1000MS Memory Limit:32768KB 64bit IO Format:%I64d & %I64u
Time Limit:Description
You are given two positive integers A and B in Base C. For the equation:
We know there always existing many non-negative pairs (k, d) that satisfy the equation above. Now in this problem, we want to maximize k.
For example, A="123" and B="100", C=10. So both A and B are in Base 10. Then we have:
(1) A=0*B+123
(2) A=1*B+23
As we want to maximize k, we finally get one solution: (1, 23)
The range of C is between 2 and 16, and we use 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f' to represent 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, respectively.
The first line of the input contains an integer T (T≤10), indicating the number of test cases.
Then T cases, for any case, only 3 positive integers A, B and C (2≤C≤16) in a single line. You can assume that in Base 10, both A and B is less than 2^31.
Sample Input
Sample Output
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; int t,a,b,c,k,d,len; char s1[100],s2[100]; int set(char *s) { len = strlen(s); int ans = 0; for(int i = 0;i<len;i++) { int tem; if(s[i]>='0' && s[i]<='9') tem = s[i]-'0'; else tem = s[i]-'a'+10; ans = ans*c+tem;//进制转换 } return ans; } int main() { scanf("%d",&t); while(t--) { scanf("%s%s%d",s1,s2,&c); a = set(s1); b = set(s2); int tem = a/b; printf("(%d,%d)\n",tem,a-tem*b); } return 0; }
Time Limit:1000MS Memory Limit:32768KB 64bit IO Format:%I64d & %I64u
Bin has a dream that he and Jing are both in a wonderland full of beautiful gifts. Bin wants to choose some gifts for Jing to get in her good graces.
There are N different gifts in the wonderland, with ID from 1 to N, and all kinds of these gifts have infinite duplicates. Each time, Bin shouts loudly, “I love Jing”, and then the wonderland random drop a gift in front of Bin. The dropping probability for gift i (1≤i≤N) is P(i). Of cause, P(1)+P(2)+…+P(N)=1. Bin finds that the gifts with the higher ID are better. Bin shouts k times and selects r best gifts finally.
That is, firstly Bin gets k gifts, then sorts all these gifts according to their ID, and picks up the largest r gifts at last. Now, if given the final list of the r largest gifts, can you help Bin find out the probability of the list?
The first line of the input contains an integer T (T≤2,000), indicating number of test cases.
For each test cast, the first line contains 3 integers N, k and r (1≤N≤20, 1≤k≤52, 1≤r≤min(k,25)) as the description above. In the second line, there are N positive float numbers indicates the probability of each gift. There are at most 3 digits after the decimal point. The third line has r integers ranging from 1 to N indicates the finally list of the r best gifts’ ID.
Sample Input
Sample Output
