Tendermint 共识分析


Tendermint的共识算法可以看成是POS+BFT,Tendermint在进行BFT共识算法确认区块前 ,首先使用POS算法从Validators中选举出Proposer。然后由Proposer进行提案,最后使用BFT算法生成区块。Tendermint 的共识协议使用的gossip协议。





在同一高度确认一个区块需要使用round-based协议,包括以下五个步骤:NewHeight, Propose, Prevote, Precommit 和 Commit


  1. 指定的proposer节点不在线
  2. 由proposer提交的区块时无效的
  3. 被提案的区块没有及时的广播
  4. proposal block有效,但是没有足够多的节点在Precommit 阶段及时收到对应的 +2/3 的prevotes
  5. proposal block有效,也有足够多的节点接收到了+2/3 的prevotes,但是没有足够多的节点收到+2/3 的 precommits


                         v                                     |(Wait til `CommmitTime+timeoutCommit`)
                   +-----------+                         +-----+-----+
      +----------> |  Propose  +--------------+          | NewHeight |
      |            +-----------+              |          +-----------+
      |                                       |                ^
      |(Else, after timeoutPrecommit)         v                |
+-----+-----+                           +-----------+          |
| Precommit |  <------------------------+  Prevote  |          |
+-----+-----+                           +-----------+          |
      |(When +2/3 Precommits for block found)                  |
      v                                                        |
|  Commit                                                            |
|                                                                    |
|  * Set CommitTime = now;                                           |
|  * Wait for block, then stage/save/commit block;                   |






func NewState(
	config *cfg.ConsensusConfig,
	state sm.State,
	blockExec *sm.BlockExecutor,
	blockStore sm.BlockStore,
	txNotifier txNotifier,
	evpool evidencePool,
	options ...StateOption,
) *State {
	cs := &State{
		config:           config,
		blockExec:        blockExec,
		blockStore:       blockStore,
		txNotifier:       txNotifier,
		peerMsgQueue:     make(chan msgInfo, msgQueueSize),
		internalMsgQueue: make(chan msgInfo, msgQueueSize),
		timeoutTicker:    NewTimeoutTicker(),
		statsMsgQueue:    make(chan msgInfo, msgQueueSize),
		done:             make(chan struct{
		doWALCatchup:     true,
		wal:              nilWAL{
		evpool:           evpool,
		evsw:             tmevents.NewEventSwitch(),
		metrics:          NopMetrics(),

	// 设置一些默认函数,在reactor没有启动前可以被重写
	cs.decideProposal = cs.defaultDecideProposal
	cs.doPrevote = cs.defaultDoPrevote
	cs.setProposal = cs.defaultSetProposal

	// We have no votes, so reconstruct LastCommit from SeenCommit.
	if state.LastBlockHeight > 0 {


	// NOTE: we do not call scheduleRound0 yet, we do that upon Start()

	cs.BaseService = *service.NewBaseService(nil, "State", cs)
	for _, option := range options {

	return cs



func (cs *State) OnStart() error {

	// Double Signing Risk Reduction
	if err := cs.checkDoubleSigningRisk(cs.Height); err != nil {
		return err

	// 开启接收信息的协程
	go cs.receiveRoutine(0)

	// schedule the first round!
	// use GetRoundState so we don't race the receiveRoutine for access

	return nil



func (cs *State) receiveRoutine(maxSteps int) {
	onExit := func(cs *State) {
		// NOTE: the internalMsgQueue may have signed messages from our
		// priv_val that haven't hit the WAL, but its ok because
		// priv_val tracks LastSig

		// close wal now that we're done writing to it
		if err := cs.wal.Stop(); err != nil {
			cs.Logger.Error("failed trying to stop WAL", "error", err)


	defer func() {
		if r := recover(); r != nil {
			cs.Logger.Error("CONSENSUS FAILURE!!!", "err", r, "stack", string(debug.Stack()))
			// stop gracefully
			// NOTE: We most probably shouldn't be running any further when there is
			// some unexpected panic. Some unknown error happened, and so we don't
			// know if that will result in the validator signing an invalid thing. It
			// might be worthwhile to explore a mechanism for manual resuming via
			// some console or secure RPC system, but for now, halting the chain upon
			// unexpected consensus bugs sounds like the better option.

