Reading TPO7



The Geologic History of the Mediterranean


oceanographic:adj. 海洋学的
invertebrate:adj. 无脊椎的
fauna:n. 动物群
abruptly:adv. 突然地
wipe out:了结,擦净,彻底摧毁
hardy:adj. 强壮的
domelike:adj. 穹顶状的
pebble:n. 卵石
hardened:adj. 变硬的,坚定的
granule:n. 颗粒
gypsum:n. 石膏
fragment:n. 碎片
peculiarity:n. 特性,特质
core barrel:n. 钻管
interbedded:adj. 层间的,夹层之间的
windblown:adj. 被风吹的,风飘型的
silt:n. 淤泥
crustal:adj. 地壳的
brine:n. 盐水,海水
calcium:n. 钙
sulfate:n. 硫酸盐
soluble:adj. 可溶解的
sodium:n. 钠
chloride:n. 氯化物
deluge:n. 洪水
faulting:n. 断层作用,故障
cascade:v. 流注,大量落下
spectacularly:adv. 壮观地,引人注目地
turbulent:adj. 骚乱的,混乱的,激流的,湍流的
ooze:v. 渗出;n. 软泥,渗出物
gravel:n. 碎石


  1. The sample consisted of pebbles of hardened sediment that had once been soft, deep-sea mud, as well as granules of gypsum and fragments of volcanic rock.
  2. Not a single pebble was found that might have indicated that the pebbles came from the nearby continent.
  3. As evaporation continued, the remaining brine (salt water) became so dense that the calcium sulfate of the hard layer was precipitated.


4.Which of the following can be inferred from paragraph 3 about the solid gypsum layer?

A. It did not contain any marine fossil.
B. It had formed in open-ocean conditions.
C. It had once been soft, deep-sea mud.
D. It contained sediment from nearby deserts.


Furthermore, the gypsum was found to possess peculiarities of composition and structure that suggested it had formed on desert flats. Sediment above and below the gypsum layer contained tiny marine fossils, indicating open-ocean conditions.


以gypsum layer做关键词定位至倒数第二句,说gypsum layer之上和之下的sediment都包含marine fossils,之间的gypsum layer就应该是不包含的,否则就没法分层了。

Ancient Rome and Greece


apply to:适用于,致力于
cement:n. 水泥
realm:n. 领域
monolithic:adj. 整体的,庞大的
entity:n. 实体,本质,存在
garrison:n. 守卫部队
utterly:adv. 彻底地
organism:n. 生物体,有机体系,有机组织
territorial:adj. 领土的
conquest:n. 占领
stark:adj. 完全的,荒凉的,僵硬的
contrast:n. 对比
marching:adj. 行军的
legion:n. 军团,众多
instinct:n. 本能
imperative:adj. 命令的,必要的;n. 命令,必要的事
exploitation:n. 开发
fertile:adj. 肥沃的
orderly:adj. 整齐的,有秩序的
engender:v. 产生
foster:v. 培养,促进,抚育,代养
attachment:n. 附件,附属物,依恋,依附
predisposed:adj. 先倾向于……的
might:n. 力气,力量,威力,权力
subtlety:n. 精妙,巧妙,敏锐,敏感
derivative:adj. 衍生的,派生的
intellectual:adj. 智力的,有才智的
disdain:n. 蔑视
consciously:adv. 有意识地,自觉地
speculative:adj. 投机的,推理的
administration:n. 管理
caliber:n. 水准
civilization:n. 文明社会,文明,文化
esteem:v. 尊敬,尊重


  1. There is a quality of cohesiveness about the Roman world that applied neither to Greece nor perhaps to any other civilization, ancient or modern.
  2. Like the stone of Roman wall, which were held together both by the regularity of the design and by that peculiarly powerful Roman cement, so the various parts of the Roman realm were bonded into a massive, monolithic entity by physical, organizational, and psychological controls .
  3. In all probability it was the fertile plain of Latium, where the Latins who founded Rome originated, that created the habits and skills of landed settlement, landed property, landed economy, landed administration, and a land-based society.
  4. In turn, a deep attachment to the land, and to the stability which rural life engenders, fostered the Roman virtues: gravitas, a sense of responsibility, pietas, a sense of devotion to family and country, and iustitia, a sense of the natural order.
  5. “Had the Greeks held novelty in such disdain as we,” asked Horace in his epistle, “what work of ancient date would now exist?”
  6. Yet it would be wrong to suggest that Rome was somehow a junior partner in Greco-Roman civilization.
  7. Moreover, the tensions that arose within the Roman state produced literary and artistic sensibilities of the highest order.


7.Paragraph 3 suggests which of the following about the people of Latium?

A. Their economy was based on trade relations with other settlements.
B. They held different values than the people of Rome.
C. Agriculture played a significant role in the society.
D. They possessed unusual knowledge of animal instincts.


In all probability it was the fertile plain of Latium, where the Latins who founded Rome originated, that created the habits and skills of landed settlement, landed property, landed economy, landed administration, and a land-based society.


以Lantium做关键词定位至第三句,说这个地方的人有一系列与土地相关的性格,既然与土地相关,C就正确;A说反了,原文说经济以土地为主,贸易是不靠土地的;B说反了,那个地方的人就是建立罗马帝国的人; D没说

10.According to paragraph 4, intellectual Romans such as Horace held which of the following opinions about their civilization?

