AMC & Mountain Dew’s co-branded app, The Walking Dead Encounter has been launched along with the series The Walking Dead Season 8 from OCT. 22 to Dec. 10. Fans can interact with the shows by scanning the Mountain Dew commercials aired during each week’s live episode to unlock new walkers using ACRCloud audio recognition technology.
A total of 20 walkers can be collected and used in the scene creators. When a new walker is collected, fans can take video / photos with AR zombie in their own environment and share it on the social network.
ACRCloud enables the offline TV sync solution to detect the commercials by just 2-5 second listening from the phone. The offline solutions work without requiring even internet connection. To enable this feature, the audio of Mountain Dew advert has been fingerprinted in the ACRCloud first. Then when user trying to scan the TV commercial, the audio inputted from a mic is fingerprinted in the phone and matching with ACRCloud offline fingerprint database locally. If there is a match, the action will trigger the unlock of an AR Zombie.
Here is the creative used in this second screen project.
1. Scan the TV when the Mountain Dew commercial is on air and from each episode of the Walking Dead, fans can collect a new walker.
2. Then fans can pose with the walker and share the AR reality video / photos to your social networks with friends.
Video of the creative:
The Walking Dead Encounter AppfromSimon LandononVimeo.
Thanks for AMC, MTN DEW and Trigger Global team bringing this second screen creative to the funs.