
喜讯:上海科远迪生物科技有限公司(Shanghai Sciencelight Biology Science&Technology Co.,Ltd)

品牌 sciencelight旗下产品荧光素钾盐,货号 luc001,英文名 D-luciferin,potassium salt又登上国际杂志《cancer letters》和《Drug Delivery》,影响因子6分。

上海第九人民医院汤亭亭教授课题组应用活体成像技术发表文献。CXCR1 knockdown improves the sensitivity of osteosarcoma to cisplatin. 《Cancer Lett》2015 Dec;369 (2): 405-15Han XG,Du L,Qiao H,Tu B,Wang YG,Qin A,Dai KR,Fan QM,Tang TT. “For in vivo imaging, mice were intraperitoneally injected with 200 μl of 15 mg/ml luciferin (Keyuandi, Shanghai, China) 7–8 minutes before anesthetization with isoflurane. The images were obtained and analyzed using an IVIS 200 imaging system and Living Image software Version 3.0.4 (Xenogen, Hopkinton, MA, USA). After 5 seconds of exposure, the total flux of the region of interest (ROI) was recorded in photons/s for each animal. ”。

浙江大学药学院胡富强老师课题组应用活体成像技术发表文献。VEGF-mediated tight junctions pathological fenestration enhances doxorubicin-loaded glycolipid-like nanoparticles traversing BBB for glioblastoma-targeting therapy. 《Drug Delivery》,2017,24(1):1843-1855 Lijuan Wen, Yanan Tan, Suhuan Dai, Yun Zhu, Tingting Meng, Xiqin Yang, Yupeng Liu, Xuan Liu, Hong Yuan & Fuqiang Hu. “D-Luciferin was supplied by Shanghai Sciencelight Biology Science and Technology Co., Ltd (Shanghai, China).”。

