Born a crime 趣事

看这本书最欢乐的地方就是看妈妈如何花式调侃亲儿子,以下这个对话发生在崔娃为了约会第一次捯饬自己的头发后,妈妈的反映。不知道为什么看到这段,我脑补出来的是Sex education里小黑的很无辜的表情。

“Ooooooh! They turned my baby boy into a pretty little girl! I’ve got a little girl! You’re so pretty!”

“Mom! C’mon. Stop it.”

“Is this the way you’re telling me that you’re gay?”

“What? No. Why would you say that?”

“You know it’s okay if you are.”

“No, Mom. I’m not gay.”

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