	for {
		if maxSteps > 0 {
			if cs.nSteps >= maxSteps {
				cs.Logger.Debug("reached max steps; exiting receive routine")
				cs.nSteps = 0

		rs := cs.RoundState
		var mi msgInfo

		select {
		// 把有效交易添加到交易池的时候会设置TxAvailable
		case <-cs.txNotifier.TxsAvailable():
	    // peer消息通道
		case mi = <-cs.peerMsgQueue:
			if err := cs.wal.Write(mi); err != nil {
				cs.Logger.Error("failed writing to WAL", "err", err)

			// 处理 proposal、block parts、votes的消息

		// 处理内部消息
		case mi = <-cs.internalMsgQueue:
			err := cs.wal.WriteSync(mi) // NOTE: fsync
			if err != nil {
					"failed to write %v msg to consensus WAL due to %v; check your file system and restart the node",
					mi, err,

			if _, ok := mi.Msg.(*VoteMessage); ok {
				// we actually want to simulate failing during
				// the previous WriteSync, but this isn't easy to do.
				// Equivalent would be to fail here and manually remove
				// some bytes from the end of the wal.
				fail.Fail() // XXX

			// handles proposals, block parts, votes
		// 处理超时消息
		case ti := <-cs.timeoutTicker.Chan(): // tockChan:
			if err := cs.wal.Write(ti); err != nil {
				cs.Logger.Error("failed writing to WAL", "err", err)

			// if the timeout is relevant to the rs
			// go to the next step
			cs.handleTimeout(ti, rs)

		case <-cs.Quit():

Tendermint 共识分析_第1张图片单节点共识完整流程的代码流程为:

  1. 首先进入enterNewRound
  2. 之后从enterNewRound进入enterPropose
  3. 进入enterPropose后,判断自己是不是validator.只有一个节点自己就是,进入defaultDecideProposal
  4. 进入defaultDecideProposal,把proposal和blockPartMsg发送到internalMsgQueue
  5. 收到internalMsgQueue的消息,然后进入handleMsg,通过handleMsg进入addProposalBlockPart
  6. 通过addProposalBlockPart 最后进入到enterPrevote
  7. 通过enterPrevote进入到defaultDoPrevote,对proposal进行签名,并发送到internalMsgQueue
  8. handleMsg对收到的消息进行处理,进入到tryAddVote
  9. tryAddVote判断vote正确,并且满足超过三分之二的情况,进入enterPrevoteWait
  10. 计时器超时,从enterPrevoteWait进入到enterPrecommit
  11. 通过enterPrevote对proposal进行再次签名,并发送到internalMsgQueue
  12. handleMsg对收到的消息进行处理,进入到tryAddVote
  13. tryAddVote判断vote正确,进入enterCommit,这里涉及情况比较多(在多个节点的条件下).
  14. enterCommit落地区块,将区块发送给abci,收到返回后,此次共识结束.



func (cs *State) enterNewRound(height int64, round int32) {
	logger := cs.Logger.With("height", height, "round", round)

	// 进行状态校验
	if cs.Height != height || round < cs.Round || (cs.Round == round && cs.Step != cstypes.RoundStepNewHeight) {
			"entering new round with invalid args",
			"current", fmt.Sprintf("%v/%v/%v", cs.Height, cs.Round, cs.Step),
	// 开启定时器
	if now := tmtime.Now(); cs.StartTime.After(now) {
		logger.Debug("need to set a buffer and log message here for sanity", "start_time", cs.StartTime, "now", now)

	logger.Debug("entering new round", "current", fmt.Sprintf("%v/%v/%v", cs.Height, cs.Round, cs.Step))

	// 如果有新的Validator就添加
	validators := cs.Validators
	if cs.Round < round {
		validators = validators.Copy()
		validators.IncrementProposerPriority(tmmath.SafeSubInt32(round, cs.Round))

	// 开始一轮新的round
	cs.updateRoundStep(round, cstypes.RoundStepNewRound)
	cs.Validators = validators
	if round == 0 {
		// We've already reset these upon new height,
		// and meanwhile we might have received a proposal
		// for round 0.
	} else {
		logger.Debug("resetting proposal info")
		cs.Proposal = nil
		cs.ProposalBlock = nil
		cs.ProposalBlockParts = nil

	cs.Votes.SetRound(tmmath.SafeAddInt32(round, 1)) // also track next round (round+1) to allow round-skipping
	cs.TriggeredTimeoutPrecommit = false

	if err := cs.eventBus.PublishEventNewRound(cs.NewRoundEvent()); err != nil {
		cs.Logger.Error("failed publishing new round", "err", err)


