(1)0A unit9Three little ducks 补充动物部分拓展,unit 8 egg fun 拓展About egg 部分 unit9 turtle and snail 汉语:牙牙学语下第十三单元灰毛驴要盖房 第十四单元 小公鸡学打鸣
(2)视频0Bunit1-unit12中文:牙牙学语下7-12单元、《peppa pig 》S01E25-30
(3)音频:OAunit1-unit12 Hello-Happy new year、0Bunit1-12 jack-in-the-box-seesaw中文:牙牙学语上1-16单元,牙牙下1-16单元、《三字经》《声律启蒙》《必背古诗75首》
(4)reading:英文:海尼曼易 10 本,绘本《 Does the kangaroo have mother too》,《Brown bear what do you see 》《Three little ducks》《Dinosaur》小书。
汉语:《牙牙学语》下大书第十三,十四单元《小小聪明豆》系列 5 本,小兔汤姆5本、暖暖心5本
(4)重点句型:mother...laid some eggs ,crack ...(pop...) Baby...came out .,...is egg -laying animals .
(5)field trip:种植
2.1英语:0Aunit 1Hello -unit12 Happy new year,0B unit1Jack-in-the-box-unit 12 seesaw;1Aunit Little bee-unit4 Now tall now small
2.3其他:《三字经》节选01人之初,性本善 、02子不学,非所宜、03.守孝悌 ,次见闻、04.曰春夏,曰秋冬 05稻粮菽,麦黍稷 06高曾祖 父而身
《必背古诗75首》01江南-汉乐府、02长歌行-汉乐府、03 咏鹅-骆宾王、04咏柳-贺知章、05 回乡偶书-贺知章、06登鹳雀楼-王之涣
《声律启蒙》01 上平声一东,02上平声 二冬,03上平声 三江 04 上平声四支 ,05 上平声五微 ,06上平声六鱼 ,07上平声七虞,08上平声八齐,09上平声 九佳
3.1英语:unit8 egg fun ,Unit9 turtle and snail unit 10 The firemen unit11 johny johny unit12 see saw
3.2汉语:第十一单元两只瘦狗抬竹篓 第十二单元河马宽嘴巴 第十三单元灰毛驴要盖房 第十四单元小公鸡学打鸣。
5 、Game time:
5.1Hand crafts
M:Family time,come here Waylon,Today ,we will make a duck, a little yellow duck .Do you want make a cute duck with mommy ?
M:we need super light clay .
M:I will tell you how to make it ,But first ,can you help me find the yellow 、the white、the black clay ?
M:Now,we need make a round head .Have you finished ?
M:Make a boby
M;choose another color and make two wings.stick them on the body .
M:make two eyes with white the white and black caly .
M:make a bill and stick it onto the head
M:Now ,we need wait for 20 minuites until it is dry .then you get a very lovely duck .
5.2Egg-laying animals
M:mommy use this white clay to make some eggs ,let this duck sit on eggs .How many eggs here ?
W:one...five 还来一个six 对数字的概念还是要加强
M:Mother duck laid some eggs ,crack crack crack ,baby duckling came out .
M:Baby ,guess who am I ?I have a long neck , I have wings ,I have long legs .
M:I am a mommy ostrich ,I can lay a big egg .Now I will go to chase waylon
M:Look,what is this?
M:Yes ,right ,this is a swan ,It is very pretty ,right ,it has a long neck .Mother swan laid some eggs ,crack crack crack ,baby swan came out .
M:I have four legs ,I can crawl crawl crawl, I have a big mouth ,open my big mouth ,can you help me brush my teeth ?
M:Haha ,Sanp ,I will catch your hand ,haha
M:Ok,Mother butterfly laid some eggs ,pop pop pop ,baby caterpillar came out .a very hungry caterpillar .
今日总结:做鸭子的时候一直跑偏,然后,总是要求做些其他的东西,egg-laying animals,不够生动,找一个其他生动的方式继续学习,不过海尼曼里面的那本《Eggs》句型记得很清楚了。今天换海尼曼的绘本,选了《three little pigs 》 ,本来觉得他会难理解,结果一边读一边笑,应该是理解了,不孩子的学习能力还是很强大的。昨晚重听一季度第五节课,关于做三年规划的课程,发现好多老师讲过的内容,还是没听清,踩了坑,三年规划也要重新做调整,今天尝试加入牛津树易2本。