I Am Looking Forward To A Reply(修订稿)

"To uphold world peace, promote common development and seek a win-win cooperation, is a universal aspiration"---- indeed  this was all perception I  had of the  word "peace" before I saw the report on Syria chemical attack. It was the first time I had been so close to war. The desperate eyes of a Syrian boy, touched the recesses of my feelings. I was shocked by what had happened to him. At that very moment, I experienced a whole gamut of feelings. I feel sorry for their sufferings,  lucky for me,  I was born in a peaceful area.

Living in Northern China, war is some thing I can only learn from mass media and textbooks. When I was a kid, I thought the whole world was in the same situation with my city, peaceful, idyllic, even to the extend of being boring. But it is not, indeed. In certain part of the world, there are people who still struggle to live, worrying about whether they could make it to tomorrow.

Over 100 civilians in the northwest of Syria died in a chemical attack took place in April, 2017. To me, it was a morning as usual; but to those Syrians, they lost everything on that day, parents, friends, childs, even their lives. People are dying, fleeing and suffering. It is not fair but crucial, disastrous and ridiculous. Unfortunately, Syria is not the only country suffering from wars. Cities like Paris, Brussel were attacked by a terrorist group ISIS, but the terrorists are still at large;  then there are European refugees, they seek for shelters in other countries, but an immigration ban was signed against them.

I have a smattering of politics, but I do know that civilians are innocent, and any political interest should not go against civilian's rights. Whoever uses those chemical weapons on Syrians will be doomed; whoever wages wars on other nations will be condemned. I am looking forward to a reply, from those terrorists, soldiers and governments---- when can you stop fighting and killing, to give those miserable civilians back into peaceful life?

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