	// 在我们进入round 0 之前要等待交易在mempool中设置为available,
	// 如果最后一个区块改变了app hash我们需要一个空的proof区块,并且立即进入enterProposer函数
	waitForTxs := cs.config.WaitForTxs() && round == 0 && !cs.needProofBlock(height)
	if waitForTxs {
		if cs.config.CreateEmptyBlocksInterval > 0 {
			cs.scheduleTimeout(cs.config.CreateEmptyBlocksInterval, height, round,
	} else {
		// 进入enterPropose
		cs.enterPropose(height, round)


func (cs *State) enterPropose(height int64, round int32) {

	// 节点验证
	if cs.privValidatorPubKey == nil {
		// If this node is a validator & proposer in the current round, it will
		// miss the opportunity to create a block.
		logger.Error("propose step; empty priv validator public key", "err", errPubKeyIsNotSet)

	address := cs.privValidatorPubKey.Address()

	// if not a validator, we're done
	if !cs.Validators.HasAddress(address) {
		logger.Debug("node is not a validator", "addr", address, "vals", cs.Validators)

	// 判断当前节点是否为proposer,如果是的话就开始准备提案
	if cs.isProposer(address) {
			"propose step; our turn to propose",
			"proposer", address,

		cs.decideProposal(height, round)
	} else {
			"propose step; not our turn to propose",
			"proposer", cs.Validators.GetProposer().Address,


func (cs *State) defaultDecideProposal(height int64, round int32) {
	// 创建proposal
	propBlockID := types.BlockID{
     Hash: block.Hash(), PartSetHeader: blockParts.Header()}
	proposal := types.NewProposal(height, round, cs.ValidRound, propBlockID)
	p := proposal.ToProto()

	// 等待最大数量的proposal
	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.TODO(), cs.config.TimeoutPropose)
	defer cancel()
	// 对proposal进行签名
	if err := cs.privValidator.SignProposal(ctx, cs.state.ChainID, p); err == nil {
		proposal.Signature = p.Signature

		// 把数据发送到 sendInternalMessage channel中
		// 这个channel在receiveRoutine函数启动、等待消息的传入	
     proposal}, ""})

		for i := 0; i < int(blockParts.Total()); i++ {
			part := blockParts.GetPart(i)
     cs.Height, cs.Round, part}, ""})

		cs.Logger.Debug("signed proposal", "height", height, "round", round, "proposal", proposal)
	} else if !cs.replayMode {
		cs.Logger.Error("propose step; failed signing proposal", "height", height, "round", round, "err", err)


func (cs *State) addProposalBlockPart(msg *BlockPartMessage, peerID p2p.NodeID) (added bool, err error) {

		if cs.Step <= cstypes.RoundStepPropose && cs.isProposalComplete() {
			// Move onto the next step
			cs.enterPrevote(height, cs.Round)
			if hasTwoThirds {
      // this is optimisation as this will be triggered when prevote is added
				cs.enterPrecommit(height, cs.Round)
		} else if cs.Step == cstypes.RoundStepCommit {
			// If we're waiting on the proposal block...

		return added, nil

	return added, nil


addProposalBlockPart 会进入到enterPrevote,再然后进入到doPrevote,doPrevote的默认函数为doPrevoteproposal,doPrevoteproposal通过调用signAddVote对进行Proposal签名,并发送到internalMsgQueue。

func (cs *State) signAddVote(msgType tmproto.SignedMsgType, hash []byte, header types.PartSetHeader) *types.Vote {

	// TODO: pass pubKey to signVote
	vote, err := cs.signVote(msgType, hash, header)
	if err == nil {
     vote}, ""})
		cs.Logger.Debug("signed and pushed vote", "height", cs.Height, "round", cs.Round, "vote", vote)
		return vote





switch vote.Type {
	case tmproto.PrevoteType:
		prevotes := cs.Votes.Prevotes(vote.Round)
		cs.Logger.Debug("added vote to prevote", "vote", vote, "prevotes", prevotes.StringShort())

		// If +2/3 prevotes for a block or nil for *any* round:
		if blockID, ok := prevotes.TwoThirdsMajority(); ok {
			// There was a polka!
			// If we're locked but this is a recent polka, unlock.
			// If it matches our ProposalBlock, update the ValidBlock

