
1、What are the conditions for a male student? Due to the development of science and technology, many couples have a certain understanding of the boys and girls, knowing the problem of which boys and girls are not in which side, but the genes of both husband and wife to jointly decide. Although there are many factors for boys and girls, and there is no choice, but some can determine the conditions for a man or a woman, or you can generally understand, so that the mother can choose to give birth to a male or female baby that she wants. . What are the conditions?


2、 Although this is said, from the medical school, there is no scientific method to ensure the gender of the naturally conceived fetus, that is to say, the birth of a boy depends on a variety of factors. However, science has confirmed several basic conditions for boys and girls.


3、 1, acid, alkaline will determine whether it is a raw male or a raw female. When a woman's vagina is acidic, she is easy to take care of her daughter; when the woman's vagina is alkaline, she is easy to carry a boy. Therefore, people who want to have a daughter may wish to eat acidic foods to make their body acidic, and vice versa. Therefore, foreign medical experts recommend that the pH should be maintained by vaginal lavage. Those who want to have a daughter will dissolve 15 ml of white vinegar in 600 ml of warm water and use it to irrigate the vagina. Those who want to have a boy are dissolved in 600 ml of warm water with 15 ml of souda. This method is simple and easy, but doing so does not guarantee your success, because boys and girls are also affected by other factors.

1,酸,碱将决定它是生男性还是生女性。当女人的阴道呈酸性时,她很容易照顾女儿; 当女人的阴道呈碱性时,她很容易带着男孩。因此,想要生女儿的人可能希望吃酸性食物以使他们的身体变酸,反之亦然。因此,国外医学专家建议应通过阴道灌洗维持pH值。那些想要女儿的人将15毫升白醋溶解在600毫升温水中,然后用它来冲洗阴道。那些想要男孩的人用600毫升苏达水溶解在600毫升温水中。这种方法简单易行,但这样做并不能保证您的成功,因为男孩和女孩也受到其他因素的影响。

4、 Some experts pointed out that in the sexual intercourse for pregnancy, if the woman does not reach the climax, it can remain acidic, and vice versa. But this method is not a good idea for those who care about the quality of sex and want girls.


5、 2, the number of sperm determines the boys and girls. A boy who is prone to have more sperm at the time of conception, and a daughter with less sperm.


6、 This is also a foreign statistics. This statistic shows that manual workers are 40% more likely to have daughters than mental workers. This is because the manual workers are exposed to a large amount of chemical agents, and the chemicals greatly reduce the sperm. quantity. In addition, people living in heavily polluted and densely populated areas have more girls. Therefore, people who want to have a daughter should increase the number of sexual intercourse before pregnancy to reduce the sperm content. Those who want to have a boy should reduce the number of sexual intercourse. People who want to have a daughter should eat more foods containing calcium and magnesium. Such as nuts, dairy products, grapefruit, green leafy vegetables, etc.; people who want to have boys should eat more potassium-containing foods, such as meat, potatoes, bananas, beans and so on.

这也是一个外国统计数据。这一统计数据表明,体力劳动者生育女儿的可能性比精神工作者高40%。这是因为体力劳动者暴露于大量化学试剂,化学物质大大减少了精子。数量。此外,生活在污染严重,人口稠密地区的人们有更多的女孩。因此,想要生女儿的人应该在怀孕前增加性交次数,以减少精子含量。那些想要男孩的人应该减少性交次数。想要生女儿的人应该多吃含钙和镁的食物。如坚果,乳制品,葡萄柚,绿叶蔬菜等; 想要男生的人应多吃含钾食物,如肉类,土豆,香蕉,豆类等。

7、 3, some foreign legends, how to give birth to a man or a daughter.


8、This biography It sounds like there is no scientific basis. It is said that in ancient Greece, people believed that they would conceive at night when they were blowing north winds, they would have boys, and they would conceive at night when they were blowing southerly, and they would have girls. In the 17th century, the French aristocrats thought that the left testicle had a daughter. In order to get a male heir, they tied the left testicle during sexual intercourse, or simply cut it off. It sounded terrible, and of course there was no scientific basis. In Babylon, Cuba, it is widely believed that the birth of a boy or a woman depends on whether the moon has a halo on the day of conception. There are also tribes in Nepal, people believe that boys are conceived in even days, and girls are pregnant in odd days. Of course, this is just a legend, just a description of the choice of gender.


9、 What are the conditions for boys and girls? The above introduction cannot be regarded as the correct condition for you to have a male or a female, but only a conclusion. In fact, for both husband and wife, it is not very important to have boys and girls. The most important thing is how to give birth to a healthy and normal baby. Therefore, from the perspective of eugenics, boys and girls are the same, only let the baby grow up healthily. Normal development is what moms and dads should do.



