Gallup Report

Based on your Gallup Report and my professional (as well as academic) experience, my opinion is that you are more suited as a Generalist, rather than a Specialist. Please understand that a Generalist is in no way more superior or inferior than the Specialist. The Generalist and Specialist actually complements each other, academically and professionally.

In the Corporate sector, you would most likely be well-suited in Human Resources, Business Process Re-engineering/Transformation or Audit/Compliance, or the likes of functional roles which allows you to take the bird’s eye view to matters and then zooming down to the specifics to solve the work-related issues at hand. You are a good contributor in identifying problems, analysing them and proposing changes. You do this best by gathering inputs from your team mates and then proposing solutions arising from your own thought-processes. The HR, Business Process Re-engineering and Audit/Compliance roles offer this, in addition to the opportunity for you to tap into your intellection, ideation and deliberation strengths.
A point of clarification on HR which I wish to raise here: Contrary to what most people think, the HR function suits the introvert personality - although the HR function requires interaction with people and solving employee’s issues, the interactional environment as well as the pace and manner in which you resolve employee issues are controlled by you. Contrast this with the Sales function which you are currently in.
Your Gallup Strengths reports also implies that in a well-suited functional role/career type within the Corporate sector, you are capable of rising to the Leadership level over a period of time, and this is due to your individualization and connectedness strengths.

In the Government sector, you would most likely be well-suited in the Teaching career for Secondary or High School levels, or in being a Research Assistant for Professors, or Cross-Border Relations/Political Science/International Relations/Policy.
A point to note here is that while you would be suited as a Research Assistant for Professors, you may not be suited towards the path of Academia (as in Professorship). The Professor route is actually a Specialist function, while the Research Assistant route is a Generalist function. Again, the Teaching career, Research Assistant career, Cross Border/Political Science/International Relations/Policy career give you plenty of opportunities to tap into your strengths in the sequence of intellection, connectedness and ideation.

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