
这部分教程依然来自Happy Belly Bioinformatics网站, 主要学习一下使用DADA2获得ASVs数据之后的进一步分析。譬如,微生物群落多样性,样品间的微生物群落差异分析以及系统进化等。

1. 工作环境设置和数据导入

> setwd("C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Documents\\R_work\\amplicon_example_workflow\\R_working_dir")
> getwd()
[1] "C:/Users/Administrator/Documents/R_work/amplicon_example_workflow/R_working_dir"
> list.files()
[1] "amplicon_example_analysis.R" "ASVs_counts.txt"            
[3] "ASVs_taxonomy.txt"           "sample_info.txt"  
> library("phyloseq")
> library("vegan")
> library("DESeq2")


The following objects are masked from ‘package:Biobase’:

    anyMissing, rowMedians



The following objects are masked from ‘package:matrixStats’:

    colMaxs, colMins, colRanges, rowMaxs, rowMins, rowRanges

The following objects are masked from ‘package:base’:

    aperm, apply

> library("ggplot2")
> library("dendextend")
> library("tidyr")
> library("viridis")
> library("reshape")

> count_tab <- read.table("ASVs_counts.txt", header=T, row.names=1, check.names=F)
> tax_tab <- as.matrix(read.table("ASVs_taxonomy.txt", header=T, row.names=1, check.names=F, na.strings="", sep="\t"))
> sample_info_tab <- read.table("sample_info.txt", header=T, row.names=1, check.names=F)
> sample_info_tab
      temp    type      char
B1       blank      
B2       blank      
B3       blank      
B4       blank      
BW1    2.0   water     water
BW2    2.0   water     water
R10   13.7    rock    glassy
R11    7.3    rock    glassy
R11BF  7.3 biofilm   biofilm
R12       rock   altered
R1A    8.6    rock   altered
R1B    8.6    rock   altered
R2     8.6    rock   altered
R3    12.7    rock   altered
R4    12.7    rock   altered
R5    12.7    rock   altered
R6    12.7    rock   altered
R7        rock carbonate
R8    13.5    rock    glassy
R9    13.7    rock    glassy

2. 数据清洗

# first we need to get a sum for each ASV across all 4 blanks and all 16 samples
blank_ASV_counts <- rowSums(count_tab[,1:4])
sample_ASV_counts <- rowSums(count_tab[,5:20])

# now we normalize them, here by dividing the samples' total by 4 ??? as there are 4x as many samples (16) as there are blanks (4)
norm_sample_ASV_counts <- sample_ASV_counts/4

# here we're getting which ASVs are deemed likely contaminants based on the threshold noted above:
blank_ASVs <- names(blank_ASV_counts[blank_ASV_counts * 10 > norm_sample_ASV_counts])
length(blank_ASVs) # this approach identified about 50 out of ~1550 that are likely to have orginated from contamination

# now we normalize them, here by dividing the samples' total by 4 ??? as there are 4x as many samples (16) as there are blanks (4)
norm_sample_ASV_counts <- sample_ASV_counts/4

# here we're getting which ASVs are deemed likely contaminants based on the threshold noted above:
blank_ASVs <- names(blank_ASV_counts[blank_ASV_counts * 10 > norm_sample_ASV_counts])

length(blank_ASVs) # this approach identified about 50 out of ~1550 that are likely to have orginated from contamination

# looking at the percentage of reads retained for each sample after removing these presumed contaminant ASVs shows that the blanks lost almost all of their sequences, while the samples, other than one of the bottom water samples, lost less than 1% of their sequences, as would be hoped
colSums(count_tab[!rownames(count_tab) %in% blank_ASVs, ]) / colSums(count_tab) * 100

# now that we've used our extraction blanks to identify ASVs that were likely due to contamination, we're going to trim down our count table by removing those sequences and the blank samples from further analysis
filt_count_tab <- count_tab[!rownames(count_tab) %in% blank_ASVs, -c(1:4)]

# and here make a filtered sample info table that doesn't contain the blanks
filt_sample_info_tab<-sample_info_tab[-c(1:4), ]

# and let's add some colors to the sample info table that are specific to sample types and characteristics that we will use when plotting things
# we'll color the water samples blue: 
filt_sample_info_tab$color[filt_sample_info_tab$char == "water"] <- "blue"

