When I read the first part, I felt  a strong sense of contradiction. The second part made me think I'm gradually getting used to it. However, I feel kind of bored reading the third part.

      It mainly describe the plot happened during a book-share party. Rather than a novel, It seems more like a essay. People keep talking and discussing and socializing, but it doesn't actually have a clear storyline. What I can sense clearly through this part is that Elio and Olive are really quite different people.

        Olive is an experienced adult who can handle all the situation perfectly and is well accepted by everyone, while Elio is still a young boy who is shy and feels embarrassed to express himself. The differences make their love determined to be a tragedy(my forecast),because Elio takes it as a superiority while Olive would never give up the rest of his splendid life for it.

The lyrics of the song they heard when they came back to the bar may suggest the ending of themselves

  Chiagneva sempe ca durmeva sola,    mo dorme co’ li muorte accompagnata.                She always wept because she slept alone, Now she sleeps among the dead.

Maybe the best result is that they cherish the unforgettable memory deep down their hearts, and keep living and loving as most of the society would accept.

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