五:How to do joins(
1a. Show the athelete (
) and the country name for medal winners in 2000
SELECT who, country.name FROM ttms
JOIN country ON (ttms.country=country.id) WHERE games = 2000
1b. Show the who and the color of the medal for the medal winners from 'Sweden'
SELECT who, color FROM ttms
JOIN country ON (ttms.country=country.id) WHERE country.name = 'Sweden'
1c. Show the years in which 'China' won a 'gold' medal
SELECT games FROM ttms JOIN country ON (ttms.country = country.id)
WHERE name = 'China' AND color = 'gold'
2a. Show
won medals in the 'Barcelona' games
SELECT who FROM ttws JOIN games ON (ttws.games=games.yr) WHERE city = 'Barcelona'
2b. Show which city 'Jing Chen' won medals. Show the
and the medal
SELECT city,color FROM games JOIN ttws ON( ttws.games=games.yr) WHERE who = 'Jing Chen'
2c. Show
won the gold medal and the
SELECT who, city FROM ttws JOIN games ON(ttws.games = games.yr) WHERE color = 'gold'
3a. Show the
of the medal won by the team that includes 'Sen Yan'
SELECT games,color FROM ttmd JOIN team ON(ttmd.team = team.id) WHERE team.name = 'Sen Yan'
3b. Show the 'gold' medal winners in 2004
SELECT name FROM team JOIN ttmd ON(ttmd.team = team.id) WHERE color = 'gold' AND games = 2004
3c. Show the
of each medal winner country 'FRA'
SELECT name FROM team JOIN ttmd ON(ttmd.team = team.id) WHERE country = 'FRA'
六:The JOIN operation(
1a. 列出获得不少于30000 votes(选票)的电影. [显示 title, votes
SELECT title, votes FROM movie WHERE votes>=30000
1b. 电影'Citizen Kane'的首映年份
SELECT yr FROM movie WHERE title = 'Citizen Kane'
1c. 列出包含the Police Academy(警校)字样的title(电影名称)和 score(得分) films. [The films have a title that is
LIKE 'Police Academy%'
SELECT title,score FROM movie Where title LIKE 'Police Academy%'
1d. 列出所有the Star Trek movies(星际系列电影),显示
(得分). 按电影的发行
SELECT title,score FROM movie WHERE title LIKE '%Star Trek%' ORDER BY yr ASC
1e. 列出名称中包含'Dog'的电影名和得分
SELECT title,score FROM movie WHERE title LIKE '%Dog%'
2a. 列出id为 1, 2, 3的电影的名称
SELECT title FROM movie WHERE id in (1,2,3)
2b. 电影'Glenn Close' 的ID号是多少?
SELECT id FROM actor WHERE name= 'Glenn Close'
2c. 电影'Casablanca' 的ID号是多少?
SELECT id FROM movie WHERE title = 'Casablanca'
3a. 显示id=1的电影'Star Wars'(星球大战)中演员(角色)名单
SELECT name FROM casting, actor WHERE movieid=1 AND actorid=actor.id
or: SELECT name FROM movie, casting, actor WHERE movie.title = 'Star Wars' AND movie.id = casting.movieid AND casting.actorid = actor.id
3b. 显示电影'Alien'的演员(角色)名单
SELECT name FROM actor, casting, movie
WHERE movie.title = 'Alien' AND movie.id = casting.movieid AND casting.actorid = actor.id
3c. 显示有'Harrison Ford'参演的电影名称
SELECT title FROM movie
JOIN actor ON actor.name = 'Harrison Ford'
JOIN casting ON movie.id = casting.movieid AND casting.actorid = actor.id
3d. 显示有'Harrison Ford'参演的电影名称,但'Harrison Ford'在该影片中不是主角(即在角色表中不是排名第一)
SELECT title FROM movie
JOIN actor ON actor.name = 'Harrison Ford'
JOIN casting ON movie.id = casting.movieid AND casting.actorid = actor.id AND casting.ord != 1
3e. 显示1962年发行的电影以及该影片中主角(即在角色表中排名第一)
SELECT title,name FROM actor
JOIN movie ON movie.yr = 1962
JOIN casting ON movie.id = casting.movieid AND casting.actorid = actor.id AND casting.ord = 1
4a. 'John Travolta'哪一年最忙? 显示出他每年的出演电影数量
SELECT yr,COUNT(title) FROM movie
JOIN actor ON actor.name = 'John Travolta'
JOIN casting ON movie.id = casting.movieid AND casting.actorid = actor.id
4b. 列出有'Julie Andrews'参演的所有电影名称以及该片的主角
SELECT title, name FROM movie, casting, actor WHERE casting.movieid = movie.id AND casting.actorid = actor.id AND casting.ord = 1 AND casting.movieid IN (SELECT movieid FROM casting, actor WHERE casting.actorid = actor.id AND actor.name = 'Julie Andrews')
4c. 列出那些最起码在10部电影中出任过主角的演员
SELECT name FROM casting
JOIN actor ON casting.actorid = actor.id WHERE casting.ord=1
GROUP BY name HAVING COUNT(movieid)>=10
or: SELECT name FROM actor,casting,movie
WHERE casting.actorid = actor.id AND casting.ord = 1 AND movie.id = casting.movieid
GROUP BY name HAVING COUNT(casting.movieid)>=10
4d. 按演员人数的多少依次列出1978 的电影以及演员数.人数最多排在最前
SELECT title,count(actorid) FROM movie, casting WHERE casting.movieid = movie.id AND movie.yr = 1978
4e. 列出所有和'Art Garfunkel'合作过的演员(不要列出'Art Garfunkel'他自己)
SELECT DISTINCT name FROM actor,casting WHERE actor.id = casting.actorid
AND casting.movieid IN (SELECT movieid FROM casting,actor
WHERE casting.actorid = actor.id AND actor.name = 'Art Garfunkel')
AND name != 'Art Garfunkel'