#include<cstdio> #include<cstring> #include<cmath> #include<iostream> using namespace std; const int INF = 0x3f3f3f3f; typedef long long LL; /* LL C[53][53]; void getc(int n) { int sum=1; C[n][0]=1; for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) C[n][i]=C[n][i-1]*(n-i+1)/i; }*/ __int64 fun(int a,int b) { __int64 f=1; if(a==b||b==0) return 1; b=min(b,a-b); for(int i=1;i<=b;i++,a--) { f*=a; f/=i; } // printf(" %I64d\n",f); return f; } /* double ppow(double x,int y) { double s=1; // printf("*** %d\n",y); while(y) { if(y&1) { s*=x;y--;} x*=x; y/=2; } // printf("*** %lf\n",s); return s; } */ int main() { int T,i,j; int N,k,r; double p[21]; int num[55]; // for(int i=0;i<=52;i++) // getc(i); scanf("%d",&T); while(T--) { scanf("%d%d%d",&N,&k,&r); memset(p,0,sizeof(p)); memset(num,0,sizeof(num)); double pp=0,py=0; for(i=1;i<=N;i++) { scanf("%lf",&p[i]); pp+=p[i]; } int min_x=INF,temp; for(i=1;i<=r;i++) { scanf("%d",&temp); num[temp]++; min_x=min(min_x,temp); } // if(fabs(pp-1.0)>1e-8) continue;//画蛇添足! for(i=1;i<=N;i++)//小于部分 { if(!num[i]) py+=p[i]; else break; } int kk=k; if(k==r) { for(i=N;i>0;i--) { if(num[i]!=0) { // pp*=C[kk][num[i]]*pow(p[i],num[i]); pp*=fun(kk,num[i])*pow(p[i],num[i]); kk-=num[i]; } } printf("%0.6lf\n",pp); } else if(r<k) { for(i=N;i>0;i--) { if(num[i]!=0&&i!=min_x) { // pp*=C[kk][num[i]]*pow(p[i],num[i]); pp*=fun(kk,num[i])*pow(p[i],num[i]); kk-=num[i]; } if(i==min_x) break; } double pd=0; // printf("kk= %d\n",kk); for(j=kk;j>=num[min_x];j--) { // pd+=pow(p[min_x],j)*C[kk][j]*pow(py,(kk-j)); pd+=fun(kk,j)*pow(p[min_x],j)*pow(py,(kk-j)); } printf("%0.6lf\n",pp*pd); } } return 0; } /* 20 2 3 3 0.3 0.7 1 1 2 2 3 2 0.3 0.7 1 2 3 3 2 0.3 0.2 0.5 2 3 6 8 5 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.25 0.05 0.25 3 4 4 5 5 3 3 3 0.2 0.5 0.3 1 1 1 */
C - Floor problem
Time Limit:1000MS Memory Limit:32768KB 64bit IO Format:%I64d & %I64u
In this problem, we have f(n,x)=Floor[n/x]. Here Floor[x] is the biggest integer such that no larger than x. For example, Floor[1.1]=Floor[1.9]=1, Floor[2.0]=2.
You are given 3 positive integers n, L and R. Print the result of f(n,L)+f(n,L+1)+...+f(n,R), please.
The first line of the input contains an integer T (T≤100), indicating the number of test cases.
Then T cases, for any case, only 3 integers n, L and R (1≤n, L, R≤10,000, L≤R).
Sample Input
Sample Output
#include<stdio.h> int main() { int n,R,L; int i,j,k,T; int sum; scanf("%d",&T); while(T--) { scanf("%d%d%d",&n,&L,&R); sum=0; for(i=L;i<=R;i++) { sum+=n/i; } printf("%d\n",sum); } return 0; }
Given N integers A={A[0],A[1],...,A[N-1]}. Here we have some operations:
Operation 1: AND opn L R
Here opn, L and R are integers.
For L≤i≤R, we do A[i]=A[i] AND opn (here "AND" is bitwise operation).
Operation 2: OR opn L R
Here opn, L and R are integers.
For L≤i≤R, we do A[i]=A[i] OR opn (here "OR" is bitwise operation).
Operation 3: XOR opn L R
Here opn, L and R are integers.
For L≤i≤R, we do A[i]=A[i] XOR opn (here "XOR" is bitwise operation).
Operation 4: SUM L R
We want to know the result of A[L]+A[L+1]+...+A[R].
Now can you solve this easy problem?
The first line of the input contains an integer T, indicating the number of test cases. (T≤100)
Then T cases, for any case, the first line has two integers n and m (1≤n≤1,000,000, 1≤m≤100,000), indicating the number of elements in A and the number of operations.
Then one line follows n integers A[0], A[1], ..., A[n-1] (0≤A[i]<16,0≤i<n).
Then m lines, each line must be one of the 4 operations above. (0≤opn≤15)
Sample Input
Sample Output
A = [1 2 4 7]
SUM 0 2, result=1+2+4=7;
XOR 5 0 0, A=[4 2 4 7];
OR 6 0 3, A=[6 6 6 7];
SUM 0 2, result=6+6+6=18.
