Microsoft Asp.Net Ajax框架入门(13) PageRequestManager

VS 2008

本文介绍在异步提交过程中发挥着重大作用的客户端 PageRequestManager对象。

1. PageRequestManager 客户端事件模型
Microsoft Asp.Net Ajax框架入门(13) PageRequestManager
2. 跟踪异步处理过程

< asp:ScriptManager ID = " ScriptManager1 "  runat = " server " >
</ asp:ScriptManager >
< div >
< asp:UpdatePanel ID = " uPanel1 "  runat = " server "  UpdateMode = " Conditional " >
< ContentTemplate >
< asp:TextBox ID = " txtUserName "  runat = " server "   />
< asp:Button ID = " btnShowName "  runat = " server "  Text = " show name "  
= " btnShowName_Click "   />
</ ContentTemplate >
</ asp:UpdatePanel >
< div id = " divProgress " ></ div >
</ div >

protected   void  btnShowName_Click( object  sender, EventArgs e)  {
= "guozhijian";

< script type = " text/javascript " >
        function pageLoad() 
            var req 
= Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager.getInstance();
            req.add_beginRequest(function(sender, eventArgs) 
get('divProgress').innerHTML = "loading";
            req.add_endRequest(function(sender, eventArgs) 
get('divProgress').innerHTML = "";

</ script >


3. 中断异步回刷请求

< div >
< asp:UpdatePanel ID = " uPanel1 "  runat = " server "  UpdateMode = " Conditional " >
< ContentTemplate >
< asp:TextBox ID = " txtUserName "  runat = " server "   />
< asp:Button ID = " btnShowName "  runat = " server "  Text = " show name "  
= " btnShowName_Click "   />
< asp:Button ID = " btnCancel "  runat = " server "  Text = " cancel "   />
</ ContentTemplate >
</ asp:UpdatePanel >
< div id = " divProgress " ></ div >
</ div >

    (suddenly I can't input chinese -.-! so i have no choice but use english in substitution for chinese)

    then, i am going to modify the javascript, I call the argument's get_postBackElement() function and get the id property's value, if the value equals 'btnCancel', then I know that the btnCancel button was just clicked, so I call the req's abortPostBack() function.
    note that although the partial page rendering request has been aborted, the endRequest event still gonna happen!
< script type = " text/javascript " >
        function pageLoad() 
            var req 
= Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager.getInstance();
            req.add_beginRequest(function(sender, args) 
get('divProgress').innerHTML = "loading";
if(args.get_postBackElement().id == 'btnCancel'{

            req.add_endRequest(function(sender, args) 
get('divProgress').innerHTML = "";

</ script >
4. 异常处理
    Also, we can use PageRequestManager for handling exception.
    Let the btnShowName_Click method throw an exception:
protected   void  btnShowName_Click( object  sender, EventArgs e)  {
throw new Exception("an error occured");
= "guozhijian";

    Regardless of whether an error occurs during an asynchronous postback, the PageRequestManager raises the endRequest event, so we write error handling code like this:
req.add_endRequest(function(sender, args)  {
get('divProgress').innerHTML = args.get_error().message;
    don't forget to write the line : args.set_errorHandled(true), or an window alert box will show unexpectedly.
