In May 2020, I started my first job out of university as a software engineer at Facebook. I was (supposed to be) based at its Menlo Park office. My initial excitement to work from the beautiful campus, enjoy the free (and delicious) food, and explore the many other perks has been thoroughly crushed by the Covid-19 pandemic. Like many other companies in the Bay Area and globally, Facebook’s offices have temporarily closed, with mandatory work-from-home guidance.
2020年5月,我从大学毕业开始了我的第一份工作,当时是Facebook的软件工程师。 我(应该是)在Menlo Park办公室工作。 我最初在美丽的校园里工作,享受免费(和美味)美食以及探索许多其他福利的兴奋,已经被Covid-19大流行彻底粉碎了。 与湾区以及全球其他许多公司一样,Facebook的办公室已在强制性的在家工作指导下暂时关闭。
At first, I was very apprehensive at the prospect of onboarding and working remotely. I havehad plenty of opportunities to work-from-home in the past during my various internships, but I’ve never done so, for 2 main reasons:
刚开始,我对入职和远程工作的前景感到非常担忧。 在过去的各种实习中,我曾经有很多在家工作的机会,但我从未这样做过,主要有两个原因:
Communication: As an intern, I don’t know a lot of stuff, and asking for help is part of the learning process. Communication is a lot easier in real life, when you can point to your screen or sketch out ideas on the whiteboard, instead of battling latency on video calls with “Hey, can you hear me now?” and “Sorry, you go ahead!”.
交流:作为一名实习生,我并不了解很多东西,寻求帮助是学习过程的一部分。 沟通是轻松了许多在现实生活中,当你可以点到屏幕或勾画出思想的白板上,而不是在视频通话作战延迟“嘿,你能听到我吗?” 和“对不起,您继续!”。
Social interaction: Humans are naturally social creatures, and I enjoy being able to interact with my teammates and co-workers!
Therefore, I wasn’t too excited about starting my job — no, career — remotely. I was worried I wouldn’t be able to pick up the ropes effectively — not because of bad mentorship, but because of the challenges of remote instruction. This is especially pertinent for a new grad new hire without industry experience or contextual knowledge of the particular project. Going through the onboarding process remotely meant I needed to pick up best practices, familiarize myself with internal tools, understand the architecture and frameworks, etc. without having easy access to answers if I’m ever confused.
因此,我对远程开始我的工作并不感到兴奋-不, 职业 。 我担心我将无法有效地承担起责任-不是因为指导不善,而是因为远程教学的挑战。 对于没有行业经验或对特定项目没有背景知识的新毕业生来说,这尤其重要。 远程进行入职流程意味着我需要掌握最佳实践,熟悉内部工具,了解体系结构和框架等,如果我感到困惑的话就无法轻松获得答案。
And I’m not gonna lie, I was totally bummed out that I’d be missing out on Facebook’s “Bootcamp” experience for new engineers, which is supposed to be really fun and social (from what I hear anyway!)
而且我不会撒谎,我完全为自己感到沮丧,因为我会错过Facebook为新工程师提供的“ Bootcamp”体验,这应该是非常有趣和社交的(无论如何,我还是会听到!)
快速介绍一下-虚拟Bootcamp (A quick aside — virtual Bootcamp)
Props to the Bootcamp team though— in a matter of weeks, they completely virtualized the Bootcamp curriculum and rolled out an online Bootcamp experience.
In terms of learning outcomes, I can’t complain — the videos are pretty effective, and definitely prepared me for real work in a real team. In terms of the fun factor and social aspect, however, watching training videos from my apartment every day would definitely not rank up high in my list of fun experiences. (This is not the Bootcamp team’s fault in any way though!)
就学习成果而言,我不能抱怨-这些视频非常有效,而且绝对可以让我为一支真正的团队中的实际工作做好准备。 但是,就娱乐因素和社交方面而言,每天从我的公寓观看培训视频绝对不会在我的娱乐经历列表中排名靠前。 (但这绝不是Bootcamp团队的错!)
And as if starting in a new team remotely as a new grad wasn’t challenging enough, I had to contend with a 15-hour time zone difference. Due to the pandemic, I was working remotely from Singapore, while the majority of my team was based in the US West Coast.
好像以新毕业生的身份远程组建一个新团队还不够挑战,我不得不应对15小时的时区差异。 由于大流行,我在新加坡以外的地方工作,而我的大多数团队都在美国西海岸工作。
生存技巧 (Survival tips)
Over the past few months, I’ve learned a lot about working remotely effectively. I want to take this opportunity to reflect on my experiences and share them.
在过去的几个月中,我学到了很多有关有效进行远程工作的知识。 我想借此机会反思并分享自己的经验。
通讯 (Communication)
Communicate, communicate, communicate! I can’t stress this enough. Communication is less effective online, so it is essential that you recognize this and make an active effort to compensate! There are two points to be made about communication.