#include<stdio.h> struct node { int sum,XOR; }tree[4][2*1000005]; int ans[1000005]; void builde(int l,int r,int k,int i) { int m=(l+r)/2; tree[i][k].XOR=0; if(l==r) { if((1<<i)&ans[l]) tree[i][k].sum=1; else tree[i][k].sum=0; return ; } builde(l,m,k*2,i); builde(m+1,r,k*2+1,i); tree[i][k].sum=tree[i][k*2].sum+tree[i][k*2+1].sum; } void set_childe(int l,int r,int k,int i) { int flag=0,m; m=(l+r)/2; if(tree[i][k].sum==r-l+1) { flag=1; tree[i][k*2].sum=m-l+1; tree[i][k*2+1].sum=r-m; } else if(tree[i][k].sum==0) tree[i][k*2].sum=tree[i][k*2+1].sum=0,flag=1; if(tree[i][k].XOR) { if(!flag) { tree[i][k*2].sum=(m-l+1)-tree[i][k*2].sum; tree[i][k*2+1].sum=(r-m)-tree[i][k*2+1].sum; } tree[i][k*2].XOR^=1; tree[i][k*2+1].XOR^=1; } tree[i][k].XOR=0; } void update_and(int l,int r,int k,int L,int R,int i) { int m=(l+r)/2; if(L<=l&&r<=R) { tree[i][k].sum=0; return ; } set_childe(l,r,k,i); if(L<=m) update_and(l,m,k*2,L,R,i); if(m<R) update_and(m+1,r,k*2+1,L,R,i); tree[i][k].sum=tree[i][k*2].sum+tree[i][k*2+1].sum; } void update_or(int l,int r,int k,int L,int R,int i) { int m=(l+r)/2; if(L<=l&&r<=R) { tree[i][k].sum=r-l+1; return ; } set_childe(l,r,k,i); if(L<=m) update_or(l,m,k*2,L,R,i); if(m<R) update_or(m+1,r,k*2+1,L,R,i); tree[i][k].sum=tree[i][k*2].sum+tree[i][k*2+1].sum; } void update_xor(int l,int r,int k,int L,int R,int i) { int m=(l+r)/2; if(L<=l&&r<=R) { tree[i][k].sum=(r-l+1)-tree[i][k].sum; tree[i][k].XOR^=1; return ; } set_childe(l,r,k,i); if(L<=m) update_xor(l,m,k*2,L,R,i); if(m<R) update_xor(m+1,r,k*2+1,L,R,i); tree[i][k].sum=tree[i][k*2].sum+tree[i][k*2+1].sum; } int query(int l,int r,int k,int L,int R,int i) { int m=(l+r)/2; if(L<=l&&r<=R) { return tree[i][k].sum; } set_childe(l,r,k,i); int sum=0; if(L<=m) sum+=query(l,m,k*2,L,R,i); if(m<R) sum+=query(m+1,r,k*2+1,L,R,i); return sum; } int main() { int t,n,m,L,R,opn; char str[10]; scanf("%d",&t); while(t--) { scanf("%d%d",&n,&m); for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) scanf("%d",&ans[i]); for(int i=0; i<4; i++) builde(1,n,1,i); while(m--) { scanf("%s",str); if(str[0]=='S') { scanf("%d%d",&L,&R); L++; R++; int sum=0,k; for(int i=0; i<4; i++) sum+=query(1,n,1,L,R,i)*(1<<i); printf("%d\n",sum); } else { scanf("%d%d%d",&opn,&L,&R); L++; R++; for(int i=0;i<4;i++) if(str[0]=='A') { if(!((1<<i)&opn)) update_and(1,n,1,L,R,i); } else if(str[0]=='O') { if((1<<i)&opn) update_or(1,n,1,L,R,i); } else if((1<<i)&opn) update_xor(1,n,1,L,R,i); } } } }
Time Limit:10000MS Memory Limit:65536KB 64bit IO Format:%I64d & %I64u
Given m positive integer a[1],a[2]…a[m]. We run the following program (in C++):
const int MAXN = 20; int a[MAXN], m; int gcd(int a, int b) {return b ? gcd(b, a % b) : a;} long long cnt = 0; void gao(int cur, int g) { if (cur > m) { if (g == 1)++cnt; return; } for (int i = 1; i <= a[cur]; ++i) gao(cur + 1, g < 0 ? i : gcd(g, i)); } int main() { scanf("%d", &m); for (int i = 1; i <= m; ++i) scanf("%d", a + i); gao(1, -1); cout << cnt << endl; return 0; }
Here gcd is the Greatest Common Divisor, Obviously, the program above is to find the number of tuples (b[1], b[2], …, b[m]) such that:
(1) gcd(b[1], b[2], …, b[m])=1. (Here we define gcd(num)=num, that is: gcd(9)=9, gcd(2)=2)
(2) 1≤b[i]≤a[i]. (1≤i≤m, b[i] is an integer)
Now in this problem, the m and a[i] may be very large! So could you write one efficient program to find the answer? The answer may be too large. So you can just output the answer Mod 1,000,000,007.
