- 下面是在pureLayout中经常使用的五个参数(There are 5 specific attribute types, which are used throughout most of the API)
4.ALMargin available in iOS 8.0 and higher only
5.ALMarginAxis available in iOS 8.0 and higher only - 以上的所有参数类型都是ALAttribute枚举中的一员。拿ALEdge来说
ALAttribute-> ALEdgeLeft
根据框架中的源代码可以知道 ALEdgeLeft == NSLayoutAttributeLeft - Additionally, there is one generic attribute type, ALAttribute
, which is effectively a union of all the specific types. You can think of this as the "Supertype" of all of the specific attribute types, which means that it is always safe to cast a specific type to the generic ALAttribute
type. (Note that the reverse is not true -- casting a generic ALAttribute to a specific attribute type is unsafe!) - 使用方法
- autoSetContent(CompressionResistance|Hugging)PriorityForAxis: - autoCenterInSuperview(Margins) // Margins variant iOS 8.0+ only
- autoAlignAxisToSuperview(Margin)Axis: // Margin variant iOS 8.0+ only
- autoPinEdgeToSuperview(Edge:|Margin:)(withInset:) // Margin variant iOS 8.0+ only
- autoPinEdgesToSuperview(Edges|Margins)(WithInsets:)(excludingEdge:) // Margins variant iOS 8.0+ only
- autoPinEdge:toEdge:ofView:(withOffset:)
- autoAlignAxis:toSameAxisOfView:(withOffset:|withMultiplier:)
- autoMatchDimension:toDimension:ofView:(withOffset:|withMultiplier:)
- autoSetDimension(s)ToSize:
- autoConstrainAttribute:toAttribute:ofView:(withOffset:|withMultiplier:)
- autoPinTo(Top|Bottom)LayoutGuideOfViewController:withInset: // iOS only
- demo
// Blue view is centered on screen, with size {50 pt, 50 pt}
[self.blueView autoCenterInSuperview];
[self.blueView autoSetDimensionsToSize:CGSizeMake(50.0, 50.0)];
// Red view is positioned at the bottom right corner of the blue view, with the same width, and a height of 40 pt
[self.redView autoPinEdge:ALEdgeTop toEdge:ALEdgeBottom ofView:self.blueView];
[self.redView autoPinEdge:ALEdgeLeft toEdge:ALEdgeRight ofView:self.blueView];
[self.redView autoMatchDimension:ALDimensionWidth toDimension:ALDimensionWidth ofView:self.blueView];
[self.redView autoSetDimension:ALDimensionHeight toSize:40.0];
// Yellow view is positioned 10 pt below the red view, extending across the screen with 20 pt insets from the edges,
// and with a fixed height of 25 pt
[self.yellowView autoPinEdge:ALEdgeTop toEdge:ALEdgeBottom ofView:self.redView withOffset:10.0];
[self.yellowView autoSetDimension:ALDimensionHeight toSize:25.0];
[self.yellowView autoPinEdgeToSuperviewEdge:ALEdgeLeft withInset:20.0];
[self.yellowView autoPinEdgeToSuperviewEdge:ALEdgeRight withInset:20.0];
// Green view is positioned 10 pt below the yellow view, aligned to the vertical axis of its superview,
// with its height twice the height of the yellow view and its width fixed to 150 pt
[self.greenView autoPinEdge:ALEdgeTop toEdge:ALEdgeBottom ofView:self.yellowView withOffset:10.0];
[self.greenView autoAlignAxisToSuperviewAxis:ALAxisVertical];
[self.greenView autoMatchDimension:ALDimensionHeight toDimension:ALDimensionHeight ofView:self.yellowView withMultiplier:2.0];
[self.greenView autoSetDimension:ALDimensionWidth toSize:150.0];
// Arrays of Views
- autoAlignViewsToEdge:
- autoAlignViewsToAxis:
- autoMatchViewsDimension:
- autoSetViewsDimension:toSize:
- autoSetViewsDimensionsToSize:
- autoDistributeViewsAlongAxis:alignedTo:withFixedSpacing:(insetSpacing:)(matchedSizes:)
- autoDistributeViewsAlongAxis:alignedTo:withFixedSize:(insetSpacing:)
Sets all of the views in this array to a given size.
Note: This array must contain at least 1 view.
@param size The size to set each view's dimensions to.
@return An array of constraints added.
