array (used as argument array), or a single Object (used
			as single argument). You can additionally use nested spring:argument
			<description>The separator character to be used for splitting the
			arguments string value; defaults to a 'comma' (',').</description>
			<description>Default text to output when a message for the given code
			could not be found. If both text and code are not set, the tag will
			output null.</description>
			<description>The string to use when binding the result to the page,
			request, session or application scope. If not specified, the result
			gets outputted to the writer (i.e. typically directly to the JSP).</description>
			<description>The scope to use when exporting the result to a variable.
			This attribute is only used when var is also set. Possible values are
			page, request, session and application.</description>
			<description>Set HTML escaping for this tag, as boolean value.
			Overrides the default HTML escaping setting for the current page.</description>
			<description>Set JavaScript escaping for this tag, as boolean value. Default is false.</description>

		<description>Argument tag based on the JSTL fmt:param tag.  The purpose is to
			support arguments inside the spring:message and spring:theme
			<description>The value of the argument.</description>

			Provides Errors instance in case of bind errors.
			The HTML escaping flag participates in a page-wide or application-wide setting
			(i.e. by HtmlEscapeTag or a "defaultHtmlEscape" context-param in web.xml).
			<description>The name of the bean in the request, that needs to be
			inspected for errors. If errors are available for this bean, they
			will be bound under the 'errors' key.</description>
			<description>Set HTML escaping for this tag, as boolean value.
			Overrides the default HTML escaping setting for the current page.</description>

			Sets a nested path to be used by the bind tag's path.
			<description>Set the path that this tag should apply. E.g. 'customer'
			to allow bind paths like 'address.street' rather than

			Provides BindStatus object for the given bind path.
			The HTML escaping flag participates in a page-wide or application-wide setting
			(i.e. by HtmlEscapeTag or a "defaultHtmlEscape" context-param in web.xml).
			<description>The path to the bean or bean property to bind status
			information for. For instance account.name, company.address.zipCode
			or just employee. The status object will exported to the page scope,
			specifically for this bean or bean property</description>
			<description>Set whether to ignore a nested path, if any. Default is to not ignore.</description>
			<description>Set HTML escaping for this tag, as boolean value. Overrides
			the default HTML escaping setting for the current page.</description>

			Provides transformation of variables to Strings, using an appropriate
			custom PropertyEditor from BindTag (can only be used inside BindTag).
			The HTML escaping flag participates in a page-wide or application-wide setting
			(i.e. by HtmlEscapeTag or a 'defaultHtmlEscape' context-param in web.xml).
			<description>The value to transform. This is the actual object you want
			to have transformed (for instance a Date). Using the PropertyEditor that
			is currently in use by the 'spring:bind' tag.</description>
			<description>The string to use when binding the result to the page,
			request, session or application scope. If not specified, the result gets
			outputted to the writer (i.e. typically directly to the JSP).</description>
			<description>The scope to use when exported the result to a variable.
			This attribute is only used when var is also set. Possible values are
			page, request, session and application.</description>
			<description>Set HTML escaping for this tag, as boolean value. Overrides
			the default HTML escaping setting for the current page.</description>

		<description>URL tag based on the JSTL c:url tag.  This variant is fully 
		backwards compatible with the standard tag.  Enhancements include support 
		for URL template parameters.</description>
			<description>The URL to build.  This value can include template place holders 
			that are replaced with the URL encoded value of the named parameter.  Parameters 
			must be defined using the param tag inside the body of this tag.</description>
			<description>Specifies a remote application context path.  The default is the 
			current application context path.</description>
			<description>The name of the variable to export the URL value to.</description>
			<description>The scope for the var.  'application', 'session', 'request' and 
			'page' scopes are supported.  Defaults to page scope.  This attribute has no 
			effect unless the var attribute is also defined.</description>
			<description>Set HTML escaping for this tag, as a boolean value. Overrides the
			default HTML escaping setting for the current page.</description>
			<description>Set JavaScript escaping for this tag, as a boolean value.
			Default is false.</description>

		<description>Parameter tag based on the JSTL c:param tag.  The sole purpose is to 
		support params inside the spring:url tag.</description>
			<description>The name of the parameter.</description>
			<description>The value of the parameter.</description>

