人工智能如何为传统产业赋能?| 活动

AI 赋能传统行业 

AI Enables Traditional Industries


Co-hosted by Yale Center Beijing and Yale Club of Beijing.

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活动简介/The Event 

近几年人工智能 (AI) 进入了发展的快车道,与医疗、金融、安防、教育、汽车等各个行业进行融合,各种 AI 新产品也逐步走入大众日常生活中。AI 时代,技术型公司在积极寻找高价值的应用场景,同时传统行业也在期待 AI 的智能与便捷给他们带来新的生命力。这次我们很荣幸邀请了四位来自传统行业的企业家和来自 AI 领域的创业者来谈一谈 AI 赋能传统行业。

In recent years the development of artificial intelligence (AI) has rapidly progressed and has been integrated with various industries such as healthcare, finance, security, education, automobile and etc.. Different new AI products have gradually entered the market. In the era of AI, technology companies are actively seeking for high-valued application scenarios, and meanwhile, traditional industries also expect AI to enable them new vitality. In this event, we are honored to invite investors from traditional industries and entrepreneurs from the AI market to talk about how AI enables traditional industries.


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江宏 (耶鲁大学07届博士校友)

LeanCloud 创始人及CEO

江宏于2007年在耶鲁大学获得计算机科学博士学位,2007 年至 2010 年在 Google 工作,主导和参与了搜索基础架构方面的多个重要项目。他于 2011 年回国创业,从 2011 年至 2014 年任 AVOS 中国区总经理,2014 年创立云服务公司 LeanCloud 并担任CEO。

Jiang Hong(Yale PhD '07)

Founder & CEO, LeanCloud


Hong Jiang received his Ph.D. degree in computer science from Yale University in 2007. He worked at Google from 2007 to 2010, and played important roles in several search infrastructure projects. After he moved back to China, he had been the China general manager of AVOS, a company founded by the YouTube founders. In 2014, he founded the cloud service startup LeanCloud.

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薛苏 (耶鲁大学13届博士校友)


薛苏毕业于清华大学自动化系,在耶鲁大学取得博士学位,研究方向为计算机视觉与图形学。薛苏毕业后先后在 EA 和 Facebook 工作,从事图片识别、动作识别、推荐系统与匹配系统的研究与开发。多禾聚元致力于开发智能的社交产品,深入挖掘社交网络中的关系与行为,提供精准的、个性化的社交体验。

Xue Su (Yale PhD '13)

Founder & CEO, Duohee

Prior to coming to Yale, Dr. Su Xue received his B.E. and M.E. degree from Tsinghua University. Dr. Xue focused on R&D on computer vision, recommendation system and matching system in social network while he worked in EA and Facebook. He founded Duohee in November 2017, a startup dedicated to providing intelligent and personalized social experience.

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顾嘉唯毕业于清华大学,是百度人工智能研究院人机交互前负责人,微软研究院前研究员,拥有囊括硬件和软件的22项美国发明专利,120余项国内专利,是美国斯坦福大学 ME310 国际创新课程的客座监事,2017年被美国《财富》Fortune杂志评为中国40位40岁以下的商界精英。

Gu Jiawei

CEO, Ling Technology

Gu graduated from Tsinghua University. Prior to Ling Technology, he managed the Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) group at Baidu Research Institute of Deep Learning (IDL), and  worked as researcher of Microsoft Research.He holds 22 US patents and more than 120 domestic patents.He was awarded as one of the top 40 Entrepreneurs in China under age 40 in 2017 by Fortune.

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Xue Xiangdong 

Founder & Chairman, DHC Software Co., Ltd.

Xue holds a bachelor degree in computer science and graduated from Hunan University in 1982. In 1993, Mr. Xue founded Beijing Donghua Integrity Computer Technology Development Co., Ltd., In 2001, DHC Software Co., Ltd., was incorporated, and was listed on the main board of Shenzhen stock exchange in 2006. 


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孙瑜 (耶鲁管理学校13届校友)


孙瑜在百度从事 AI 行业研究工作,同时担任耶鲁北京校友会会长,服务耶鲁校友及本地社区。她曾在华为及其子公司工作多年,职责包括战略规划、市场研究、产品及运营管理、流程质量等,在华为技术中获得资深技术专家任职。


Helen Sun (SOM ’13) 

President, Yale Club of Beijing

Helen serves as President of the Yale Club of Beijing. She is currently conducting AI research at Baidu.com Inc. Prior to this, she had worked for Huawei and its subsidiary for years, where she is responsible for strategy, market research, product & operation, and procedure & quality. 



February 1, Thursday 


6:30-7:00 pm

分享与问答/Talk and Q&A

7:00-8:30 pm



Yale Center Beijing  



国际财源中心 B 座36层

(永安里地铁站 C 出口) 

36th Floor

Tower B of IFC Building

8 Jianguomenwai Avenue

Chaoyang District, Beijing

(Yong'anli Subway Station, Exit C)


Please click "Read More" further below to register. Please send an email to [email protected] if there are any problems. If you encounter any payment issues, please attach a screenshot that identifies the issue. 

请点击“阅读原文”进行注册。如有任何问题,请发邮件至 [email protected]。若您遇到支付问题,请附上截图加以说明。


RMB 20 for students; RMB 60 for Yale alumni; RMB 80 for others.


Walk-ins are not acceptable.


Those who purchase student tickets are required to show a valid student ID at check-in.


The language of the event will be Chinese.



Note: Seats are available on a first-come-first-served basis.

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Yale Center Beijing opened on October 27, 2014. As the first such center opened by Yale University anywhere in the world, Yale Center Beijing is dedicated to developing leaders from all sectors of society and all regions of the globe.


LeanCloud,领先的 BaaS 提供商,为移动开发提供强有力的后端支持。更多内容请关注「LeanCloud通讯」



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