// Apply a fixed height of 50 pt to two views at once, and a fixed height of 70 pt to another two views
[@[self.redView, self.yellowView] autoSetViewsDimension:ALDimensionHeight toSize:50.0];
[@[self.blueView, self.greenView] autoSetViewsDimension:ALDimensionHeight toSize:70.0];
NSArray *views = @[self.redView, self.blueView, self.yellowView, self.greenView];
NSArray *views = @[self.redView, self.blueView, self.yellowView, self.greenView];
// Match the widths of all the views
[views autoMatchViewsDimension:ALDimensionWidth];
// Pin the red view 20 pt from the top layout guide of the view controller
[self.redView autoPinToTopLayoutGuideOfViewController:self withInset:20.0];
// Loop over the views, attaching the left edge to the previous view's right edge,
// and the top edge to the previous view's bottom edge
[[views firstObject] autoPinEdgeToSuperviewEdge:ALEdgeLeft];
UIView *previousView = nil;
for (UIView *view in views) {
if (previousView) {
[view autoPinEdge:ALEdgeLeft toEdge:ALEdgeRight ofView:previousView];
[view autoPinEdge:ALEdgeTop toEdge:ALEdgeBottom ofView:previousView];
previousView = view;
[[views lastObject] autoPinEdgeToSuperviewEdge:ALEdgeRight];
self.didSetupConstraints = YES;
同时设定一个属性用来记录动画执行的状态self.isAnimatingToEndState = YES;
- (void)viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated
[super viewDidAppear:animated];
Start the animation when the view appears. Note that the first initial constraint setup and layout pass has already occurred at this point.
To switch between spring animation and regular animation, comment & uncomment the two lines below!
(Don't uncomment both lines, one at a time!)
self.isAnimatingToEndState = YES;
[self animateLayoutWithSpringAnimation]; // uncomment to use spring animation
// [self animateLayoutWithRegularAnimation]; // uncomment to use regular animation
- (void)updateViewConstraints
static const CGFloat kBlueViewInitialHeight = 40.0;
static const CGFloat kBlueViewEndHeight = 100.0;
// Remember, this code is just the initial constraint setup which only happens the first time this method is called
if (!self.didSetupConstraints) {
[self.blueView autoPinToTopLayoutGuideOfViewController:self withInset:20.0];
[self.blueView autoAlignAxisToSuperviewAxis:ALAxisVertical];
[self.blueView autoSetDimension:ALDimensionWidth toSize:50.0];
self.blueViewHeightConstraint = [self.blueView autoSetDimension:ALDimensionHeight toSize:kBlueViewInitialHeight];
[self.redView autoSetDimension:ALDimensionHeight toSize:50.0];
[self.redView autoMatchDimension:ALDimensionWidth toDimension:ALDimensionHeight ofView:self.blueView withMultiplier:1.5];
[self.redView autoAlignAxisToSuperviewAxis:ALAxisVertical];
self.didSetupConstraints = YES;
// Unlike the code above, this is code that will execute every time this method is called.
// Updating the `constant` property of a constraint is very efficient and can be done without removing/recreating the constraint.
// Any other changes will require you to remove and re-add new constraints. Make sure to remove constraints before you create new ones!
[self.redViewEdgeConstraint autoRemove];
if (self.isAnimatingToEndState) {
// Adjust constraints to be in the end state for the animation
self.blueViewHeightConstraint.constant = kBlueViewEndHeight;
self.redViewEdgeConstraint = [self.redView autoPinEdgeToSuperviewEdge:ALEdgeBottom withInset:150.0];
} else {
// Adjust constraints to be in the initial state for the animation
self.blueViewHeightConstraint.constant = kBlueViewInitialHeight;
self.redViewEdgeConstraint = [self.redView autoPinEdge:ALEdgeTop toEdge:ALEdgeBottom ofView:self.blueView withOffset:20.0];
[super updateViewConstraints];
动画函数,这里需要注意的是在动画blockUIView animationWithDuration...
See the comments in viewDidAppear: above.
- (void)animateLayoutWithSpringAnimation
// These 2 lines will cause -[updateViewConstraints] to be called again on this view controller, where the constraints will be adjusted to the new state
[self.view setNeedsUpdateConstraints];
[self.view updateConstraintsIfNeeded];
[UIView animateWithDuration:1.0
[self.view layoutIfNeeded]; // this is what actually causes the views to animate to their new layout
completion:^(BOOL finished) {
// Run the animation again in the other direction
self.isAnimatingToEndState = !self.isAnimatingToEndState;
if (self.navigationController) { // this will be nil if this view controller is no longer in the navigation stack (stops animation when this view controller is no longer onscreen)
[self animateLayoutWithSpringAnimation];