A. Ancient works of Greece held little value in the Roman world.
B. The Greek civilization had been surpassed by the Romans.
C. Roman civilization produced little that was original or memorable.
D. Romans valued certain types of innovations that had been ignored by ancient Greeks.


Greece was the inventor; Rome, the research and development division. Such indeed was the opinion of some of the more intellectual Romans. “Had the Greeks held novelty in such disdain as we,” asked Horace in his epistle, “what work of ancient date would now exist?”

13.Look at the four squares [■] that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage. Where would the sentence best fit?

They esteem symbols of Roman power, such as the massive Colosseum..



主要是 esteem 的词义

14.Direction: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This question worth 2 points.The Roman world drew its strength from several important sources.

A.Numerous controls imposed by Roman rulers held its territory together.
B.The Roman military was organized differently from older military organizations.
C.Romans valued sea power as did the Latins, the original inhabitants of Rome.
D.Roman values were rooted in a strong attachment to the land and the stability of rural life.
E.Rome combined aspects of ancient Greek civilization with its own contributions in new areas.
F.Educated Romans modeled their own literature and philosophy on the ancient Greeks.


A.D.E numerous选项对应第一段前两句,正确 the Roman military选项原文没说,不选 Romans valued sea power选项与原文第二段和第三段的第一句的内容相反,不选 Roman values选项对应原文第三段首句,正确 Rome combined选项对应原文第六段第二句,正确 educated Romans选项原文没说,不选 完善解答

Agriculture, Iron, and the Bantu Peoples


concentration:n. 集中
domesticated:adj. 驯化的,家养的
millet:n. 小米
sorghum:n. 高粱
receptiveness:n. 感受性,接受能力
proposed:adj. 被提议的,所推荐的
chariot:n. 双轮马车,战车
traverse:v. 通过,横越,横贯
savannah:n. (热带亚热带的)无树大草原
cavalry:n. 骑兵,骑兵部队
carve out:雕刻出……,辛勤的劳动创造出……
thrive:v. 茁壮成长,兴盛,兴荣
harsh:adj. 严厉的
copper:n. 铜,紫铜,铜币
bronze:n. 青铜,铜牌
metallurgy:n. 冶金,冶金学
roughly:adv. 粗略地
profound:adj. 深厚的,意义深远的,严重的,知识渊博的
complexity:n. 复杂性
blacksmith:n. 铁匠,锻工
religious:adj. 宗教信仰的
warrior:n. 武士,勇士
ritual:adj. 仪式上的
furnace:n. 火炉
adapt to:调整,使适应
desiccation:n. 干燥
motion:n. 动作
opponent:n. 对手
implement:v. 实施,执行;n. 工具,器械
demographic:adj. 人口统计学的


  1. These peoples settled at first in scattered hunting-and-gathering bands, although in some places near lakes and rivers, people who fished, with a more secure food supply, lived in larger population concentrations.
  2. Once the idea of planting diffused , Africans began to develop their own crops, such as certain varieties of rice, and they demonstrated a continued receptiveness to new imports.
  3. The proposed areas of the domestication of African crops lie in a band that extends from Ethiopia across southern Sudan to West Africa. (人们认为……)
  4. Rock paintings in the Sahara indicate that horses and chariots were used to traverse the desert and that by 300-200 B.C., there were trade routes across the Sahara.
  5. Most of Africa presents a curious case in which societies moved directly from a technology of stone to iron without passing through the intermediate stage of copper or bronze metallurgy, although some early copper-working sites have been found in West Africa.
  6. Knowledge of iron making penetrated into the forest and savannahs of West Africa at roughly the same time that iron making was reaching Europe.
  7. In West Africa the blacksmith who made tools and weapons had an important place in society, often with special religious powers and functions.
  8. Unlike in the Americas, where metallurgy was a very late and limited development, Africans had iron from a relatively early date, developing ingenious furnaces to produce the high heat needed for production and to control the amount of air that reached the carbon and iron ore necessary for making iron.
  9. The diffusion of agriculture and later of iron was accompanied by a great movement of people who may have carried these innovations.
  10. Their migration may have been set in motion by an increase in population caused by a movement of peoples fleeing the desiccation, or drying up, of the Sahara.


9.According to paragraph 4, all of the following were social effects of the new metal technology in Africa EXCEPT:

A. Access to metal tools and weapons created greater social equality.
B. Metal weapons increased the power of warriors.
C. Iron tools helped increase the food supply.
D. Technical knowledge gave religious power to its holders.


This technological shift cause profound changes in the complexity of African societies. Iron represented power. In West Africa the blacksmith who made tools and weapons had an important place in society, often with special religious powers and functions. Iron hoes, which made the land more productive, and iron weapons, which made the warrior more powerful, had symbolic meaning in a number of West Africa societies. Those who knew the secrets of making iron gained ritual and sometimes political power.

12.Paragraph 6 mentions all of the following as possible causes of the “Bantu explosion” EXCEPT

A. superior weapons
B. better hunting skills
C. peaceful migration
D. increased population


Why and how these people spread out into central and southern Africa remains a mystery, but archaeologists believe that their iron weapons allowed them to conquer their hunting-gathering opponents, who still used stone implements. Still, the process is uncertain, and peaceful migration—or simply rapid demographic growth—may have also caused the Bantu explosion .

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