MY iPhone and I

It is a Sunday morning. The weather was perfect outside. It was about 75°F. Not even windy. I was running with my iPhone on. I recently started downloading audiobooks from the local library instead of borrowing CDs and then converted them to audio files and upload them to my phone. It's so convenient because I don't have to do that anymore. Although sometimes I couldn't get the titles that I am interested that's fine. I've got plenty of supplies of audio books from the library anyway. While I was running, I also had another app that was tracking my activities. I've got even one more that was tracking my heart beat. Come to think of it, it's like my iPhone is running my life. Oh one more thing, my morning run was scheduled on my calendars that are also in my phone. So, if I put a title of my entry for today, it would be something like "my iPhone is running my life". Or "my iPhone and I". Or "my iPhone is running half of my life". Something like that.
It's hard to imagine how we live today we thought our phone. For one thing, there are a lot of people especially the younger crowd are so addicted to social networks. People would often say "it's not happening until I tweeted it". I'm not so keen on using the social network features on my phone because I think it's almost a total waste of time in there. Sometime I couldn't help checking on the social network groups to see what's happening to my friends or somebody else that I don't even know just because they are on the same groups. But I often reminded myself I shouldn't stop living by just being an observer. For example, I shouldn't be just busy taking pictures of nice scenery when I was there forgot what I was there really for.
On the other hand, I think we're all pretty lucky with the latest technological advances so that we can take advantage of them. Our cell phones are so powerful that they are actually sort of supercomputers. An article about the early spacecraft that NASA launched for research for the solar system had an onboard computer that was less powerful than the first version of the iPhone. Thanks for the new technologies, most of the people can use their phone to surf the net, making calls, schedule appointments, entertain themselves and even study, not to mention wasting time on the social networks.
So much for the big talks. For myself, although I cannot say that I can't live without the phone, it will be definitely very inconvenient. For example, I use the Dragon naturally speaking app to input all these words here with just dictating to my phone. In addition to the app that I used to track my runs, I have another app that can monitor and report on my weight training status. It could even replay the recorded muscle activities like video clips of my weight training. When I drive to work, the Google map app allows me to choose a less congested highway route. When I was waiting at a dental office on my appointment, I could read my favorite books from the Kindle app and so on.
After all these thoughts, I finished my morning run. And by the way, my running pace for today sucked.

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