
  • loan balance 借款余额
// Encode the user's input as query parameters in a URL
var url = "getLenders.php" + // Service url plus
"?amt=" + encodeURIComponent(amount) + // user data in query string
"&apr=" + encodeURIComponent(apr) +
"&yrs=" + encodeURIComponent(years) +
"&zip=" + encodeURIComponent(zipcode);


var req = new XMLHttpRequest(); // Begin a new request

XMLHttpRequest 是一个 API,它为客户端提供了在客户端和服务器之间传输数据的功能。它提供了一个通过 URL 来获取数据的简单方式,并且不会使整个页面刷新。这使得网页只更新一部分页面而不会打扰到用户。XMLHttpRequest 在 AJAX 中被大量使用。

虽然名字含有XML ,但该对象可以接受任何数据类型而不仅仅为XML,而且它支持的协议类型不限于HTTP(包括file,ftp)

如果你的连接涉及从服务器接收事件或者数据,可以考虑采用通过 EventSource接口使用 server-sent events 服务器事件。至于全双工通信,使用WebSockets 是一个更好的选择。

req.open("GET", url); // An HTTP GET request for the url


req.send(null); // Send the request with no body
// Before returning, register an event handler function that will be called
// at some later time when the HTTP server's response arrives. This kind of
会在之后调用       当HTTP 服务器 响应到达
// asynchronous programming is very common in client-side JavaScript.
这种异步的 编程 在 客户端 JS非常普遍。
req.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (req.readyState == 4 && req.status == 200) {
// If we get here, we got a complete valid HTTP response
如果执行到这里,我们获得了完全有效的 HTTP 响应
var response = req.responseText; // HTTP response as a string
var lenders = JSON.parse(response); // Parse it to a JS array
// Convert the array of lender objects to a string of HTML
把借款对象数组 转换 为 HTML字符串
var list = "";
for(var i = 0; i < lenders.length; i++) {
list += "
  • " + lenders[i].name + ""; } // Display the HTML in the element from above. 把上面的HTML元素在网页中显示出来 ad.innerHTML = "
      " + list + "
    "; } } } // Chart monthly loan balance, interest and equity in an HTML element. 在 画布中绘制 月贷款余额、利息和股本 表格 // If called with no arguments then just erase any previously drawn chart. 如果不传入任何参数,相当于清空画布上之前所画的表格 function chart(principal, interest, monthly, payments) { var graph = document.getElementById("graph"); // Get the tag 使用js在canvas中绘图之前得获取canvas graph.width = graph.width; // Magic to clear and reset the canvas element 设置画布得宽度 // If we're called with no arguments, or if this browser does not support 如果不传入任何参数,或者浏览器不支持canvas 则返回 // graphics in a element, then just return now. if (arguments.length == 0 || !graph.getContext) return; // Get the "context" object for the that defines the drawing API 获取绘图得 上下文对象,其中定义了绘图API var g = graph.getContext("2d"); // All drawing is done with this object 所有得绘图工作都是这个对象完成得 var width = graph.width, height = graph.height; // Get canvas size 获取canvas得宽度 // These functions convert payment numbers and dollar amounts to pixels 这些函数 把 支付额度 和 额 转换为图形(像素) function paymentToX(n) { return n * width/payments; } function amountToY(a) { return height-(a * height/(monthly*payments*1.05));} // Payments are a straight line from (0,0) to (payments, monthly*payments) g.moveTo(paymentToX(0), amountToY(0)); // Start at lower left 从左下角开始 g.lineTo(paymentToX(payments), // Draw to upper right 画到右上角 amountToY(monthly*payments));
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