The first line of the input contains an integer T (T≤10,000), indicating the number of test cases.
Then T cases, for any case, only two lines.
The first line is one integer m(1≤m≤20).
The second line has m integers indicate a[1], a[2], …, a[m] (1≤a[i]≤100,000,000, 1≤i≤m).
The answer may be too large. So you can just output the answer Mod 1,000,000,007.
Sample Input
Sample Output
Time Limit:1000MS Memory Limit:32768KB 64bit IO Format:%I64d & %I64u
Cao Cao was hunted down by thousands of enemy soldiers when he escaped from Hua Rong Dao. Assuming Hua Rong Dao is a narrow aisle (one N*4 rectangle), while Cao Cao can be regarded as one 2*2 grid. Cross general can be regarded as one 1*2 grid.Vertical general can be regarded as one 2*1 grid. Soldiers can be regarded as one 1*1 grid. Now Hua Rong Dao is full of people, no grid is empty.
There is only one Cao Cao. The number of Cross general, vertical general, and soldier is not fixed. How many ways can all the people stand?
There is a single integer T (T≤4) in the first line of the test data indicating that there are T test cases.
Then for each case, only one integer N (1≤N≤4) in a single line indicates the length of Hua Rong Dao.
Sample Input
Sample Output
Here are 2 possible ways for the Hua Rong Dao 2*4.
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; int d[4][2] = { {0, 0}, {0, 1}, {1, 0}, {1, 1} }; int dir[3][3][2] = { { {0, 1}, {0, 0} }, { {1, 0}, {0, 0} }, { {0, 0} } }; int cnt[3] = {2, 2, 1}; int r, v[5][5], tmp; const int c = 4; bool ok(int k, int x, int y) { for (int i = 0; i< cnt[k]; i++) { int p = x + dir[k][i][0], q = y + dir[k][i][1]; if (p<= 0 || p >r) return false; if (q<= 0 || q >c) return false; if (v[p][q]) return false; } return true; } void clear(int k, int x, int y, int t) { for (int i = 0; i< cnt[k]; i++) { int p = x + dir[k][i][0], q = y + dir[k][i][1]; v[p][q] = t; } } void dfs(int x, int y) { if (y >c) x = x + 1, y = 1; if (x == r + 1) { tmp++; return; } if (v[x][y]) dfs(x, y + 1); for (int i = 0; i< 3; i++) { if (ok(i, x, y)) { clear(i, x, y, 1); dfs(x, y + 1); clear(i, x, y, 0); } } } int find(int x, int y) { memset(v, 0, sizeof(v)); for (int i = 0; i< 4; i++) v[x + d[i][0]][y + d[i][1]] = 1; tmp = 0; dfs(1, 1); return tmp; } int solve() { int ans = 0; for (int i = 1; i< r; i++) { for (int j = 1; j< c; j++) { ans += find(i, j); } } return ans; } int main () { int t[10]; for (r = 1; r<= 4; r++) { t[r] = solve(); } int cas, n; scanf("%d", &cas); while (cas--) { scanf("%d", &n); printf("%d\n", t[n]); } return 0; }
Time Limit:1000MS Memory Limit:32768KB 64bit IO Format:%I64d & %I64u
Given one non-negative integer A and one positive integer B, it’s very easy for us to calculate A Mod B. Here A Mod B means the remainder of the answer after A is divided by B. For example, 7 Mod 5 = 2, 12 Mod 3 = 0, 0 Mod 3 = 0.
In this problem, we use the following rules to express A.
(1) One non-empty string that only contains {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9} is valid.
For example, 123, 000213, 99213. (Leading zeros is OK in this problem)
(2) If w is valid, then [w]x if valid. Here x is one integer that 0<x<10.
For example, [012]2=012012, [35]3[7]1=3535357.
(3) If w and v are valid, then wv is valid.
For example, w=[231]2 and v=1, then wv=[231]21 is valid (which is 2312311).
Now you are given A and B. Here A is express as the rules above and B is simply one integer, you are expected to output the A Mod B.