# the biofilm sample a darkgreen:
filt_sample_info_tab$color[filt_sample_info_tab$char == "biofilm"] <- "darkgreen"

# the basalts with highly altered, thick outer rinds (>1 cm) brown ("chocolate4" is the best brown I can find...):
filt_sample_info_tab$color[filt_sample_info_tab$char == "altered"] <- "chocolate4"
# the basalts with smooth, glassy, thin exteriors black:
filt_sample_info_tab$color[filt_sample_info_tab$char == "glassy"] <- "black"
# and the calcified carbonate sample an ugly yellow:
filt_sample_info_tab$color[filt_sample_info_tab$char == "carbonate"] <- "darkkhaki"

# and now looking at our filtered sample info table we can see it has an addition column for color

3. β多样性分析

一般的方法是,以最低测序深度样品为基准,将所有样品测序深度通过二次抽样调整到最低测序深度水平;或者是将每个样品测序的数量转化为比例值。作者这里推荐使用 DESeq2 包的来标准化样品数据。

# first we need to make a DESeq2 object
> deseq_counts <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(filt_count_tab, colData = filt_sample_info_tab, design = ~type)
> deseq_counts_vst <- varianceStabilizingTransformation(deseq_counts)
# pulling out our transformed table 
> vst_trans_count_tab <- assay(deseq_counts_vst)
# and calculating our Euclidean distance matrix
> euc_dist <- dist(t(vst_trans_count_tab))

> euc_clust <- hclust(euc_dist, method="ward.D2")

# plot(euc_clust) # hclust objects like this can be plotted as is, but i like to change them to dendrograms for two reasons:
  # 1) it's easier to color the dendrogram plot by groups
  # 2) if you want you can rotate clusters with the rotate() function of the dendextend package

> euc_dend <- as.dendrogram(euc_clust, hang=0.1)
> dend_cols <- filt_sample_info_tab$color[order.dendrogram(euc_dend)]
> labels_colors(euc_dend) <- dend_cols

> plot(euc_dend, ylab="VST Euc. dist.")




> # making our phyloseq object with transformed table
> vst_count_phy <- otu_table(vst_trans_count_tab, taxa_are_rows=T)
> sample_info_tab_phy <- sample_data(filt_sample_info_tab)
> vst_physeq <- phyloseq(vst_count_phy, sample_info_tab_phy)
> # generating and visualizing the PCoA with phyloseq
> vst_pcoa <- ordinate(vst_physeq, method="MDS", distance="euclidean")
> eigen_vals <- vst_pcoa$values$Eigenvalues # allows us to scale the axes according to their magnitude of separating apart the samples
> plot_ordination(vst_physeq, vst_pcoa, color="char") + 
+   labs(col="type") + geom_point(size=1) + 
+   geom_text(aes(label=rownames(filt_sample_info_tab), hjust=0.3, vjust=-0.4)) + 
+   coord_fixed(sqrt(eigen_vals[2]/eigen_vals[1])) + ggtitle("PCoA") + 
+   scale_color_manual(values=unique(filt_sample_info_tab$color[order(filt_sample_info_tab$char)])) + 
+   theme(legend.position="none")


4. α多样性分析


> rarecurve(t(filt_count_tab), step=100, col=filt_sample_info_tab$color, lwd=2, ylab="ASVs")


# first we need to create a phyloseq object using our un-transformed count table
> count_tab_phy <- otu_table(filt_count_tab, taxa_are_rows=T)
> tax_tab_phy <- tax_table(tax_tab)
> ASV_physeq <- phyloseq(count_tab_phy, tax_tab_phy, sample_info_tab_phy)
# first we need to create a phyloseq object using our un-transformed count table
> count_tab_phy <- otu_table(filt_count_tab1, taxa_are_rows=T)
> tax_tab_phy <- tax_table(tax_tab)
> ASV_physeq <- phyloseq(count_tab_phy, tax_tab_phy, sample_info_tab_phy)
# and now we can call the plot_richness() function on our phyloseq object
> plot_richness(ASV_physeq, color="char", measures=c("Chao1", "Shannon")) + 
+   scale_color_manual(values=unique(filt_sample_info_tab$color[order(filt_sample_info_tab$char)])) +
+   theme(legend.title = element_blank())


> plot_richness(ASV_physeq, x="type", color="char", measures=c("Chao1", "Shannon")) + 
+   scale_color_manual(values=unique(filt_sample_info_tab$color[order(filt_sample_info_tab$char)])) +
+   theme(legend.title = element_blank())