		<description>Evaluates a Spring expression (SpEL) and either prints the result or assigns it to a variable.</description>
			<description>The expression to evaluate.</description>
			<description>The name of the variable to export the evaluation result to.</description>
			<description>The scope for the var.  'application', 'session', 'request' and 
			'page' scopes are supported.  Defaults to page scope.  This attribute has no 
			effect unless the var attribute is also defined.</description>
			<description>Set HTML escaping for this tag, as a boolean value. Overrides the
			default HTML escaping setting for the current page.</description>
			<description>Set JavaScript escaping for this tag, as a boolean value.  Default is false.</description>

        <description>Helps to prepare a URL to a Spring MVC controller method.</description>
        <function-signature>org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.method.annotation.MvcUriComponentsBuilder.MethodArgumentBuilder fromMappingName(java.lang.String)</function-signature>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<taglib xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee"
		xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee/web-jsptaglibrary_2_0.xsd"

	<description>Spring Framework JSP Form Tag Library</description>

		<description>Renders an HTML 'form' tag and exposes a binding path to inner tags for binding.</description>
			<description>HTML Standard Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Standard Attribute - added for backwards compatibility cases</description>
			<description>Enable/disable HTML escaping of rendered values.</description>
			<description>Equivalent to "class" - HTML Optional Attribute</description>
			<description>Equivalent to "style" - HTML Optional Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Standard Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Standard Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Standard Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>Name of the model attribute under which the form object is exposed.
				Defaults to 'command'.</description>
			<description>Name of the model attribute under which the form object is exposed.
				Defaults to 'command'.</description>
			<description>HTML Required Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Required Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Optional Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Optional Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Optional Attribute</description>
			<description>Specifies the list of character encodings for input data that is accepted by the server processing this form. The value is a space- and/or comma-delimited list of charset values. The client must interpret this list as an exclusive-or list, i.e., the server is able to accept any single character encoding per entity received.</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>Common Optional Attribute</description>
			<description>The parameter name used for HTTP methods other then GET and POST. Default is '_method'</description>

		<description>Renders an HTML 'input' tag with type 'text' using the bound value.</description>
			<description>Path to property for data binding</description>
			<description>HTML Standard Attribute</description>
			<description>Enable/disable HTML escaping of rendered values.</description>
			<description>Equivalent to "class" - HTML Optional Attribute</description>
			<description>Equivalent to "class" - HTML Optional Attribute. Used when the bound field has errors.</description>
			<description>Equivalent to "style" - HTML Optional Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Standard Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Standard Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Standard Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Standard Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Optional Attribute. Setting the value of this attribute to 'true' (without the quotes) will disable the HTML element.</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Standard Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Optional Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Optional Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Optional Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Optional Attribute. Setting the value of this attribute to 'true' (without the quotes) will make the HTML element readonly.</description>
			<description>Common Optional Attribute</description>

		<description>Renders an HTML 'input' tag with type 'password' using the bound value.</description>
			<description>Path to property for data binding</description>
			<description>HTML Standard Attribute</description>
			<description>Enable/disable HTML escaping of rendered values.</description>
			<description>Equivalent to "class" - HTML Optional Attribute</description>
			<description>Equivalent to "class" - HTML Optional Attribute. Used when the bound field has errors.</description>
			<description>Equivalent to "style" - HTML Optional Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Standard Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Standard Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Standard Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Standard Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Optional Attribute. Setting the value of this attribute to 'true' (without the quotes) will disable the HTML element.</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Standard Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Optional Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Optional Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Optional Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Optional Attribute. Setting the value of this attribute to 'true' (without the quotes) will make the HTML element readonly.</description>
			<description>Common Optional Attribute</description>
			<description>Is the password value to be shown? Defaults to false.</description>

		<description>Renders an HTML 'input' tag with type 'hidden' using the bound value.</description>
			<description>Path to property for data binding</description>
			<description>HTML Standard Attribute</description>
			<description>Enable/disable HTML escaping of rendered values.</description>
			<description>Equivalent to "class" - HTML Optional Attribute</description>
			<description>Equivalent to "class" - HTML Optional Attribute. Used when the bound field has errors.</description>
			<description>Equivalent to "style" - HTML Optional Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Standard Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Standard Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Standard Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Standard Attribute</description>
		<description>HTML Optional Attribute. Setting the value of this attribute to 'true' (without the quotes) will disable the HTML element.</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>

