- 问题1:学号重复了,数据还可以插入成功
—(1)、在确定为主键的字段后添加 primary key关键字
—(2)、在创建表的后面使用:constraints pk_表名_字段名 primary key(字段名)
–(3)、在创建表后使用 alter table 表名 add constraints pk_表名_字段名 primary key(字段名);
—(1)、创建表的时候在字段后面添加not null
—(2)、在创建表字段后使用 constraints ck_表名_字段名 check(字段名 is not null) 了解
–(3)、在创建表后使用alter table 表名 modify 字段名 类型 not null;
—(4)、修改字段可以存储空值:alter table 表名 modify 字段名 类型 null;
(1)、在字段后使用 references 参照表表名(参照字段)
–(2)、在所有字段后使用 constraints fk_表名_字段名 foreign key(字段名) references 参照表名(参照字段名)
–(3)、在创建表后使用alter table 表名 add constraints fk_表名_字段名 foreign key(字段名) references 参照表名(参照字段名)
–删除外键 alter table 表名 drop constraints fk_表名_字段名
–在创建外键时 on delete cascade
–在创建外键时 on delete set null
外键的值能为 not null? 不建议在外键后使用非空约束
create table student(
sno number(10) primary key,
sname varchar2(100),
sage number(3),
ssex char(4),
sbirth date,
sqq varchar2(30)
create table student(
sno number(10),
sname varchar2(100),
sage number(3),
ssex char(4),
sbirth date,
sqq varchar2(30),
constraint pk_student_sno primary key(sno) ---添加主键约束
create table student(
sno number(10),
sname varchar2(100),
sage number(3),
ssex char(4),
sbirth date,
sqq varchar2(30)
);alter table student add constraint pk_student_sno primary key(sno);alter table student drop constraint pk_student_sno;
select * from student for update;
drop table student;
create table student(
sno number(10) primary key,
sname varchar2(100) not null,
sage number(3),
ssex char(4),
sbirth date,
sqq varchar2(30)
create table student(
sno number(10) primary key,
sname varchar2(100),
sage number(3),
ssex char(4),
sbirth date,
sqq varchar2(30),
constraints ck_student_sname check(sname is not null)
reate table student(
sno number(10) primary key,
sname varchar2(100),
sage number(3),
ssex char(4),
sbirth date,
sqq varchar2(30)
alter table student add constraint ch_student_sname check(sname is not null);
alter table student drop constraint ch_student_sname
create table student(
sno number(10) primary key,
sname varchar2(100) not null,
sage number(3) check(sage<150 and sage>0),
ssex char(4) check(ssex ='男' or ssex = '女'),
sbirth date,
sqq varchar2(30)
create table student(
sno number(10) primary key,
sname varchar2(100) not null,
sage number(3),
ssex char(4) check(ssex ='男' or ssex = '女'),
sbirth date,
sqq varchar2(30),
constraint ch_student_sage check(sage<150 and sage>0)
create table student(
sno number(10) primary key,
sname varchar2(100) not null,
sage number(3),
ssex char(4) check(ssex ='男' or ssex = '女'),
sbirth date,
sqq varchar2(30)
alter table student add constraint ch_student_sage check(sage<150 and sage>0);
alter table student drop constraint ch_student_sage;
create table student(
sno number(10) primary key,
sname varchar2(100) not null,
sage number(3) check(sage>1 and sage < 200) ,
ssex char(4) check(ssex ='男' or ssex = '女'),
sbirth date,
sqq varchar2(30) unique
insert into student values(6,'关晓彤003',18,'女',to_date('1998-05-26','yyyy-mm-dd'),'989');
create table student(
sno number(10) primary key,
sname varchar2(100) not null,
sage number(3) check(sage>1 and sage < 200) ,
ssex char(4) check(ssex ='男' or ssex = '女'),
sbirth date,
sqq varchar2(30),
constraint ch_student_sqq unique(sqq)
create table student(
sno number(10) primary key,
sname varchar2(100) not null,
sage number(3) check(sage>1 and sage < 200) ,
ssex char(4) check(ssex ='男' or ssex = '女'),
sbirth date,
sqq varchar2(30)
alter table student add constraint un_student_sqq unique(sqq);
选取–一般选取 父表的主键做为字表的外键
create table student(
sno number(10) primary key,
sname varchar2(100) not null,
sage number(3) check(sage>1 and sage < 200) ,
ssex char(4) check(ssex ='男' or ssex = '女'),
sbirth date,
sqq varchar2(30) unique,
cno number(10) references clazz(cno) --可以起不同的名,是映射关系
create table clazz (
cno number(10) primary key,
cname varchar(100) not null,
cdesc varchar(200)
insert into student values(11,'关晓彤003',18,'女',to_date('1998-05-26','yyyy-mm-dd'),'11',1);
insert into student values(12,'关晓彤003',18,'女',to_date('1998-05-26','yyyy-mm-dd'),'22',1);
insert into student values(13,'关晓彤003',18,'女',to_date('1998-05-26','yyyy-mm-dd'),'333',2);
insert into student values(14,'关晓彤003',18,'女',to_date('1998-05-26','yyyy-mm-dd'),'444',2);
insert into clazz values(1,'java','java');
insert into clazz values(2,'pathon','pathon');
select * from student s inner join clazz c on s.cno = c.cno;
insert into student values(15,'关晓彤003',18,'女',to_date('1998-05-26','yyyy-mm-dd'),'55',3);
create table student(
sno number(10) primary key,
sname varchar2(100) not null,
sage number(3) check(sage>1 and sage < 200) ,
ssex char(4) check(ssex ='男' or ssex = '女'),
sbirth date,
sqq varchar2(30) unique,
cno number(10),--可以起不同的名,是映射关系
constraint fk_student_cno foreign key(cno) references clazz(cno)
create table student(
sno number(10) primary key,
sname varchar2(100) not null,
sage number(3) check(sage>1 and sage < 200) ,
ssex char(4) check(ssex ='男' or ssex = '女'),
sbirth date,
sqq varchar2(30) unique,
cno number(10)--可以起不同的名,是映射关系
alter table student add constraint fk_student_cno foreign key(cno) references clazz(cno);
alter table student drop constraint fk_student_cno;
on delete cascade 删除父表时候,字表一起删除
delete set null 删除父表时候,字表设置为null
alter table student add constraint fk_student_cno foreign key(cno) references clazz(cno) on delete cascade;
alter table student add constraint fk_student_cno foreign key(cno) references clazz(cno) on delete set null;
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