implementation 'com.journeyapps:zxing-android-embedded:3.5.0'
public void initScan() { IntentIntegrator integrator = new IntentIntegrator(this); // 设置要扫描的条码类型,ONE_D_CODE_TYPES:一维码,QR_CODE_TYPES-二维码 integrator.setDesiredBarcodeFormats(IntentIntegrator.QR_CODE_TYPES); integrator.setCaptureActivity(ScanActivity.class); //设置打开摄像头的Activity integrator.setPrompt(""); //底部的提示文字,设为""可以置空 integrator.setCameraId(0); //前置或者后置摄像头 integrator.setBeepEnabled(true); //扫描成功的「哔哔」声,默认开启 integrator.setBarcodeImageEnabled(true); integrator.initiateScan(); } @Override protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent intent) { super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, intent); if (requestCode == IntentIntegrator.REQUEST_CODE) { IntentResult scanResult = IntentIntegrator.parseActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, intent); if (scanResult != null && scanResult.getContents() != null) { String result = scanResult.getContents(); LogUtil.d("扫码返回: " + result); try { JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(result); if (jsonObject.has(Constant.USERPOLICEMENID)) { //TODO 逻辑 } else { ToastUtil.showShortToast("未扫描到有效的信息"); } } catch (Exception e) { ToastUtil.showShortToast("未扫描到有效的信息"); e.printStackTrace(); } } else { ToastUtil.showShortToast("未扫描到有效的信息"); } } }
public class ScanActivity extends BackActivity { @BindView(R.id.dbv) DecoratedBarcodeView mDbv; private CaptureManager captureManager; @Override protected int getLayoutId() { getWindow().setFlags(WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN, WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN); return R.layout.activity_scan; } @Override protected void init() { super.init(); captureManager = new CaptureManager(this, mDbv); captureManager.initializeFromIntent(getIntent(), getSavedInstanceState()); captureManager.decode(); } @Override public void onSaveInstanceState(@NotNull Bundle outState, @NotNull PersistableBundle outPersistentState) { super.onSaveInstanceState(outState, outPersistentState); captureManager.onSaveInstanceState(outState); } @Override public boolean onKeyDown(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) { return mDbv.onKeyDown(keyCode, event) || super.onKeyDown(keyCode, event); } @Override protected void onPause() { super.onPause(); captureManager.onPause(); } @Override public void onResume() { super.onResume(); captureManager.onResume(); } @Override protected void onDestroy() { super.onDestroy(); captureManager.onDestroy(); } }
/** * 自定义扫描界面 */ public class QrView extends ViewfinderView { public int laserLinePosition = 0; public float[] position = new float[]{0f, 0.5f, 1f}; public int[] colors = new int[]{0x0027B14D, 0xff27B14D, 0x0027B14D}; public LinearGradient linearGradient; private int ScreenRate; public QrView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { super(context, attrs); float density = context.getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density; ScreenRate = (int) (15 * density); } @Override public void onDraw(Canvas canvas) { int CORNER_WIDTH = 15; refreshSizes(); if (framingRect == null || previewFramingRect == null) { return; } Rect frame = framingRect; Rect previewFrame = previewFramingRect; int width = canvas.getWidth(); int height = canvas.getHeight(); //绘制4个角 paint.setColor(getResources().getColor(R.color.color_white));//定义画笔的颜色 canvas.drawRect(frame.left, frame.top, frame.left + ScreenRate, frame.top + CORNER_WIDTH, paint); canvas.drawRect(frame.left, frame.top, frame.left + CORNER_WIDTH, frame.top + ScreenRate, paint); canvas.drawRect(frame.right - ScreenRate, frame.top, frame.right, frame.top + CORNER_WIDTH, paint); canvas.drawRect(frame.right - CORNER_WIDTH, frame.top, frame.right, frame.top + ScreenRate, paint); canvas.drawRect(frame.left, frame.bottom - CORNER_WIDTH, frame.left + ScreenRate, frame.bottom, paint); canvas.drawRect(frame.left, frame.bottom - ScreenRate, frame.left + CORNER_WIDTH, frame.bottom, paint); canvas.drawRect(frame.right - ScreenRate, frame.bottom - CORNER_WIDTH, frame.right, frame.bottom, paint); canvas.drawRect(frame.right - CORNER_WIDTH, frame.bottom - ScreenRate, frame.right, frame.bottom, paint); // 画出外部(即构图矩形之外)变暗 paint.setColor(resultBitmap != null ? resultColor : maskColor); canvas.drawRect(0, 0, width, frame.top, paint); canvas.drawRect(0, frame.top, frame.left, frame.bottom, paint); canvas.drawRect(frame.right, frame.top, width, frame.bottom, paint); canvas.drawRect(0, frame.bottom, width, height, paint); if (resultBitmap != null) { // Draw the opaque result bitmap over the scanning rectangle paint.setAlpha(CURRENT_POINT_OPACITY); canvas.drawBitmap(resultBitmap, null, frame, paint); } else { laserLinePosition = laserLinePosition + 8; if (laserLinePosition >= frame.height()) { laserLinePosition = 0; } linearGradient = new LinearGradient(frame.left + 1, frame.top + laserLinePosition, frame.right - 1, frame.top + 10 + laserLinePosition, colors, position, Shader.TileMode.CLAMP); // Draw a red "laser scanner" line through the middle to show decoding is active paint.setShader(linearGradient); //绘制扫描线 canvas.drawRect(frame.left + 1, frame.top + laserLinePosition, frame.right - 1, frame.top + 10 + laserLinePosition, paint); paint.setShader(null); float scaleX = frame.width() / (float) previewFrame.width(); float scaleY = frame.height() / (float) previewFrame.height(); ListcurrentPossible = possibleResultPoints; List currentLast = lastPossibleResultPoints; int frameLeft = frame.left; int frameTop = frame.top; if (currentPossible.isEmpty()) { lastPossibleResultPoints = null; } else { possibleResultPoints = new ArrayList<>(5); lastPossibleResultPoints = currentPossible; paint.setAlpha(CURRENT_POINT_OPACITY); paint.setColor(resultPointColor); for (ResultPoint point : currentPossible) { canvas.drawCircle(frameLeft + (int) (point.getX() * scaleX), frameTop + (int) (point.getY() * scaleY), POINT_SIZE, paint); } } if (currentLast != null) { paint.setAlpha(CURRENT_POINT_OPACITY / 2); paint.setColor(resultPointColor); float radius = POINT_SIZE / 2.0f; for (ResultPoint point : currentLast) { canvas.drawCircle(frameLeft + (int) (point.getX() * scaleX), frameTop + (int) (point.getY() * scaleY), radius, paint); } } postInvalidateDelayed(16, frame.left, frame.top, frame.right, frame.bottom); } } }