		<description>Renders an HTML 'select' element. Supports databinding to the selected option.</description>
			<description>Path to property for data binding</description>
			<description>HTML Standard Attribute</description>
			<description>Enable/disable HTML escaping of rendered values.</description>
			<description>Equivalent to "class" - HTML Optional Attribute</description>
			<description>Equivalent to "class" - HTML Optional Attribute. Used when the bound field has errors.</description>
			<description>Equivalent to "style" - HTML Optional Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Standard Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Standard Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Standard Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Standard Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Optional Attribute. Setting the value of this attribute to 'true' (without the quotes) will disable the HTML element.</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Standard Attribute</description>
			<description>The Collection, Map or array of objects used to generate the inner 'option' tags</description>
			<description>Name of the property mapped to 'value' attribute of the 'option' tag</description>
			<description>Name of the property mapped to the inner text of the 'option' tag</description>
			<description>HTML Optional Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Optional Attribute</description>

		<description>Renders a single HTML 'option'. Sets 'selected' as appropriate based on bound value.</description>
			<description>The actual value bound to the 'value' attribute</description>
			<description>The String representation of thr value bound to the 'value' attribute, taking into consideration
				any PropertyEditor associated with the enclosing 'select' tag.</description>
			<description>HTML Standard Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Optional Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Optional Attribute</description>
			<description>Enable/disable HTML escaping of rendered values.</description>
			<description>Equivalent to "class" - HTML Optional Attribute</description>
			<description>Equivalent to "class" - HTML Optional Attribute. Used when the bound field has errors.</description>
			<description>Equivalent to "style" - HTML Optional Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Standard Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Standard Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Standard Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Standard Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Optional Attribute. Setting the value of this attribute to 'true' (without the quotes) will disable the HTML element.</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>

		<description>Renders a list of HTML 'option' tags. Sets 'selected' as appropriate based on bound value.</description>
			<description>HTML Standard Attribute</description>
			<description>The Collection, Map or array of objects used to generate the inner 'option' tags. This attribute is required unless the containing select's property for data binding is an Enum, in which case the enum's values are used.</description>
			<description>Name of the property mapped to 'value' attribute of the 'option' tag</description>
			<description>Name of the property mapped to the inner text of the 'option' tag</description>
			<description>Enable/disable HTML escaping of rendered values.</description>
			<description>Equivalent to "class" - HTML Optional Attribute</description>
			<description>Equivalent to "class" - HTML Optional Attribute. Used when the bound field has errors.</description>
			<description>Equivalent to "style" - HTML Optional Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Standard Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Standard Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Standard Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Standard Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Optional Attribute. Setting the value of this attribute to 'true' (without the quotes) will disable the HTML element.</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>

		<description>Renders an HTML 'input' tag with type 'radio'.</description>
			<description>Path to property for data binding</description>
			<description>HTML Standard Attribute</description>
			<description>Enable/disable HTML escaping of rendered values.</description>
			<description>Equivalent to "class" - HTML Optional Attribute</description>
			<description>Equivalent to "class" - HTML Optional Attribute. Used when the bound field has errors.</description>
			<description>Equivalent to "style" - HTML Optional Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Standard Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Standard Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Standard Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Standard Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Optional Attribute. Setting the value of this attribute to 'true' (without the quotes) will disable the HTML element.</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Standard Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Optional Attribute</description>
			<description>Value to be displayed as part of the tag</description>

		<description>Renders multiple HTML 'input' tags with type 'radio'.</description>
			<description>Path to property for data binding</description>
			<description>HTML Standard Attribute</description>
			<description>Enable/disable HTML escaping of rendered values.</description>
			<description>Equivalent to "class" - HTML Optional Attribute</description>
			<description>Equivalent to "class" - HTML Optional Attribute. Used when the bound field has errors.</description>
			<description>Equivalent to "style" - HTML Optional Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Standard Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Standard Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Standard Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Standard Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Optional Attribute. Setting the value of this attribute to 'true' (without the quotes) will disable the HTML element.</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Standard Attribute</description>
			<description>The Collection, Map or array of objects used to generate the 'input' tags with type 'radio'. This attribute is required unless the property for data binding is an Enum, in which case the enum's values are used.</description>
			<description>Name of the property mapped to 'value' attribute of the 'input' tags with type 'radio'</description>
			<description>Value to be displayed as part of the 'input' tags with type 'radio'</description>
			<description>Delimiter to use between each 'input' tag with type 'radio'. There is no delimiter by default.</description>
			<description>Specifies the HTML element that is used to enclose each 'input' tag with type 'radio'. Defaults to 'span'.</description>

