make a change 2018-09-03

It is difficult to make a change, even it is more challenged than teaching a pig to sing. 

Everyone owns his comfortable zone, where he can do what he wants in his favorable way. Only the familiar way makes us feel better, and keeps us from uncertainty.

Once we want to jump out of the comfortable zone, we would confront many difficulties which we could not imagine before.

There is one famous Chinese idiom '邯郸学步'. The idiom indicates one person imitates others and thus lose his own individuality. In another word, I think the story can explain why so many people hesitate to make a change - not only don't get what he wants, but also lose what he has owned.

However, another famous saying is 'Some people die at 25 and aren't buried until 75'.

If we dare to make a change, just do it.

If we aren't able to make some change, just accept the life as it is.

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