The first line of the input contains an integer T(T≤10), indicating the number of test cases.
Then T cases, for any case, only two lines.
The first line is one non-empty and valid string that expresses A, the length of the string is no more than 1,000.
The second line is one integer B(0<B<2,000,000,000).
You may assume that the length of number A in decimal notation will less than 2^63.
Sample Input
Sample Output
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; #define ll __int64 struct node { ll val,len; }; char str[1005]; int t,mod; ll qmod(ll a,ll b) { ll s = 1; while(b) { if(b&1) s = (s*a)%mod; a = (a*a)%mod; b>>=1; } return s%mod; } node dfs(int l,int r) { int i,j,top = 0; int left,right,k,cnt; node ans; ans.val = 0; ans.len = 0; for(i = l; i<=r; i++) { if(str[i]=='[') { if(!top) left=i+1; ++top; } else if(str[i]==']') { --top; if(!top) { right = i-1; i++; cnt = str[i]-'0'; node tem=dfs(left,right); ll base = qmod(10,tem.len); ans.len+=cnt*tem.len; ans.val=(ans.val*qmod(base,cnt))%mod; ll s=1,bb=base; while(--cnt) { s+=bb; bb=(bb*base)%mod; s%=mod; } tem.val=(tem.val*s)%mod; ans.val = (ans.val+tem.val)%mod; } } else if(!top) { ans.val=ans.val*10+str[i]-'0'; ans.val%=mod; ans.len++; } } return ans; } int main() { scanf("%d",&t); while(t--) { scanf("%s%d",str,&mod); node ans = dfs(0,strlen(str)-1); printf("%I64d\n",ans.val); } return 0; }
One integer number x is called "Mountain Number" if:
(1) x>0 and x is an integer;
(2) Assume x=a[0]a[1]...a[len-2]a[len-1](0≤a[i]≤9, a[0] is positive). Any a[2i+1] is larger or equal to a[2i] and a[2i+2](if exists).
For example, 111, 132, 893, 7 are "Mountain Number" while 123, 10, 76889 are not "Mountain Number".
Now you are given L and R, how many "Mountain Number" can be found between L and R (inclusive) ?
The first line of the input contains an integer T (T≤100), indicating the number of test cases.
Then T cases, for any case, only two integers L and R (1≤L≤R≤1,000,000,000).
Sample Input
Sample Output
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; int t; int bit[20],len,l,r; int dp[20][10][2]; int dfs(int pos,int pre,int odd,int zero,int doing) { if(pos==-1) return 1; if(dp[pos][pre][odd]!=-1 && !doing) return dp[pos][pre][odd]; int end = doing?bit[pos]:9; int ans = 0; for(int i = 0; i<=end; i++) { if(!(i||zero)) ans+=dfs(pos-1,9,0,zero||i,doing&&i==end); else if(odd && pre<=i) ans+=dfs(pos-1,i,!odd,zero||i,doing&&i==end); else if(!odd && pre>=i) ans+=dfs(pos-1,i,!odd,zero||i,doing&&i==end); } if(!doing) dp[pos][pre][odd] = ans; return ans; } int cal(int x) { len = 0; while(x) { bit[len++] = x%10; x/=10; } return dfs(len-1,9,0,0,1); } int main() { scanf("%d",&t); while(t--) { memset(dp,-1,sizeof(dp)); scanf("%d%d",&l,&r); printf("%d\n",cal(r)-cal(l-1)); } return 0; }
I - Star
Time Limit:1000MS Memory Limit:32768KB 64bit IO Format:%I64d & %I64u
The first line of the input contains an integer T (T≤10), indicating the number of test cases.
For each test case:
The first line contains one integer n (1≤n≤100), the number of stars.
The next n lines each contains two integers x and y (0≤|x|, |y|≤1,000,000) indicate the points, all the points are distinct.