			// Unlock if `cs.LockedRound < vote.Round <= cs.Round`
			// NOTE: If vote.Round > cs.Round, we'll deal with it when we get to vote.Round
			if (cs.LockedBlock != nil) &&
				(cs.LockedRound < vote.Round) &&
				(vote.Round <= cs.Round) &&
				!cs.LockedBlock.HashesTo(blockID.Hash) {

				cs.Logger.Debug("unlocking because of POL", "locked_round", cs.LockedRound, "pol_round", vote.Round)

				cs.LockedRound = -1
				cs.LockedBlock = nil
				cs.LockedBlockParts = nil

				if err := cs.eventBus.PublishEventUnlock(cs.RoundStateEvent()); err != nil {
					return added, err

			// Update Valid* if we can.
			// NOTE: our proposal block may be nil or not what received a polka..
			if len(blockID.Hash) != 0 && (cs.ValidRound < vote.Round) && (vote.Round == cs.Round) {
				if cs.ProposalBlock.HashesTo(blockID.Hash) {
					cs.Logger.Debug("updating valid block because of POL", "valid_round", cs.ValidRound, "pol_round", vote.Round)
					cs.ValidRound = vote.Round
					cs.ValidBlock = cs.ProposalBlock
					cs.ValidBlockParts = cs.ProposalBlockParts
				} else {
						"valid block we do not know about; set ProposalBlock=nil",
						"proposal", cs.ProposalBlock.Hash(),
						"block_id", blockID.Hash,

					// we're getting the wrong block
					cs.ProposalBlock = nil

				if !cs.ProposalBlockParts.HasHeader(blockID.PartSetHeader) {
					cs.ProposalBlockParts = types.NewPartSetFromHeader(blockID.PartSetHeader)

				cs.evsw.FireEvent(types.EventValidBlock, &cs.RoundState)
				if err := cs.eventBus.PublishEventValidBlock(cs.RoundStateEvent()); err != nil {
					return added, err

		// If +2/3 prevotes for *anything* for future round:
		switch {
		case cs.Round < vote.Round && prevotes.HasTwoThirdsAny():
			cs.enterNewRound(height, vote.Round)

		// 当前round
		case cs.Round == vote.Round && cstypes.RoundStepPrevote <= cs.Step: // current round
			// 判断是否有大于2/3的投票
			blockID, ok := prevotes.TwoThirdsMajority()
			// 提案完成并且有大于2/3的prevotes
			if ok && (cs.isProposalComplete() || len(blockID.Hash) == 0) {
				cs.enterPrecommit(height, vote.Round)
			} else if prevotes.HasTwoThirdsAny() {
				cs.enterPrevoteWait(height, vote.Round)

		case cs.Proposal != nil && 0 <= cs.Proposal.POLRound && cs.Proposal.POLRound == vote.Round:
			// If the proposal is now complete, enter prevote of cs.Round.
			if cs.isProposalComplete() {
				cs.enterPrevote(height, cs.Round)



func (cs *State) enterPrevoteWait(height int64, round int32) {
	logger := cs.Logger.With("height", height, "round", round)

	if cs.Height != height || round < cs.Round || (cs.Round == round && cstypes.RoundStepPrevoteWait <= cs.Step) {
			"entering prevote wait step with invalid args",
			"current", fmt.Sprintf("%v/%v/%v", cs.Height, cs.Round, cs.Step),

	// 开始投票
	if !cs.Votes.Prevotes(round).HasTwoThirdsAny() {
			"entering prevote wait step (%v/%v), but prevotes does not have any +2/3 votes",
			height, round,

	logger.Debug("entering prevote wait step", "current", fmt.Sprintf("%v/%v/%v", cs.Height, cs.Round, cs.Step))

	defer func() {
		// Done enterPrevoteWait:
		cs.updateRoundStep(round, cstypes.RoundStepPrevoteWait)

	// 等待最多的prevote,然后进入到enterPrecommit;
	cs.scheduleTimeout(cs.config.Prevote(round), height, round, cstypes.RoundStepPrevoteWait)


