

NewChain nodes are the key co-constructers of Newton infrastructure. Newton NewChain Testnet and Mainnet are opened to the community, individual can deploy Testnet and Mainnet according to the instructions specified in this repo. Afer deploying the NewChai Mainnet, the Mainnet ledger nodes can produce blocks and get NEW as the transaction fees from every transaction.

In current stage, NewChain MainNet still run with PoA (Proof-of-Authority) consensus mechanism for producing blocks. There are two prerequisites for running a Mainnet ledger node:

  1. NewChain Mainnet ledger nodes shall run a NewChain Testnet node first, ensuring the stability of the network.

  2. NewChain Mainnet ledger nodes shall stake 10 million NEW in NewPay, avoiding any harm from the potential dishonest participant.

NewChain节点是牛顿基础设施的重要共建者。 牛顿NewChain测试网和主网已完全开放,个人可以根据本说明接入NewChain测试网和主网,接入主网后,通过参与分布式记账,出块获得主网交易手续费。

在当前阶段,NewChain主网仍使用PoA共识机制来产生区块。 根据其特性,运行主网记帐节点有以下两个前提,以确保主网矿工是忠诚的且不会对网络造成损害,确保网络的稳定性。

  1. NewChain 主网记账节点类帐节点应首先运行NewChain测试网记账节点。

  2. NewChain主网记帐节点应在NewPay中建立人类社群节点并锁仓1000万NEW。


  • NewChain Mainnet Accounting Nodes Deploy Guide
  • Current Mainnet Accounting Nodes List


  • NewChain主网记账节点部署指南
  • 当前主网记账节点列表


  • NewChain Testnet Accounting Nodes Deploy Guide
  • Current Testnet Accounting Nodes List


  • NewChain测试网记账节点部署指南
  • 当前测试网记账节点列表