		<description>Renders an HTML 'input' tag with type 'checkbox'.</description>
			<description>Path to property for data binding</description>
			<description>HTML Standard Attribute</description>
			<description>Enable/disable HTML escaping of rendered values.</description>
			<description>Equivalent to "class" - HTML Optional Attribute</description>
			<description>Equivalent to "class" - HTML Optional Attribute. Used when the bound field has errors.</description>
			<description>Equivalent to "style" - HTML Optional Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Standard Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Standard Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Standard Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Standard Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Optional Attribute. Setting the value of this attribute to 'true' (without the quotes) will disable the HTML element.</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Standard Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Optional Attribute</description>
			<description>Value to be displayed as part of the tag</description>

		<description>Renders multiple HTML 'input' tags with type 'checkbox'.</description>
			<description>Path to property for data binding</description>
			<description>HTML Standard Attribute</description>
			<description>Enable/disable HTML escaping of rendered values.</description>
			<description>Equivalent to "class" - HTML Optional Attribute</description>
			<description>Equivalent to "class" - HTML Optional Attribute. Used when the bound field has errors.</description>
			<description>Equivalent to "style" - HTML Optional Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Standard Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Standard Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Standard Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Standard Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Optional Attribute. Setting the value of this attribute to 'true' (without the quotes) will disable the HTML element.</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Standard Attribute</description>
			<description>The Collection, Map or array of objects used to generate the 'input' tags with type 'checkbox'</description>
			<description>Name of the property mapped to 'value' attribute of the 'input' tags with type 'checkbox'</description>
			<description>Value to be displayed as part of the 'input' tags with type 'checkbox'</description>
			<description>Delimiter to use between each 'input' tag with type 'checkbox'. There is no delimiter by default.</description>
			<description>Specifies the HTML element that is used to enclose each 'input' tag with type 'checkbox'. Defaults to 'span'.</description>

		<description>Renders an HTML 'textarea'.</description>
			<description>Path to property for data binding</description>
			<description>HTML Standard Attribute</description>
			<description>Enable/disable HTML escaping of rendered values.</description>
			<description>Equivalent to "class" - HTML Optional Attribute</description>
			<description>Equivalent to "class" - HTML Optional Attribute. Used when the bound field has errors.</description>
			<description>Equivalent to "style" - HTML Optional Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Standard Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Standard Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Standard Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Standard Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Optional Attribute. Setting the value of this attribute to 'true' (without the quotes) will disable the HTML element.</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Standard Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Required Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Required Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Optional Attribute. Setting the value of this attribute to 'true' (without the quotes) will make the HTML element readonly.</description>

		<description>Renders field errors in an HTML 'span' tag.</description>
			<description>Path to errors object for data binding</description>
			<description>HTML Standard Attribute</description>
			<description>Enable/disable HTML escaping of rendered values.</description>
			<description>Delimiter for displaying multiple error messages. Defaults to the br tag.</description>
			<description>Equivalent to "class" - HTML Optional Attribute</description>
			<description>Equivalent to "style" - HTML Optional Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Standard Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Standard Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Standard Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Standard Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>Specifies the HTML element that is used to render the enclosing errors.</description>

		<description>Renders a form field label in an HTML 'label' tag.</description>
			<description>Path to property for data binding</description>
			<description>HTML Standard Attribute</description>
			<description>Enable/disable HTML escaping of rendered values.</description>
			<description>HTML Standard Attribute</description>
			<description>Equivalent to "class" - HTML Optional Attribute.</description>
			<description>Equivalent to "class" - HTML Optional Attribute. Used only when errors are present.</description>
			<description>Equivalent to "style" - HTML Optional Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Standard Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Standard Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Standard Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Standard Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>
			<description>HTML Event Attribute</description>

		<description>Renders an HTML 'button' tag.</description>
            <description>HTML Standard Attribute</description>
            <description>The name attribute for the HTML button tag</description>
			<description>The value attribute for the HTML button tag</description>
			<description>HTML Optional Attribute. Setting the value of this attribute to 'true' (without the quotes) will disable the HTML element.</description>

