- What is with this thing? 这玩意怎么回事啊。
- So how was your trip?
- I have something that I need to tell you guys.
- longing for something
- you're a little uptight. 你有点紧张兮兮的
- I'm still screwing up. 我还是搞砸了.
- Get that weak stuff out of my kitchen! 手下败将,滚吧。
二 Notes
scene 7 Phil & Claire
Don't answer it! I'll get it! **
发音练习:连读 don-answer-i**t. 拆解:don't的t完全失爆,n+a连读, 注意n的鼻音要发出来, r-it的it完全失爆。get-it的it中的t失爆。(00:10:22.96-00:10:24.50) 短但难发的native的句子,多练了好几遍。Don't answer it! I'll get it! Let me meet this "Playa." 让我瞧瞧这个花心大少
confrontation /ˌkɑnfrən/ʌn'teʃən/ n. 对抗, 对抗的事物. 注意双元音饱满到位。
You're very strong, homes. -小样儿挺强壮的啊. homes 小样儿.
Nice soft landing. 轻轻落地,轻轻放下。
I am on my side though. 我还侧躺着
So just flip me right back.I just need to get flipped right on my back. 现在只需把我放平. right back平躺; 注意flip用法。
flip /flɪp/ vt. 轻击;掷;vi. 用指轻弹;蹦跳;adj. 无礼的;轻率的;n. 筋斗;弹.What is with this thing? 这玩意怎么回事!
Don't answer it! I'll get it!
你们别管了 我来开门
Hi. Hey, you must be Dylan.
你好 你一定是迪兰吧
-Hey. Dylan. Yeah. -I'm Haley's mother.
-是的 迪兰 -我是海莉的妈妈
-Come on. Let's go. -Okay. Um-
-我们走吧 -那个
Hang on one second.
Dylan, you're still in high school?
迪兰 你还在念高中吗
-Yeah, I'm a senior. -A senior. Okay. Cool.
-是 我高三了 -高三 很好
Hey, Phil. Sweetie. Honey. He is Dylan, and he is a senior.
菲尔 亲爱的 这是迪兰 他读高三
You have to scare him.
Let me meet this "Playa."
Phil Dunphy, yo.
It's like that. You just-You just stare down at 'em,
就是这样 你只需死盯着他们看
let the eyes do the work.
Your mouth might be saying, "Hey, we cool,"
你嘴上说着 没问题
but your eyes are like, "No, we not."
可你的眼神说 才怪
"Nice to meet you." "No, it's not."
很高兴见到你 才怪
"It's all good."
"No, it's not."
-Okay, I see you two guys--Wait, wait, wait.
-我看你俩已经 -等一下
You two-
You two keep it real, know what I mean, son?
你俩要坦诚相待 懂吗 小子
Not really.
-Please, stop. -That's cool.
-求求你 别说了 -没事
-Ow. Oh, God! That's my back. -Oh, honey. Sweetheart.
-妈呀我的背 -亲爱的
Ow! Oh! I slipped in the baby oil.
"Oh, where you from originally?"
"I could defeat you if it came to a physical confrontation."
单挑的话 我轻而易举就能放倒你
I don't know about this. Should I call a doctor?
我不知道该怎么办 要打电话叫医生吗
No, no, no, no, no. Okay. 不用不用 好了,
-You're very strong, homes. -Thanks.
-小样儿挺强壮的啊 -谢谢夸奖
-Okay. Nice-Nice soft landing. -There you go.
-好 轻轻放下我 -好了
-Okay, let's go. Come on. -I am on my side though.
-行了我们走吧 -我还侧躺着
So just flip me right back, and we're good.
现在只需把我放平 就没事了
We'll be good.
I just need to get flipped right on my back,
and we should be fine. So-
scene 8 Jay & Gloria
- I'll give you 50 bucks (for) not to do this.
- You're in such a bad mood. 我知道你心情不好
- So stop being a gloomy goose and stop being so hard on Manny. 所以别郁闷了,对曼尼也别那么凶。be so hard on sb. 对某人很凶/很严厉。
- I don't care what some jackass in a pair of ripped jeans thinks about me. 我也不在乎那些穿着破牛仔裤的混蛋如何看我. jackass /'dʒækæs/. 两个æ注意口型.
