影响我写文档的原因可能是代码和文档分离,有时候写完代码会忘记补文档,而且不能及时查看,使用 Flask-Docs 可以解决我的问题,这个插件可以根据代码注释生成文档页面,代码注释改动文档可以及时更新,而且支持离线文档下载。
Flask Api 文档自动生成插件
- 根据代码注释自动生成文档
- 支持离线 markdown 文档下载
- 支持 Flask-RESTful
- 支持 flask.views.MethodView
pip3 install Flask-Docs
from flask import Flask
from flask_docs import ApiDoc
app = Flask(__name__)
# 使用 CDN
# app.config["API_DOC_CDN"] = True
# 禁用文档页面
# app.config["API_DOC_ENABLE"] = False
# 允许显示的方法
# app.config["API_DOC_METHODS_LIST"] = ["GET", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE", "PATCH"]
# 自定义 url_prefix
# app.config["API_DOC_URL_PREFIX"] = "/docs/api"
# 需要排除的 RESTful Api 文档
# app.config["API_DOC_RESTFUL_EXCLUDE"] = ["todo"]
# 需要显示文档的 Api
app.config["API_DOC_MEMBER"] = ["api", "platform"]
如何书写 markdown 格式文档
在注释结尾用 "@@@" 包含 markdown 格式文档
Api demo
@api.route("/add_data", methods=["POST"])
def add_data():
"""Add some data
### args
| args | nullable | request type | type | remarks |
| title | false | body | str | blog title |
| name | false | body | str | person's name |
### request
{"title": "xxx", "name": "xxx"}
### return
{"code": xxxx, "msg": "xxx", "data": null}
return jsonify({"api": "add data"})
@api.route("/delete_data", methods=["GET"])
def delete_data():
"""Delete some data
### args
| args | nullable | request type | type | remarks |
| id | true | query | str | blog id |
| name | false | query | str | person's name |
### request
### return
{"code": xxxx, "msg": "xxx", "data": null}
return jsonify({"api": "delete data"})
@platform.route("/get_something", methods=["GET"])
def get_something():
"""Get some data
### request example
import requests
### return
{"code": xxxx, "msg": "xxx", "data": null}
return jsonify({"platform": "get something"})
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
from flask import Blueprint, Flask, jsonify
from flask_docs import ApiDoc
app = Flask(__name__)
# Using CDN
# app.config["API_DOC_CDN"] = True
# Disable document pages
# app.config["API_DOC_ENABLE"] = False
# Methods allowed to be displayed
# app.config["API_DOC_METHODS_LIST"] = ["GET", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE", "PATCH"]
# Custom url_prefix
# app.config["API_DOC_URL_PREFIX"] = "/docs/api"
# Api Document needs to be displayed
app.config["API_DOC_MEMBER"] = ["api", "platform"]
ApiDoc(app, title="Sample App", version="1.0.0")
api = Blueprint("api", __name__)
platform = Blueprint("platform", __name__)
@api.route("/add_data", methods=["POST"])
def add_data():
"""Add some data
### args
| args | nullable | request type | type | remarks |
| title | false | body | str | blog title |
| name | false | body | str | person's name |
### request
{"title": "xxx", "name": "xxx"}
### return
{"code": xxxx, "msg": "xxx", "data": null}
return jsonify({"api": "add data"})
@api.route("/delete_data", methods=["GET"])
def delete_data():
"""Delete some data
### args
| args | nullable | request type | type | remarks |
| id | true | query | str | blog id |
| name | false | query | str | person's name |
### request
### return
{"code": xxxx, "msg": "xxx", "data": null}
return jsonify({"api": "delete data"})
@platform.route("/get_something", methods=["GET"])
def get_something():
"""Get some data
### request example
import requests
### return
{"code": xxxx, "msg": "xxx", "data": null}
return jsonify({"platform": "get something"})
app.register_blueprint(api, url_prefix="/api")
app.register_blueprint(platform, url_prefix="/platform")
if __name__ == "__main__":
app.run(host="", port=5000, debug=True)
Flask-RESTful Api demo
from flask_restful import Resource, Api
class Todo(Resource):
"""Manage todo"""
def post(self):
"""Add todo
### description
> Add todo
### args
| args | nullable | request type | type | remarks |
| name | false | body | str | todo name |
| type | false | body | str | todo type |
### request
{"name": "xx", "type": "code"}
### return
{"code": xxxx, "msg": "xxx", "data": null}
return {"todo": "post todo"}
def get(self):
"""Get todo
### description
> Get todo
### args
| args | nullable | request type | type | remarks |
| name | false | query | str | todo name |
| type | true | query | str | todo type |
### request
### return
{"code": xxxx, "msg": "xxx", "data": null}
return {"todo": "get todo"}
restful_api.add_resource(Todo, "/todo")
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
from flask import Flask
from flask_restful import Api, Resource
from flask_docs import ApiDoc
app = Flask(__name__)
# Using CDN
# app.config["API_DOC_CDN"] = True
# Disable document pages
# app.config["API_DOC_ENABLE"] = False
# Methods allowed to be displayed
# app.config["API_DOC_METHODS_LIST"] = ["GET", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE", "PATCH"]
# Custom url_prefix
# app.config["API_DOC_URL_PREFIX"] = "/docs/api"
# RESTful Api documents to be excluded
# app.config["API_DOC_RESTFUL_EXCLUDE"] = ["todo"]
restful_api = Api(app)
ApiDoc(app, title="Sample App Restful", version="1.0.0")
class Todo(Resource):
"""Manage todo"""
def post(self):
"""Add todo
### description
> Add todo
### args
| args | nullable | request type | type | remarks |
| name | false | body | str | todo name |
| type | false | body | str | todo type |
### request
{"name": "xx", "type": "code"}
### return
{"code": xxxx, "msg": "xxx", "data": null}
return {"todo": "post todo"}
def get(self):
"""Get todo
### description
> Get todo
### args
| args | nullable | request type | type | remarks |
| name | false | query | str | todo name |
| type | true | query | str | todo type |
### request
### return
{"code": xxxx, "msg": "xxx", "data": null}
return {"todo": "get todo"}
restful_api.add_resource(Todo, "/todo")
if __name__ == "__main__":
app.run(host="", port=5000, debug=True)
flask.views.MethodView Api demo
目前只支持与类名相同的 url_rule
from flask.views import MethodView
class TodoList(MethodView):
"""Manage todolist"""
def put(self):
"""Change the data
return jsonify({"todos": "put todolist"})
def delete(self):
"""Delete the data
return jsonify({"todos": "delete todolist"})
app.add_url_rule("/todolist/", view_func=TodoList.as_view("todolist"))
装饰器 @ApiDoc.change_doc
from flask_docs import ApiDoc
return_json_str = '{"code": xxxx, "msg": "xxx", "data": null}'
@api.route("/add_data", methods=["POST"])
@ApiDoc.change_doc({"return_json": return_json_str})
def add_data():
"""Add some data
### return
return jsonify({"api": "add data"})
@api.route("/delete_data", methods=["GET"])
@ApiDoc.change_doc({"return_json": return_json_str})
def delete_data():
"""Delete some data
return jsonify({"api": "delete data"})