Lesson 31 A lovable eccentric

Words and expressions

1. Eccentric 古怪的

Eccentric behavior 古怪的行为

2. Disregard 不顾,漠视

Synonym: ignore

3. Invariably 总是,经常

It means always.

4. Shrewd 精明的,有眼光的

A shrewd businessman

Shrew 泼妇

5. Eccentricity 古怪行为,反常

6. Snob势利小人

E.g. He is such a snob.

7. Dump把...砰地一声抛下;甩

E.g. Who dump who?

8. Everyday people 普通人

Everyday life 日常生活

9. Apologetic 道歉的

Apologetic about/for sth

E.g. She was apologetic about the mistakes she had made.

10. Reprimand 训斥

Synonym: rebuke

11. Stage 组织,筹划;举办

Synonym: organize

E.g. Stage a strike/ protest

12. Elaborate 复杂的,详尽的

13. Bedraggled 弄湿的,不整洁的

E.g. Bedraggled hair/ clothes

14. Set out to do do sth 意图做某事

Set off 使(警报)响起

E.g. He is going to set off the alarm.

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