- make a fool of oneself. 出洋相。
- hair goo 发胶
-You be the wind in his back, not the spit in his face. 你只能背后送春风,不可当面唾其脸. - Spanish: mi nino 我可爱的小家伙;
No, mi amor. 不是的,我的爱。
Mentira, A mí sí me gusta.. 没事 我挺喜欢这画的. mentira f. 谎话, 杜撰, 假象, (指甲上的)白斑. - you'll know better next time. 下次你就会进步了.
- pretzel /'prɛtsl/ 椒盐卷饼. 注意/ts/发ci的音。
Brenda Feldman.
-What is that? -A poem I have written for Brenda Feldman.
-你拿的什么 -我为布兰达·费尔曼写的诗
Of course it is.
I put my thoughts into words and now my words into action.
我将心事化为文字 将文字用于行动
Hey, I'll give you 50 bucks not to do this.
你取消行动的话 我就给你50块钱
I'm 11 years old. What am I gonna do with money?
我才11岁而已 要那么多钱干什么
What are you gonna do with a 16-year-old?
-He's like a bullfighter. -Mmm. You ever see a bullfight?
-他就像个斗牛士 -你见过斗牛吗
I can't watch this. -You're in such a bad mood.
我看不下去了 -我知道你心情不好
And I know why. It's because that man thought you were my father.
我也知道原因 因为那人以为你是我爸爸
-No. -Yes.
-不是的 -就是
-No. -When you say "No" like that, it's always "Yes."
-不是 -你这样否认时 就代表是
Come on. We're in the mall.
别这样 我们都到商场了
Let's get you, like, some younger clothes.
-There's a store there. -I don't need any younger clothes.
-那边有家店 -我不需要年轻的衣服
And I don't care what some jackass
in a pair of ripped jeans thinks about me.
Good. You shouldn't.
没错 你不用在乎他们
You should only care what I think.
I love you, and I don't care how old you are.
我爱你 我不在意你的年纪
So stop being a gloomy goose and stop being so hard on Manny.
所以别郁闷了 对曼尼也别那么凶
The only reason I'm hard on Manny...
Is just because I don't wanna see him make a fool of himself.
And I can smell that hair goo of his from here.
Look, I don't know what's gonna happen to him over there.
But you're his family now, and that means only one thing-
可你是他的家人 这就意味着
You be the wind in his back, not the spit in his face.
你只可背后送春风 不可当面唾其脸
-What? -It's something my mom always says.
-啥玩意 -这是我妈常挂嘴边的话
It's gorgeous in Spanish.
Look, he's there.
瞧 他来了
-She has a boyfriend. -Oh, I'm sorry, mi nino.
-她名花有主了 -真遗憾 小宝贝
I gave her my heart,
she gave me a picture of me as an old-time sheriff.
-That was pretty stupid of me, wasn't it? -No, mi amor.
-我真傻是吧 -才不是呢小宝贝
It was brave. Right, Jay? Brave.
你是勇气可嘉 对吧 杰 勇气可嘉
W-Well, you'll know better next time.
Come on. Let's get a pretzel.
来 我们买椒盐卷去
Mentira. A me se me gusta.
没事 我挺喜欢这画的
Uh, excuse me, sir.
先生 不好意思
We ask that all mall-walkers stay to the right.
scene 9 Phil & Claire(00:14:28)
- you need to respect one's privacy. 你要尊重个人隐私.
- What are they doing up there? [读音] what are they -> wh-a-they doing-up there.
- frosting 糖霜。
- mono /'mɑno/ 腮腺炎, 传染性单核细胞增多症 mononucleosis。
- but Jenna Resnick swears she saw her breast-feeding at a coin-op car wash. 可吉娜·瑞斯尼克发誓说看到她在自助洗车站给孩子喂奶.
-breast-feeding 母乳喂奶
-coin-op n. 自动投币机, 自助洗衣店. - can you shut the door 你能关上门吗?
- She is, like, completely freaking out. 她简直就是疯了。
Alex, get out! Mom!
艾丽克斯 出去 妈妈你看她
Alex, leave your sister alone.
艾丽克斯 别去烦你姐姐
I was just getting my book. Gosh.
