Using a custom context menu with the Flex DataGrid control

I saw this question come up on a list today and thought this was pretty handy. Plus, I think it is the first time I’ve had a chance to play with the ContextMenu and ContextMenuItem classes in Flex in quite a while.

The following example pops up a custom context menu when the user right-clicks on an item in an data grid. After selecting the custom item (”View item…”) from the context menu an Alert control is displayed showing the selected item’s properties

<? xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!--  -->
< mx:Application  xmlns:mx =""
="init()" >

< mx:Script >
            import mx.controls.Alert;

            private var cm:ContextMenu;

            private var alert:Alert;

            private function init():void {
                var cmi:ContextMenuItem = new ContextMenuItem("View item", true);
                cmi.addEventListener(ContextMenuEvent.MENU_ITEM_SELECT, contextMenuItem_menuItemSelect);

                cm = new ContextMenu();
                cm.customItems = [cmi];
                cm.addEventListener(ContextMenuEvent.MENU_SELECT, contextMenu_menuSelect);

            private function contextMenu_menuSelect(evt:ContextMenuEvent):void {
                dataGrid.selectedIndex = lastRollOverIndex;

            private function contextMenuItem_menuItemSelect(evt:ContextMenuEvent):void {
                var obj:Object = dataGrid.selectedItem;
                alert ="Property A: " + obj.@propertyA + "\n" + "Property B: " + obj.@propertyB, obj.@label, Alert.OK);
</ mx:Script >

< mx:XML  id ="itemsXML" >
< items >
< item  label ="Item 1"  data ="i001"  propertyA ="Item 1.A"  propertyB ="Item 1.B"   />
< item  label ="Item 2"  data ="i002"  propertyA ="Item 2.A"  propertyB ="Item 2.B"   />
< item  label ="Item 3"  data ="i003"  propertyA ="Item 3.A"  propertyB ="Item 3.B"   />
< item  label ="Item 4"  data ="i004"  propertyA ="Item 4.A"  propertyB ="Item 4.B"   />
< item  label ="Item 5"  data ="i005"  propertyA ="Item 5.A"  propertyB ="Item 5.B"   />
< item  label ="Item 6"  data ="i006"  propertyA ="Item 6.A"  propertyB ="Item 6.B"   />
< item  label ="Item 7"  data ="i007"  propertyA ="Item 7.A"  propertyB ="Item 7.B"   />
< item  label ="Item 8"  data ="i008"  propertyA ="Item 8.A"  propertyB ="Item 8.B"   />
</ items >
</ mx:XML >

< mx:Number  id ="lastRollOverIndex"   />

< mx:DataGrid  id ="dataGrid"
="lastRollOverIndex = event.rowIndex" >
< mx:columns >
< mx:DataGridColumn  id ="labelCol"
="Label:"   />

< mx:DataGridColumn  id ="propACol"
="Property A:"   />

< mx:DataGridColumn  id ="propBCol"
="Property B:"   />
</ mx:columns >
</ mx:DataGrid >

< mx:Label  text ="{dataGrid.selectedItem.@label}"   />

</ mx:Application >
