第一章 Aegon's Conquest 部分5

第一章 Aegon's Conquest 部分5 - 知乎

《冰与火之歌前传火与血 英文原版 权力的游戏300年前的故事Fire and Blood Game of Thrones Song of Ice 乔治马丁 [精装] George R.R. Martin [平装] George R.R. Martin》 George R.R. Martin【摘要 书评 试读】图书

All three of the Targaryen thrusts faced fierce opposition. Lords Errol, Fell, and Buckler, bannermen to Storm's End, surprised the advance elements of Orys Baratheon's host as they were crossing th Wendwater, cutting down more than a thousand men before fading back into the trees. A hastily assembled Arryn fleet, augmented by a dozen Braavosi warships, met and defeated the Targayyen fleet in the waters off Gulltown. Amongst the dead was Aegon's admiral, Daemon Velaryon. Aegon himself was attacked on the south shore of the Gods Eye, not once but twice. The Battle of the Reeds was a Targaryen victory, but they suffered heavy losses at the Wailing Willows when two of King Harren's sons crossed the lake in longboats with muffled oars and fell upon their rear.


In the end, though, Aegon's enemies had no answer for his dragons. The men of the Vale sank a third of the Targaryen ships and captured near as many, but when Queen Visenya descended upon them from the sky, their own ships burned, Lords Errol, Fell, and Buckler hid in their familiar forests until Queen Rhaenys unleashed Meraxes and a wall of fire wept through the woods, turning the trees to torches. And the victors at the Wailing Willows, returning across the lake to Harrenhal, were ill prepared when Balerion fell upon them out of the morning sky. Harren's longboats burned. So did Harren's sons.

然而,伊耿的敌人最终还是无法对付他的龙。 在谷地的人击沉了三分之一的坦格利安舰队,并俘获了差不多同样的的人,但是当韦塞雅王后从天而降,他们的军队战船被烧毁,埃罗尔,费尔河贝克勒藏在他们熟悉的森林之中,直到蕾妮斯让米拉西斯喷火,一到火墙席卷了整个森林,树木全部都烧毁了。当贝勒里恩从天而降时,泣柳之战的胜利者,穿过湖泊的赫伦军队还未做好准备。赫伦和他儿子的战船被烧毁。

Aegon's foes also found themselves plagued by other enemies. As Argilac the Arrogant gathered his swords at Storm's End, pirates from the Stepstones descended on the shores of Cape Watch to take advantage of their absence, and Dornish raiding parties came boiling out of the Red Mountains to sweep across the marches. In the Vale, young King Ronnel had to contend with a rebellion on the Three Sisters, when the Sistermen renounced all allegiance to the Eyrie and proclaimed Lady Marla Sunderland their queen.


Yet these were but minor vexations compared to what befell Harren the Black. Though House Hoare had ruled the river lands for three generations, the men of the Trident had no love for their iron born overlords. Harren the Black had driven thousands to their deaths in the building of his great castle of Harrenhal, plundering the river lands for materials, and beggaring lords and smallfork alike with his appetite for gold. So now the river lands rose against him, led by Lord Edmyn Tully of Riverrun. Summoned to the defense of Harrrenbal, Tully declared for House Targaryen instead, raised the dragon banner over his castle, and rode forth with his heart to the other river lords. One by one, the lords of the Trident renounced Harren and declared for Aegon the Dragon. Blackwoods, Malisters, Vances, Brackens, Pipers, Freys, Strongs ... summoning their levies, they descended on Harrenhal.


Suddenly outnumbered, King Harren the Black took refuge in his supposedly impregnable stronghold. The larger castle ever raised in Westeros, Harrenhal boasted five gargantuan towers, an inexhaustible source of fresh water, huge subterranean vaults well stocked with provisions, and massive walls of black stone higher than any ladder and too thick to be broken by any ram or shattered by a trebuchet. Harren barred his gates and settled down with his remaining sons and supporters to withstand a siege. 


Aegon of Dragonstone was of a different mind. Once he had joined his power with that of Edmyn Tully and the other river lords to ring the castle, he sent a maester to the gates under a peace banner, to parley. Harren emerged to meet him; an old man and grey, yet still fierce in his back armor. Each king had his banner bearer and his maester in attendance, so the words that they exchanged are still remembered. 


"Yield now," Aegon began, "and you may remain as Lord of the Iron Islands, Yield now, and your sons will live to rule after you. I have eight thousand men outside your walls."


"What is outside my walls is of no concern to me," said Harren. "Those walls are strong and thick."


"But not so high as to keep out dragons, Dragons fly."


"I built in stone," said Harren. "Stone does not burn."


To which Aegon said, "When the sun sets, your line shall end."


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第一章 Aegon's Conquest 部分4 -

thrust: vt 插入,挤入,猛推

fierce:adj 凶猛的,猛烈的

hastily: adj 匆忙的 急速的

augmented: adj 扩充的

admiral:n 海军上将,舰队司令

muffled:adj 听不清的,蒙住的

oars:n桨,vt 划船

rear: n 后面,后背

unleashed:vt 释放

torches: 火把,电筒

be ill prepared 尚未准备充分

foes:n 敌人,反对者

plagued:vt 困扰,折磨

pirates:n 海盗

raid : vt 突袭

came boiling out of 从...冒出来

rebellion: n 叛乱,反抗

renounced: vt 宣布放弃,与 ... 断绝关系

vexations: n 苦恼,恼怒,令人烦恼的事

befell: vt 降临,发生

Summon: vt 传唤,召集

plunder: vt 掠夺




impregnable:adj 无法攻克的

boasted:n 自夸

gargantuan:adj 庞大的,巨大的


barred:v 封锁

parley:n 谈判,会谈

ram: n 撞击装置,有撞角的军舰

trebuchet:n 抛石机

withstand:v 反抗

siege:n 围攻,包围

emerged:v 出现,浮现,暴露

fierce: adj 凶猛的,猛烈的

yield:v 投降,屈服

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