

  1. 本地可以使用从服务器上拉取并提交项目
  2. 服务器可以使用ssh通过密钥文件拉取项目
  3. 配置文件所配置的用户在服务器有写的权限

  1. 安装
composer require lorisleiva/laravel-deployer
  1. 生成部署文件
php artisan deploy:init
  1. 配置
# 配置文件在config/deploy.php


    | Custom deployment strategies
    | Here, you can easily set up new custom strategies as a list of tasks.
    | Any key of this array are supported in the `default` option above.
    | Any key matching Laravel Deployer's strategies overrides them.

    'strategies' => [

    | Hooks
    | Hooks let you customize your deployments conveniently by pushing tasks
    | into strategic places of your deployment flow. Each of the official
    | strategies invoke hooks in different ways to implement their logic.

    // hooks自动部署(仅需要在push代码后自动触发部署事件时使用)
    'hooks' => [
        // Right before we start deploying.
        'start' => [

        // Code and composer vendors are ready but nothing is built.
        'build' => [

        // Deployment is done but not live yet (before symlink)
        'ready' => [

        // Deployment is done and live
        'done' => [

        // Deployment succeeded.
        'success' => [

        // Deployment failed.
        'fail' => [

    | Deployment options 部署选项
    | Options follow a simple key/value structure and are used within tasks
    | to make them more configurable and reusable. You can use options to
    | configure existing tasks or to use within your own custom tasks.

    'options' => [
        // 项目名称
        'application' => env('APP_NAME', 'Laravel'),
        // 项目git仓库
        'repository' => '[email protected]:mingzhi_wuliu.git',
        // 部署完要重启的php-fpm
        'php_fpm_service' => 'php7.3-fpm',

    | Hosts
    | Here, you can define any domain or subdomain you want to deploy to.
    | You can provide them with roles and stages to filter them during
    | deployment. Read more about how to configure them in the docs.

    // 主机
    'hosts' => [
        // 项目域名或外网ip
        '' => [
            // 部署项目的路径
            'deploy_path' => '/data/site/www/',
            // 部署项目所使用的服务器用户名称
            'user' => 'dev',
            // 部署项目阶段
            'stage' => 'production',
            // 要拉去的git分支
            'branch' => 'master',

    | Localhost
    | This localhost option give you the ability to deploy directly on your
    | local machine, without needing any SSH connection. You can use the
    | same configurations used by hosts to configure your localhost.

    'localhost' => [

    | Include additional Deployer recipes
    | Here, you can add any third party recipes to provide additional tasks,
    | options and strategies. Therefore, it also allows you to create and
    | include your own recipes to define more complex deployment flows.

    // 自己的额外选项配置  项目根目录新建自定义目录,再新建自定义配置文件,如:
    'include' => [

    | Use a custom Deployer file
    | If you know what you are doing and want to take complete control over
    | Deployer's file, you can provide its path here. Note that, without
    | this configuration file, the root's deployer file will be used.

    'custom_deployer_file' => false,



# my_deploy/my_recipe.php

注意:自定义配置文件的命名空间必须是 Deployer,不能是其他的


php artisan deploy  域名/服务器外网IP