交流,交流,交流! 我不能太强调这一点。 在线交流的效果较差,因此至关重要的是您必须意识到这一点并做出积极的努力来弥补! 关于沟通有两点。
Firstly, make sure that what you’re saying is what’s they’re hearing. Be extra-clear in your communications (especially written), and re-read everything. Text conveys a lot less information than speaking in person; it’s estimated that 93% of communication is nonverbal.
首先,请确保您要说的是他们所听到的。 在沟通中要特别清晰(尤其是书面内容),然后重新阅读所有内容。 文字传达的信息要比亲身传达的信息少得多; 据估计,有93%的交流是非语言的 。
Don’t assume that the other party is reading what you wrote with the same context that you had when you wrote it. This is especially true for asynchronous communications like emails or posts (or basically any other non-instant medium) where the reader could be reading your message hours after you sent it, while working on and thinking about something completely different.
不要以为对方在阅读时所写的内容与撰写时所处的上下文相同。 对于诸如电子邮件或帖子(或基本上任何其他非即时媒体)之类的异步通信而言,尤其如此,在这种异步通信中,读者可以在发送消息后的数小时内阅读您的消息,同时进行思考和思考完全不同的事物。
If you’re asking a question, set out the context to bring the reader up to speed: the task you’re working on, what you’re trying to do, how you are stuck, what you did to try to resolve it, etc.
Secondly, keep everyone on the same page! It’s harder to be in sync with your teammates when they are halfway across the world instead of sitting beside you. Be proactive in sharing information such as progress updates.
其次,让每个人都在同一页面上! 当您的队友环游世界而不是坐在您身边时,很难与他们同步。 主动共享进度更新等信息。
任务调度 (Task scheduling)
Because of the time zone difference between most of my team and myself, I try to optimize the way I schedule my tasks. For context, I work from 5am (2pm PST) to 1pm (10pm PST), so there is a decent window of overlap between our work schedules. That also means that my sleep window overlaps with the first half of standard business hours in the US West Coast.
由于大多数团队和我自己所在的时区不同,我尝试优化计划任务的方式。 就上下文而言,我的工作时间是从凌晨5点(太平洋标准时间下午2点)到下午1点(太平洋标准时间晚上10点),因此我们的工作时间表之间有相当大的重叠时间。 这也意味着我的睡眠窗口与美国西海岸标准营业时间的前半部分重叠。
Therefore, I have optimized how I schedule my tasks:
- If a task has a dependency (e.g. code needs to be reviewed and approved, a question requires clarification), I would try to reach the point where I am blocked before I sleep. This way, I can parallelize the unblocking with my sleep (e.g. request for code review, ask for clarification), and hopefully wake up with the dependency having been unblocked and being able to continue. 如果某项任务具有依赖性(例如,需要审查和批准代码,需要澄清一个问题),我将尝试在睡觉之前达到被阻止的程度。 这样,我可以将睡眠与解除阻塞并行化(例如,请求代码审查,要求澄清),并希望在解除依赖性并能够继续运行的情况下醒来。
- If I know that a task is relatively straightforward such that I can complete it on my own, I save it for the later part of my workday when my teammates have ended their work. Conversely, I start on the difficult tasks first, so I have access to support if I need help. 如果我知道一项任务相对简单,可以自己完成,那么我会在队友结束工作后将其保存在工作日的后期。 相反,我首先开始困难的任务,因此如果需要帮助,我可以寻求支持。
- Save the (non-urgent) deploys for when everyone is online! Don’t ship stuff when you’re the only one online and risk breaking production on a Friday night in your oncall’s timezone. 保存每个人都在线时的(非紧急)部署! 当您是唯一的在线用户时,请勿运送东西,否则可能会在您提出要求的时区的星期五晚上中断生产。
学会独立学习 (Learn to learn independently)
Documentation is usually great in some places, spotty in others, and non-existent everywhere else. It’s not realistic to expect every part of the codebase to be comprehensively documented. While that might be frustrating, it makes it all the more important to learn how to learn independently.
通常在某些地方文档很好,在其他地方文档很多,而在其他地方则不存在。 期望对代码库的每个部分进行全面记录是不现实的。 尽管这可能令人沮丧,但使学习独立学习变得更加重要。
The best (and sometimes painful) way of to do that is reading code. Not sure how a framework/library should be used — search the codebase for usages, and read them. Not sure how something works — read its source code and to understand its implementation. In any case, the code is the source of truth, and documentation is always secondary and risk being outdated.
最好的(有时是痛苦的)方法是读取代码。 不确定应如何使用框架/库-在代码库中搜索用法,然后阅读它们。 不确定某些东西如何工作-阅读其源代码并了解其实现。 在任何情况下,代码都是真理的源泉,而文档始终是次要的,存在过时的风险。
畅通无阻与工作效率 (Unblocking yourself vs work efficiency)
That said, there’s also a trade-off between unblocking yourself through independent learning and working efficiently. In one of my 1:1 meetings with my mentor, he offered a guideline: try to figure a problem out for 30 minutes, and ask for help after that.