进入到enterprecommit后,经过一系列判断最后会进入到finalizeCommit,具体可以参考源代码,这里就不再重复了。进入到finalizeCommit后,会把区块发送给ABCI APP并收到ABCI的返回值,然后结束共识。

func (cs *State) finalizeCommit(height int64) {
	// 保存区块
	if cs.blockStore.Height() < block.Height {
		// NOTE: the seenCommit is local justification to commit this block,
		// but may differ from the LastCommit included in the next block
		precommits := cs.Votes.Precommits(cs.CommitRound)
		seenCommit := precommits.MakeCommit()
		cs.blockStore.SaveBlock(block, blockParts, seenCommit)
	} else {
		// Happens during replay if we already saved the block but didn't commit
		logger.Debug("calling finalizeCommit on already stored block", "height", block.Height)

	fail.Fail() // XXX

	// Write EndHeightMessage{} for this height, implying that the blockstore
	// has saved the block.
	// If we crash before writing this EndHeightMessage{}, we will recover by
	// running ApplyBlock during the ABCI handshake when we restart.  If we
	// didn't save the block to the blockstore before writing
	// EndHeightMessage{}, we'd have to change WAL replay -- currently it
	// complains about replaying for heights where an #ENDHEIGHT entry already
	// exists.
	// Either way, the State should not be resumed until we
	// successfully call ApplyBlock (ie. later here, or in Handshake after
	// restart).
	endMsg := EndHeightMessage{
	if err := cs.wal.WriteSync(endMsg); err != nil {
      // NOTE: fsync
			"failed to write %v msg to consensus WAL due to %v; check your file system and restart the node",
			endMsg, err,

	fail.Fail() // XXX

	// Create a copy of the state for staging and an event cache for txs.
	stateCopy := cs.state.Copy()

	// Execute and commit the block, update and save the state, and update the mempool.
	// NOTE The block.AppHash wont reflect these txs until the next block.
	var (
		err          error
		retainHeight int64

	// 与ABCI APP交互, 返回区块的状态副本,当前高度
	stateCopy, retainHeight, err = cs.blockExec.ApplyBlock(
			Hash:          block.Hash(),
			PartSetHeader: blockParts.Header(),
	if err != nil {
		logger.Error("failed to apply block", "err", err)

	fail.Fail() // XXX

	// Prune old heights, if requested by ABCI app.
	if retainHeight > 0 {
		pruned, err := cs.pruneBlocks(retainHeight)
		if err != nil {
			logger.Error("failed to prune blocks", "retain_height", retainHeight, "err", err)
		} else {
			logger.Debug("pruned blocks", "pruned", pruned, "retain_height", retainHeight)

	// must be called before we update state
	cs.recordMetrics(height, block)

	// 更新state

	fail.Fail() // XXX



Tendermint 为什么不会分叉

如果小于1/3节点是拜占庭节点(如果大于等于1/3,那么共识就没法达成了)。当validator commit了区块B,那么表示有大于2/3的节点在R轮投了precommit,这表示至少有大于1/3节点(大于1/3节点哪儿来的呢,就是大于2/3减去小于1/3,为什么是这么算呢,有人说不是有大于2/3的节点投了precommit那么这些人不都是诚实节点吗,当然不是了,拜占庭节点的意思它工作随性,有时候正确有时候失败,假设这个时候所有的拜占庭节点正确的工作了,所以都算在在+2/3节点内,所以这么算了)被lock在了R‘>R。如果这个时候有针对同一区块高度的投票,那么由于这+1/3节点被lock在了R’轮,所以不会有+2/3的节点投prevote,也就不会在同一高度达成一个新的共识区块,所以就不会分叉。参考的文章地址:https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/84962224

Tendermint 的不足之处

Tendermint 是使用一种确定的循环协议方案来选出提议者的;该协议不具备随机性。提议者是根据投票权和验证者被选次数的堆排序算法选出的。攻击者只能通过添加或删除权益来干预协议,但这种干预不能立即生效,因为验证者在系统中移除或者添加权益所需的时间很长。尽管如此,攻击者就可以有更长的时间提前计划好如何操纵提议者的选择。

我们上边还提到,Tendermint 允许 Validator 可以被跳过(就是轮到一个 Validator 出块的时候但是此 Validator 没出块)。Validator 在移到下一轮投票之前等待一小段时间来接收提议者(此轮出块的验证者)提出的整个区块。这种对超时的依赖让 Tendermint 成为一个弱同步协议,而不是一个异步协议。在系统效率上虽然较 PoW 共识机制有很大的提高,但仍有待改善。同时,Tendermint 虽然依靠额外协议管理方法来与寡头垄断验证者进行对抗。但还是无法有效阻止「卡尔特形式」的发生。参考文章的地址:https://www.528btc.com/college/51031.html


至此,Tendermint consensus源码就分析完了。博主也在学习阶段,如果有错误之处,希望路过的大佬能够指点指点。最后推荐一位大佬的公众号,欢迎关注哦:区块链技术栈