我只是进去拿我的书而已 至于吗
I know, sweetie. But you need to respect their privacy.
我知道 亲爱的 可你要尊重个人隐私
-What are they doing up there? -Nothing.
-他们在楼上干嘛呢 -没干嘛
Lying on her bed, watching a movie.
Okay. Okay.
很好 很好
Um, I'm making a cake for tonight.
You wanna help me with the frosting?
So, you know, if Haley got pregnant,
would you ever pretend she has mono for a few months,
你会假装她得了腮腺炎 请假在家
and then, like, tell everyone the baby's yours?
-What? -This senior at school was "Out sick" for four months,
-什么 -有个高中生请了4个月病假
but Jenna Resnick swears she saw her breast-feeding
at a coin-op car wash.
Buddy, what are you wearing?
老弟 你穿了多少衣服啊
-Nothing. -Uh-uh. No jacket.
-没穿多少 -把外套脱了
One hat.
How many pairs of underwear do you have on?
就1条 .
First of all, it would be really cool to see Haley that fat.
首先 看海莉怀孕变胖还蛮爽的
And how awesome would it be
to have a fake little brother who's really my nephew.
多了个假弟弟 实际上是我亲外甥.
Haley is not getting pregnant.
-Just saying "If." -I know.
-我只是说假如 -我知道
And I know you like to make trouble for your sister,
but it's not gonna work this time.
You know why? 'Cause your sister's a good girl.
知道为啥吗 因为你姐是个好女孩
I know. I was just like her when I was-
我明白 因为她和我当年一模一...
I want you to know, I'm not enjoying this.
要知道 我也不想这么做
But this is an important lesson that you're learning.
So, soak it. Keep it.
所以 记好了 记住了
You're too close. It's gonna hurt.
你站太近了 这样会很疼的
It's supposed to hurt.
-And why are you smiling? -I'm-What?
-你干嘛贱贱地笑 -我笑了吗
Oh, forget it. I can't do this.
算了 我下不了手
The point is you're scared. I think you've learned your lesson.
就是要让你害怕 你已经学到教训了
Mom! What are you doing?
妈 你干什么啊
Oh, hey! I was just, um, dropping off some laundry.
-Is this a bad time? -Yeah.
-打扰到你们了吗 -当然
Oh. Okay.
Uh, can you shut the door, please?
Actually, we're just gonna go ahead and leave that open.
Because I have, uh, seen this little show before-
Lying on the bed with a tall senior.
One minute you're just friends, watching Falcon Crest,
and the next you're lying underneath the air hockey table
with your bra in your pocket.
-You hit my bone! -It was an accident!
-你打到我的骨头了 -纯属意外
-I thought you were my friend! -I am your friend.
-我以为你是我哥们呢 -我是啊
Dad! Dad, Dad. You have got to talk to Mom.
爸爸 你必须和妈妈谈谈
She is, like, completely freaking out and embarrassing me!
她简直是疯了 而且丢尽了我的脸
Honey, your mom isn't always as cool about things as-
宝贝 你妈是不像你爸那么通情达理
What is with this thing?
scene 10 All (00:17:15)
- we're in 在弱读时的读音多练习下。 wirin
- Would you get in the spirit of things? 你能高兴点吗
- I want you to just come straight out with it. 我要你对他们直说了。
- You can do this. 你能做到的。
- Sports guy chest bump. 来个运动员式的撞胸.
- May I take your multicolored coat and bejeweled cap? 能帮你脱下这缤纷外套和闪亮小帽吗? bejeweled cap 闪亮小帽.
-cap: 指无边的便帽,呀表示职业的帽子,如运动帽、军帽等。
-hat: 指有边的帽子,尤指礼帽。 - That's how she says "Phil." Not "Feel." Phil.
区分 Phil /'fɪlo/, feel /fil/. - So how was your trip? 旅行怎么样?
- I have something that I need to tell you guys. 我有些事要告诉你们.
- Cam and I started feeling this longing for something more, like, maybe a baby。
longing n. 渴望,热望;憧憬;adj. 渴望的,极想得到的;v. 渴望(long的ing形式) - you're a little uptight. 你有点紧张兮兮的
- That's not what Dad's saying. 爸爸可不是这个意思.
