【双语】Glide — 列表适配器(ListView, GridView)(Glide — ListAdapter (ListView, GridView))

作者: weiyf
时间: 2016-10-31 14:31:09


The first two posts in this series have shown how to load a single image into an ImageView. This post will demonstrate adapter implementations for ListView and GridView, where each cell contains a single ImageView. This is similar to many image gallery apps.

Glide系列提纲概况(Glide Series Overview):

  1. 【双语】Glide — 入门(Glide — Getting Started)
  2. 【双语】Glide — 高级加载(Glide — Advanced Loading)
  3. 【双语】Glide — 列表适配器(ListView, GridView)(Glide — ListAdapter (ListView, GridView))
  4. Glide — Placeholders & Fade Animations
  5. Glide — Image Resizing & Scaling
  6. Glide — Displaying Gifs & Videos
  7. Glide — Caching Basics
  8. Glide — Request Priorities
  9. Glide — Thumbnails
  10. Glide — Callbacks: SimpleTarget and ViewTarget for Custom View Classes
  11. Glide — Loading Images into Notifications and AppWidgets
  12. Glide — Exceptions: Debugging and Error Handling
  13. Glide — Custom Transformations
  14. Glide — Custom Animations with animate()
  15. Glide — Integrating Networking Stacks
  16. Glide — Customize Glide with Modules
  17. Glide Module Example: Acctupepting Self-Signed HTTPS Certificates
  18. Glide Module Example: Customize Caching
  19. Glide Module Example: Optimizing By Loading Images In Custom Sizes
  20. Glide — Dynamically Use Model Loaders
  21. Glide — How to Rotate Images
  22. Glide — Series Roundup

相册实现:ListView(Sample Gallery Implementation: ListView)


First, we'll need some test images. We uploaded a selection of the best recipe images from our eatfoody.com project to imgur:

public static String[] eatFoodyImages = {


Second, we'll require an activity, which creates an adapter and sets it for a ListView:

public class UsageExampleAdapter extends AppCompatActivity {

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {


        listView.setAdapter(new ImageListAdapter(UsageExampleAdapter.this, eatFoodyImages));


Third, let's look at the layout files for the adapter. The layout file for a ListView item is very simple:



This will result in a list of images, which each will have a height of 200dp and match the device's width. Obviously, this will not result in the prettiest image gallery, but that's not the focus of this post.


Before we can jump to the result, we'll need to implement an adapter for the ListView. We'll keep it simple and bind our eatfoody example images to the adapter. Each item will display one image.

public class ImageListAdapter extends ArrayAdapter {  
    private Context context;
    private LayoutInflater inflater;

    private String[] imageUrls;

    public ImageListAdapter(Context context, String[] imageUrls) {
        super(context, R.layout.listview_item_image, imageUrls);

        this.context = context;
        this.imageUrls = imageUrls;

        inflater = LayoutInflater.from(context);

    public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
        if (null == convertView) {
            convertView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.listview_item_image, parent, false);

            .into((ImageView) convertView);

        return convertView;


The interesting stuff happens in the getView() method of the ImageListAdapter. You'll see that the Glide call is exactly the same as in the previously used 'regular' loading of images. The way to utilize Glide stays the same, no matter what application you're trying to cover.


As an advanced Android developer you will know that we need to re-use layouts in ListViews to create a fast & smooth scrolling experience. One awesomeness of Glide is that it automatically takes care of the request canceling, clearing of the ImageViews, and loading the correct image into the appropriate ImageView.

Glide的一个优势:缓存(A Strength of Glide: Caching)


When you scroll up and down a lot, you'll see that the images are displayed much faster than previously. On newer phones, there might be no wait times at all. As you can guess, these images come from cache and are not loaded from the network anymore. Glide's cache implementation is based on the one from Picasso and thus well rounded and will make things a lot easier for you. The size of the implemented cache depends on the device's disk size.


When loading an image, Glide uses three sources: memory, disk and network (ordered from fastest to slowest). Once again, there is nothing you'll have to do. Glide hides all that complexity from you, while creating intelligently sized caches for you. We'll take a closer look at the caching in a later blog post.

相册实现:GridView(Sample Gallery Implementation: GridView)


The implementation for a GridView with image elements is not any different from a ListView implementation. You actually can use the same adapter. Just switch out the activity layout to a GridView:



This will result in the following design:

【双语】Glide — 列表适配器(ListView, GridView)(Glide — ListAdapter (ListView, GridView))_第1张图片

其他应用:ImageViews作为元素(Other Applications: ImageViews as Elements)

到目前为止,我们只是看到了整个adapter的item是一个ImageView的例子。如果一个或多个ImageView只是adapter item的一个小部分,Glide的加载方式仍然适用。只是你的getView()方法代码看起来会有一点点不同,但是Glide加载item的方式还是相同的。

So far, we've only looked at examples where the entire adapter item is an ImageView. The approach still applies if one or more ImageViews are only a (small) part of the adapter item. Your getView() code will look a little different, but the loading of the Glide item would be identical.



At this point, you've learned how to load images with Glide in 90% of the Android use cases. Before we cover the edge cases, we'll explain additional capabilities of Glide (besides image loading and caching). Namely, next week will be all about placeholders and animations.


你可能感兴趣的:(【双语】Glide — 列表适配器(ListView, GridView)(Glide — ListAdapter (ListView, GridView)))