EOS Permission Data Structure

   struct permission_level {
      account_name    actor;
      permission_name permission;

   struct action {
      account_name               account;
      action_name                name;
      vector   authorization;
      bytes                      data;

   struct authority {
     uint32_t                          threshold = 0;
     vector                keys;
     vector   accounts;
     vector               waits;

   class permission_object : public chainbase::object {
      OBJECT_CTOR(permission_object, (auth) )

      id_type                           id;
      permission_usage_object::id_type  usage_id;
      id_type                           parent; ///< parent permission
      account_name                      owner; ///< the account this permission belongs to
      permission_name                   name; ///< human-readable name for the permission
      time_point                        last_updated; ///< the last time this authority was updated
      shared_authority                  auth; ///< authority required to execute this permission


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