
Unit 1

College is not an ivory tower

【title】College is not an ivory tower

【topic sentence】College is a place where people can make a effort to achieve our dream.

【sub-topic1】College is a place where to learn and enrich yourself.

【sub-topic2】There are a lot of pressure such as studying stress and graduate employment pressure and so on.

Unit 2

Why I like to learn English

【title】I like to learn English

【topic】 English is a universal language,learning  English can help us to solve many problems.

【sub-topic1】Learning English can better communicate  with others.

【sub-topic2】Learning English can give us more chances to find a job.

Unit 3

Describe the similarities and differences in the way your father ad mother show their love for you.

【title】Happy family

【topic】Their love for me is selfless, great and plain.

【sub-topic1】My father would not express his love for me clearly.


My mother often expresses her love for me  with her behavior.

Unit 5

Imagine that you had been given a wish to change your life. Write about two personality traits that you would like to have and give your  reasons.

【title】The personality trait I want

【topic】 If I had the chance to change my life, I would choose to be optimistic and smart.

【sub-topic1】Positive people treat things positively.

【sub-topic2】A wise person can think of many unexpected things.

Unit 6

Discuss two causes of the current decline in moral values with particular reference to respect for rhe elderly.

【title】Moral value

【topic】Keep the moral line and become a moral person and a real person.

【sub-topic1】People's quality is not high.

【sub-topic2】There are few people in society who can take the lead.
