Here is a overview of the expected transmission count metric (ETX).
The earlier metric most commonly used by existing ad hoc routing protocols is minimum hop-count. It assumes that link quality is a binary concept, either the link exists or not. While often true in wired networks, this is not a reasonable approximation in the wireless case: it should the quality of wireless links takes into account.
There are several facets of link quality:
Minimum hop-count does not take these factors into account, furthermore it also ignore the interference between successive hops of multi-hop paths.
The ETX of a link is the predicted number of data transmissions required to send a packet over that link, including retransmissions. The ETX of a route is the sum of the ETX for each link in the route. Since each attempt to transmit a packet can be considered a Bernoulli trial, the ETX of a link is the reciprocal of df × dr, which the df is delivery ratio and t dr is the reverse delivery ratio. The delivery ratios d f and dr are measured using dedicated link probe packets.
ETX has several important characteristics:
ETX’s improvement over HOP is more pronounced at longer path lengths. And if several TCP transfers are carried out between the same pair of nodes at different times, they should yield similar throughput using ETX, while the throughput under HOP will be more variable.
ETX also have some disadvantages:
Several aspects of ETX could be improved in the future: its predictions of loss ratios for different packet sizes, particularly for 802.11bACKs; its handling of networks with links that run at a variety of bit-rates; and the robustness of ETX probes when competing with high levels of data traffic.