- You two broke up. You're off. 都表达分手的意思。
- it's not like I wrote the book on fatherhood. 我也不是个模范父亲.
- I'm still screwing up. 我还是搞砸了.
- Anyhow 总之, 无论如何.
- Do you wanna meet Grandpa? 想见见爷爷吗?
- Let me see the little pot sticker. 让我瞧瞧你这跟屁虫.
- you're a cutie. 你好可爱啊。
- Spanish:
-Ay, miren a la princesita. 看看这个小公主.
-Voy a ser la brisa en tu espalda, no quien te escupa en la frente. 我是你背后的微风,不是你脸上的唾沫。(00:21:24.200-00:21:28.495)
My dad.Uh, my dad still isn't completely comfortable with this.
Um-He-He still does this thing. It's been five years now.
已经过了5年了 他还是无法完全接受
And he still does this thing where he announces himself...
before walking into any room we're in...
just to make sure he doesn't have to ever see us kiss.
Wish my mother had that system.
-Remember? -Not now.
-还记得吗 -以后再说
I still can't believe you did this to me.
Would you get in the spirit of things? It's a celebration.
你能高兴点吗 这是个庆祝会啊
Oh, God.
-Okay, I'm gonna go get Lily ready. -Okay.
-我去给莉莉打扮一下 -好
-And I want you to just come straight out with it. -All right.
-我要你对他们实话实说 -好吧
Okay. You can do this.
听话 你能做到的
Yeah. Sports guy chest bump.
-No. -Sports guy chest bump.
-不要 -来撞一个
-Cam. Oh! All right. Go -Do it.
-小卡 好了 -上吧
-How are you? -Hi, guys. Hey.
-你好啊 -大家好啊
That looks good. Oh, thank you. Thanks.
看起来很美味啊 谢谢
Don't thank us. Open it. Dad is coming right behind.
不用谢 打开吧 爸爸后脚马上就到
Knock, knock! We're here. Coming in!
有人吗 我们要进来了
Don't worry, Dad. Nothing gay going on here.
别担心爸爸 我们没在里面搞基
May I take your multicolored coat and bejeweled cap?
-Yeah. Yeah. -Hey, Jay.
-拿去吧 -杰你好啊
-Gloria, hi. -Hi.
-你好 歌洛莉亚 -你好
-How are you? Hi, Dad. -Hi, Gloria. How are you?
-老爸你还好吗 -歌洛莉亚 你好
-Oh, what a beautiful dress. -Ay, thank you, Phil.
-裙子真漂亮 -谢谢你 菲尔[摸摸]
Oh, hey, Phil.
That's how she says "Phil." Not "Feel." Phil.
她是叫你名字 不是要你去摸
-So how was your trip? -It was good. It was good actually.
-旅行怎么样 -挺好的 真的
But, um, about that, I-I
have something that I need to tell you guys.
Um-Uh, we didn't just go to Vietnam for pleasure.
We, uh, kind of have some big news.
Oh, God. If Cam comes out here with boobs, I'm leaving.
天啊 要是小卡隆了胸 我立马走人
-Dad. -I hope he didn't embarrass you, Mom.
-爸爸 -我希望你的家长没让你觉得丢人 妈
Oh, don't mind her. Haley had her first boy over today...
别管她 海莉今天首次带男生回家
And Phil shot him.
Anyway, um, so, about-about a year ago,
总之 一年前
Cam and I started feeling this longing, you know,
for something more, like, uh, maybe a baby?
有一个 孩子
-Ooh, that's a bad idea. -What do you mean, "Bad idea"?
-这主意很糟糕 -你说糟糕是什么意思
Well, kids need a mother.
I mean if you two guys are bored, get a dog.
如果你们俩无聊了 可以养条狗
Okay, we're not bored, Dad.
我们不是闲得无聊 爸
I support you, Mitchell, even though you're not my son.
我支持米奇尔 尽管你不是我亲生的
I-I-I-I think what Dad is trying to say...
is that, Mitchell, you're a little uptight.
米奇尔 你有点紧张兮兮的
Kids bring chaos, and-and you don't handle it well.
孩子就意味着麻烦 你没法处理这种事
That's not what Dad's saying.
