
在REPL中运行val s = 3.将会发生如下情况

scala> val s = 3.
warning: there were 1 deprecation warning(s); re-run with -deprecation for details
s: Double = 3.0

而运行val s = 3则不会发生警告

scala> val s = 3
s: Int = 3

我们退出scala并使用scala -deprecation重新进入

scala> val e = 3.
<console>:1: warning: This lexical syntax is deprecated.  From scala 2.11, a dot will only be considered part of a number if it is immediately followed by a digit.
       val e = 3.
<console>:7: warning: This lexical syntax is deprecated.  From scala 2.11, a dot will only be considered part of a number if it is immediately followed by a digit.
       val e = 3.
e: Double = 3.0



scala> (2).+(3)
res4: Int = 5



scala> (2.)+(3)
<console>:1: warning: This lexical syntax is deprecated.  From scala 2.11, a dot will only be considered part of a number if it is immediately followed by a digit.
<console>:2: warning: This lexical syntax is deprecated.  From scala 2.11, a dot will only be considered part of a number if it is immediately followed by a digit.
<console>:8: warning: This lexical syntax is deprecated.  From scala 2.11, a dot will only be considered part of a number if it is immediately followed by a digit.
res2: Double = 5.0

或者也可以这样使用 (2.).+(3)

scala> (2.).+(3)
<console>:1: warning: This lexical syntax is deprecated.  From scala 2.11, a dot will only be considered part of a number if it is immediately followed by a digit.
<console>:2: warning: This lexical syntax is deprecated.  From scala 2.11, a dot will only be considered part of a number if it is immediately followed by a digit.
<console>:8: warning: This lexical syntax is deprecated.  From scala 2.11, a dot will only be considered part of a number if it is immediately followed by a digit.
res1: Double = 5.0


scala> 2..+3
<console>:1: warning: This lexical syntax is deprecated.  From scala 2.11, a dot will only be considered part of a number if it is immediately followed by a digit.
<console>:1: error: ';' expected but integer literal found.

scala> (2.).+3
<console>:1: warning: This lexical syntax is deprecated.  From scala 2.11, a dot will only be considered part of a number if it is immediately followed by a digit.
<console>:1: error: ';' expected but integer literal found.
