Management: 尤其是对一线销售的监管
Metrics: 衡量标准,比如,一周客户拜访数量,销售机会创建数量,销售机会的推进情况,订单业绩(Booking),发货及收款(Billing)。Data at the sales manager level. Data sliced by product line,by region,by customer segment and by the stages of their sales cycle.
Sample measures of Sales Activities
include things like:
Number of Sales Calls Made pre Rep
Percentage of Reps Using CRM
Percentage of Account Plans Completed
Number of Accounts Assigned Per Rep
Number of Reps Assigned Per Manager
Dollars Spent on Rep Training
However,Our research therefore informed us of an irrefutable fact: Activities can be managed – outcomes can't
Examples of Business Result metrics
Revenue Growth
Number of Units Sold
Percentage Share of Market
Gross Profit
Customer Satisfaction Rating
Examples of Sales objectives metrics:
Percent Share-of-Wallet
Number of New Customers Acquired
Days Ramp-Up Time for New Salespeople
Percent Customer Retention
Percent of Target Customers Contacted
Methodology: 系统化,纪律化的方法。通过管理可以管理的Sales Activities来管理最终的Business Results
一个好的业绩管理者,需要一个作战室“ War Room”,里面有一系列的进度报告,和当前为了完成业绩所应该采取的措施,以及大订单涉及的相关部门和相关人员