慵懒收纳术【Ch 13 S 2】


Mi's Inspiration Chapter 13

Session 2: Organize small items on the table

慵懒收纳术【Ch 13 S 2】_第1张图片


Small items enjoy playing the hide and seek games with you, it is a fun game to them but a headache to you.

慵懒收纳术【Ch 13 S 2】_第2张图片

If we can separate and store the stationery items in individually designated zones, it will be much easier for us. This doesn't mean that we necessary need to store said items in drawers, here are some useful tools we can use for table management.

慵懒收纳术【Ch 13 S 2】_第3张图片
慵懒收纳术【Ch 13 S 2】_第4张图片
慵懒收纳术【Ch 13 S 2】_第5张图片

而恼人的电线,耳机线、打印机线、电源也是令人头痛的另一个扰乱桌面的小坏蛋,如果办工作没有自带线控管理盒, 那我们就自己在桌沿加一个呗。
Electronic devise assist us at work, but all this equipment contains wires, they can mess up your work at times. Wire holders aside the table can be useful to organize them. You can either buy it at stores or DIY.

慵懒收纳术【Ch 13 S 2】_第6张图片

S1 桌面文件整理
S3 桌面色彩管理
S4 桌面收纳Q&A
S5 收纳物分类明细

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