


The value of life lies not in the length of days, but in the use we make of them.


—— Michel de Montaigne  蒙田,法国作家


You are welcome to run school in Shanghai! If you apply for opening a school here, you must state your right purpose of running the school; and you must have a well-managed organization, a qualified administrative staff and teachers, suitable teaching sites, books teaching facilities and equipment, living facilities and, of course, enough funds and stable financial resources.

Besides, in the process of your application, you will submit application letters of joint school management, rules and regulations governing the work ofthe partner institutes, reports on feasibility, the written approval from your Chinese partner institution, the letters of intent oragreement of cooperation from both partners, as well as the notarizedcertificate of your credit.

According to ourcountry’s stipulations, the cooperative schools must be runjointly by foreign corporate bodies, legal personalities orinternational organizations and Chinese educational institutions orsocial organizations with legal qualifications, and the joint schools must enroll mainly Chinese citizens in the territory.

When your application has been accepted and you have been granted the permit torun a school, your school gains the qualification of a legal personality and thereby takes the responsibility of running a school. Now you can officially enroll students according to the government’spolicies concerned.

You can run a school for the children of foreigners in China. Such schools can take in the children of foreigners bearing residence permits, but are not allowed to enroll the children of Chinese citizens in China.

The funds of running the school should be raised by the applicants; the school is not allowed to engage in commercial activities or any profit-earning activities. Incidentally, schools that target at the children offoreigners can only engage in education no higher than the secondary level.








在……办学:run school in sp

申请:apply for

宗旨、目的:purpose of

健全的组织机构:well-managed organization


章程:rules and regulations


经公正的证明:notarized certificate

我们国家规定:According to our country’s stipulations

法人:legal personality

招生:enroll students

承担……的责任:take responsibility of

筹钱:raise funds/money

从事/实施:engage in

商业活动:commercial activity

营利性的活动:profit-earning activity


不高于:no higher than