That's what you're saying.
And it's insulting in a whole different way.
Okay, people. Let's all "Chillax."
好了 各位都冷静点
-Hey, where's Uncle Cameron? -Thank you. Thank you.
-卡梅隆舅夫呢 -多谢多谢
Someone who's not insulting me notices he's not here.
总算有人发现他不在了 而不是光羞辱我
Oh, so that's the big announcement, huh?
You two broke up.
Well-Well, a baby wasn't gonna help that anyway.
And let me tell you. You're better off,
老实说 你们分了也好
because he was a bit of a drama queen.
No, no, no. Stop. Stop. No.
不是的 打住 打住
You come into my house and you insult me and my boyfriend,
你们到我家来 还羞辱我和我的男朋友
who, by the way, is not that dramatic-
We adopted a baby.
Her name is Lily.
-Exciting! -Just turn it off.
-激动吧 -停下来
I can't turn it off. It's who I am.
我停不下来 这就是我的个性
-The music. -Oh, yes, the music.
-我是说音乐 -关音乐啊
Come say hi to Lily.
Ay, miren a la princesita.
The little princess.
-She's so cute! -Thank you.
-她好可爱 -多谢夸奖
Let me see her. Let me see her.
让我看看 让我看看
Hi there, Lily.
你好啊 莉莉
"Lily." Isn't that gonna be hard for her to say?
莉莉 对她来说不是很难发音吗
-Phil. -Excuse me.
-菲尔打住 -我说
Okay, I-I-I know that I said I thought this was a bad idea.
But, uh, what do I know?
I mean, it's not like I wrote the book on fatherhood.
Been trying all my life to get it right. I'm still screwing up.
一辈子都想做好爸爸 可我还是搞砸了
-Right, Manny? -I wrote a song about it in the car.
-对吧曼尼 -我在车上为此写了首歌
Of course you did.
Anyway, I'm happy for you.
不管怎样 我为你们感到高兴
And, uh, you should know that, uh,
I'm not here to spit in your face,
I'm here to... blow at your back.
我是来给你们 吹吹后背春风的
-I don't understand what that means. -I don't-
-我不懂你的意思 -我也不懂
Well, it's-it's supposed to sound better in Spanish.
Oh, that's beautiful. That's really nice.
真好听 真美
And thank you too.
Anyhow, Mitch, uh-
总之 米奇
No, Dad, it's-it's--
不用了 爸爸
-I got her. I got her. -Oh, she's crying.
-我来抱她 -她哭了
She wants her grandpa! She wants her daddy!
她要爷爷抱 她要爸爸抱
-Do you wanna meet Grandpa? -What? Are you kidding?
-想见见爷爷吗 -开什么玩笑
She's one of us now. Let me see the little pot sticker.
她是自家人了 让我瞧瞧你这跟屁虫
Hey, you're a cutie, aren't you?
你真是个小可爱 对吗
Ah. Look at this.
scene 11 The End
- Love is what binds us, through fair or stormy weather.\N爱将我们紧紧相连 共度风风雨雨。
- Get that weak stuff out of my kitchen! 手下败将,滚吧。
We're from different worlds, yet we somehow fit together.
我们来自不同的世界 但我们彼此相容
Love is what binds us, through fair or stormy weather.
爱将我们紧紧相连 共度风风雨雨
I stand before you now with only one agenda-
我到你的前面 只有一事相许
"To let you know my heart is yours,
Feldman comma Brenda."
I mean, seriously.
Luke, so far, hasn't beaten me in basketball.
至今为止 卢克在篮球上还没赢过我
It's 2-0. 2-0. Okay. Okay.
2比0 2比0 来吧
-Get that weak stuff out of my kitchen! -Dad, stop it!
-手下败将 滚吧 -爸爸 住手
Can you do me a favor? Just grab-
帮个忙好吗 站过去
How's the weather down there?
But when the day comes that he does win-
if-you know-if/when-
he beats me, I'm just gonna be like,
他打败了我 我会说
"Well done. Well done."
干得好 干得好
Just, like, let him-Just support him...
in-in-in that kind of stuff.
I mean, I'd probably want to go, like,
two out of three and just see what happens there, but-
三局两胜才算赢 再来一局什么的