Who I am and why I blog

Who I am?

I was born in the tail of May, so I am a split Gemini. That’s one of the facts I cannot change even one byte. As a qualified Gemini, I have tried things totally different.

First of all, I am a Software Engineer, which is another experience I cannot change even one letter. I begun my first semester of computer science major in September 2006, and in December same year begun first job as code farmer in a startup Internet company. The coding life lasts 5 years to 2012, when I became a real software engineer (so called architect, sound better).

2012 is a lucky year, that show me the way to become a Consultant. Originally I could running along the way as an engineer, which I was familiar with (although not easy), but I have got a chance to work as a consultant. That’s sound strange, I began to thought what is the real problem a company met?

Internet companies often announce they are driven by engineer, is that the truth? Top companies got brilliant guys, but how to build organisation to keep them work smoothly? We bring business to mobile and ATM, like they are just another channel, is there any essential changes made by technology? Maybe my thought is not similar to management masters, but I can design the roadmap to deliver a real consultancy report, I could figure out if there is a trap the MBAs do not familiar.

My dream profession is Student, an avid student. I desire all knowledge unknown, we can discuss how to optimise web performance, we can talk about how to reduce operation process of commercial bank, photography is also favored, of course.

Why I blog?

Personally, blogging is not easy. It costs 3 or 5 hours if I write a blog with high quality (high for me). At the beginning I wrote in [www.cnblogs.com/wizcabbit], that blog focus on IT technologies, especially web front-end. Currently I begin to write in Medium, this collections will focus on the thinking of engineering, consultancy and others. So why I blog?

Thinking and leads to understanding

Blogging forces me to write down what I am thinking of. That’s the most valuable I did blog.

Have you heard the Rubber Duck Debugging? It is a famous method in IT industry. If we get jammed, we need to explain every opinion (or codes) to a rubber duck, incongruity might becomes apparent when we write it down.

Blog is my rubber duck, when I move from my mind to "paper" , a lot of the mistake goes away. It forces me to understand what I am thinking.

Force to do my best.

Blogging is a bit like public speaking, even my grand father will dress suit when public speaking. Show my opinions in blog forces me to keep my highest quality, although I will grow up, I am writing my best.

In the process though I will learn how to live with a thick skin and how to confidently state my opinion. I will also come to be more zen about putting myself out there in general. In my opinion, these skills are essential for good entrepreneurs and hard to learn elsewhere.

An eye for meaningful things.

By necessity, blogging requires a filter. It’s simply not possible to write about every event, every thought, and every happening in your life. Instead, blogging is a never-ending process of choosing to articulate the most meaningful opinions and the most important thoughts.

This process of choice helps me to develop an eye for meaningful things.


Yep, that’s me, a split Gemini.

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