就是说,在通过独立学习解除束缚与有效工作之间还有一个权衡。 在与导师进行的1:1会谈中,他提供了一个指导原则:尝试在30分钟内解决问题,然后寻求帮助。
I think this is really important as a noob software engineer. While it’s valuable to be able to unblock yourself, it’s also important to recognize that some questions require contextual knowledge that will take a disproportionate amount of time to figure it out alone. In these situations, it’s appropriate to ask for help rather than waste hours working it out independently.
我认为作为菜鸟软件工程师,这真的很重要。 尽管能够解除封锁很有价值,但也必须认识到某些问题需要上下文知识,而这需要花费不成比例的时间才能单独解决。 在这种情况下,寻求帮助而不是浪费时间独立解决问题是合适的。
I feel that this is especially relevant while working remotely. When working from home, it’s easy to feel alone and overwhelmed when you’re stuck on a problem. In the office, it feels easier to ask for help when your co-workers are right beside you — there’s less inertia. But pinging a co-worker to ask for help feels different somehow — it feels disruptive to whatever they were doing, especially if you think that the problem is trivial. But I think it’s important to recognize that this is a mental barrier!
我觉得这在远程工作时特别重要。 在家工作时,遇到问题时很容易感到孤独和不知所措。 在办公室里,当您的同事就在您身边时,寻求帮助就容易多了-惯性较小。 但是,对同事寻求帮助的方式有些不同-对他们所做的一切都是破坏性的,特别是如果您认为问题不重要的话。 但是我认为重要的是要认识到这是一个心理障碍!
工作与生活的平衡 (Work-life balance)
Finally, I’ve read accounts from people who think that working from home destroys any semblance of a work-life balance, because the traditional office-home boundary has been blurred. (Working from home is equivalent to living in office, right?)
最后,我读过一些人的言论,他们认为在家工作会破坏工作与生活的平衡,因为传统的办公室与家庭之间的界限已经模糊了。 (在家工作等于住在办公室,对吧?)
I haven’t experienced this personally (thankfully!) but from what I read, it’s important to set boundaries on work. For instance, that could mean delimiting work hours, or setting up a workstation to encapsulate the “office” part of home.
我还没有亲身经历过(感谢!),但是根据我的阅读,在工作上设定界限很重要。 例如,这可能意味着划定工作时间,或者设置工作站来封装家庭的“办公室”部分。
What I love about working from home in my particular situation (i.e. a 15-hour time zone difference), is the ability to take breaks when I need to and the extreme flexibility I have in scheduling my work. Working from home lets me catch a power nap whenever I want. The 15-hour time zone difference means that apart from meetings during common hours, I can schedule my work at my convenience (since I’m working alone anyway), as long as I complete it. This affords me a lot of freedom in structuring my work and life, which I really appreciate (and is one of the upsides of this entire situation).
我喜欢在特定情况下在家工作(即15小时时区差异),这是我需要时可以休息的能力以及安排工作时的极大灵活性。 在家工作使我随时可以睡个午觉。 15小时时区的差异意味着,除了在普通时间开会外,只要我完成了工作,我就可以安排我的工作(因为我还是一个人工作)。 这给了我很大的自由来安排我的工作和生活,这是我非常感激的(这是整个情况的好处之一)。
Honestly, I don’t know when I’ll return to the office, or meet my teammates in real life. As of August 8, Facebook has extended voluntary WFH until July 2021, and the Covid-19 situation in the US does not seem to have an end in sight. For the foreseeable future, I’ll be continuing to work remotely from Singapore.
老实说,我不知道什么时候回到办公室或在现实生活中遇到队友。 截至8月8日,Facebook已将自愿性WFH延期至2021年7月,美国的Covid-19形势似乎还没有结束。 在可预见的将来,我将继续在新加坡以外的地方工作。
The learnings and takeaways above are glimpsed from my 2 months of experience working in my current team. I have no doubt that I’ll learn more life hacks and productivity tips about remote working in the second half of 2020. As that happens, I’ll probably update this article. In the meantime, I hope this article is helpful to you! And if you’re like me — new grad software engineer starting your career remotely — good luck!
我在现任团队工作了2个月,从中可以窥见上述经验和收获。 毫无疑问,我将在2020年下半年学习更多有关远程工作的生活技巧和工作效率提示。在这种情况下,我可能会更新本文。 同时,希望本文对您有所帮助! 而且,如果您像我一样-新的研究生软件工程师远程开始您的职业生涯-祝您好运!
翻译自: https://medium.com/@fabianterh/pandemic-survival-guide-for-a-new-grad-remote-software-engineer-6b188e52071a