Sample Input
Sample Output
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <math.h> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; struct node { double x,y; }a[105]; int main() { int t,i,j,n,k,cnt; scanf("%d",&t); while(t--) { cnt = 0; scanf("%d",&n); for(i = 0;i<n;i++) scanf("%lf%lf",&a[i].x,&a[i].y); for(i = 0;i<n-2;i++) { for(j = i+1;j<n-1;j++) { for(k = j+1;k<n;k++) { double x = sqrt((a[i].x-a[j].x)*(a[i].x-a[j].x)+(a[i].y-a[j].y)*(a[i].y-a[j].y)); double y = sqrt((a[i].x-a[k].x)*(a[i].x-a[k].x)+(a[i].y-a[k].y)*(a[i].y-a[k].y)); double z = sqrt((a[k].x-a[j].x)*(a[k].x-a[j].x)+(a[k].y-a[j].y)*(a[k].y-a[j].y)); if(x*x+y*y>z*z && x*x+z*z>y*y && y*y+z*z>x*x) cnt++; } } } printf("%d\n",cnt); } return 0; }
Now you are given one non-negative integer n in 10-base notation, it will only contain digits ('0'-'9'). You are allowed to choose 2 integers i and j, such that: i!=j, 1≤i<j≤|n|, here |n| means the length of n’s 10-base notation. Then we can swap n[i] and n[j].
For example, n=9012, we choose i=1, j=3, then we swap n[1] and n[3], then we get 1092, which is smaller than the original n.
Now you are allowed to operate at most M times, so what is the smallest number you can get after the operation(s)?
Please note that in this problem, leading zero is not allowed!
The first line of the input contains an integer T (T≤100), indicating the number of test cases.
Then T cases, for any case, only 2 integers n and M (0≤n<10^1000, 0≤M≤100) in a single line.
Sample Input
Sample Output
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; int t,n,minn; char str[1005]; int main() { int i,j; scanf("%d",&t); while(t--) { scanf("%s%d",str,&n); if(!n) { printf("%s\n",str); continue; } int len = strlen(str),flag = -1; minn = str[0]; for(i = 1; i<len; i++) { if(str[i]<minn && str[i]!='0') { minn = str[i]; flag = i; } } if(flag!=-1) { swap(str[flag],str[0]); n--; } for(i = 1; i<len; i++) { if(!n) break; minn = str[i]; flag = -1; for(j = len-1; j>i; j--) { if(str[j]<minn) { flag = j; minn = str[j]; } } if(flag!=-1) { swap(str[flag],str[i]); n--; } } printf("%s\n",str); } return 0; }
Time Limit:3000MS Memory Limit:32768KB 64bit IO Format:%I64d & %I64u
You have won a collection of tickets on luxury cruisers. Each ticket can be used only once, but can be used in either direction between the 2 different cities printed on the ticket. Your prize gives you free airfare to any city to start your cruising, and free airfare back home from wherever you finish your cruising.
You love to sail and don't want to waste any of your free tickets. How many additional tickets would you have to buy so that your cruise can use all of your tickets?
Now giving the free tickets you have won. Please compute the smallest number of additional tickets that can be purchased to allow you to use all of your free tickets.
There is one integer T (T≤100) in the first line of the input.
Then T cases, for any case, the first line contains 2 integers n, m (1≤n, m≤100,000). n indicates the identifier of the cities are between 1 and n, inclusive. m indicates the tickets you have won.
Then following m lines, each line contains two integers u and v (1≤u, v≤n), indicates the 2 cities printed on your tickets, respectively.
Sample Input
Sample Output
#include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> const int N = 100005; int edgN,fath[N]; int findObj(int x) { if(x!=fath[x]) fath[x]=findObj(fath[x]); return fath[x]; } void setNode(int u,int v) { u=findObj(u); v=findObj(v); if(u!=v) { edgN--; fath[u]=v; } } int main() { int t,linkEdgN[N],ans,n,m,u,v; scanf("%d",&t); while(t--) { scanf("%d%d",&n,&m); for(int i=0;i<=n; i++) { fath[i]=i; linkEdgN[i]=0; } edgN=0; ans=0; while(m--) { scanf("%d%d",&u,&v); if(linkEdgN[u]==0) edgN++; if(linkEdgN[v]==0) edgN++; setNode(u,v); linkEdgN[u]++; linkEdgN[v]++; if(linkEdgN[u]&1)ans++; else ans--; if(linkEdgN[v]&1)ans++; else ans--; } edgN--; ans-=(edgN+1)*2; ans/=2; if(ans<0) printf("%d\n",edgN); else printf("%d\n",edgN+ans); } }