
"I'll sing you a song, my servant Kamala used to do that in India."said Mary, and very soon Colin was alseep.


The next afternoon Mary visited Colin again, and he seemed very pleased to see her.He had sent his nurse away and had told nobody Mary's visit. Mary had not told anybody either.  They read some of his books together, and told each other stories. They were enjoying themselves and laughing loudly when suddenly the door opened. Dr Craven and Mrs Medlock came in. They almost  fell over in surprise.

第二天下午,玛丽又去看柯林了。见到她,他很高兴。 他支开了护工,没跟任何人说过玛丽来探望他。玛丽也没和任何人提过。他们一起看书和聊天,很享受没人打扰的时光,可正当他们笑得起劲时,门突然被推开了。克莱夫医生和梅得洛克夫人走进来,都吓得差点跌地上了。

"What's happening here?" asked Dr Craven.


Colin sat up straight. To Mary he looked just like an Indian prince."This is my cousin, Mary Lennox."he said calmly."i like her, she must visit  me often. "



'Oh, I'm sorry, sir.'said poor Mrs Medlock to the doctor. 'I don't  know how she discovered him. i told the servants to keep it a secret.'


'Don't be stupid, Medlock.'said the Indian prince coldly. 'Nobody told her. she heard me crying and found me herself. Bring you tea up now.'


'I'm afraid you're getting too hot and excited, my boy.' said Dr Craven. 'That's not good for you. Don't forget you're ill.'


'I want to forget!' said Colin. 'I'll be angry if Mary doesn't visit me!' She makes me feel better.'


Dr Craven did not look happy when he left the room.


'What a change in a boy, sir.' said the Housekeeper. 'He's usually so disagreeable  with all of us. He really seems to like that strange little girl. And he does look better. Dr Craven had to agree.




