Java: Integer vs int


An int is a primitive. It is not an Object. An int is a high performance, streamlined beast for calculating numbers in the range -2,147,483,648 [-231] aka Integer.MIN_VALUE to +2,147,483,647 [2 31-1] aka Integer.MAX_VALUE. An int is a bare bones 32-bit chunk of information. int variables are mutable. Unless you mark them final, you can change their value at any time.

An Integer, is a Object that contains a single int field. An Integer is much bulkier than an int. It is sort like a Fedex box to contain the int. Integers are immutable. If you want to affect the value of a Integer variable, the only way is to create a new Integer object and discard the old one.

 An int is a number; an Integer is a pointer that can reference an object that contains a number.


Fortunately it is easy to convert back and forth between int and Integer.

// to int i from Integer ii

int i = ii.intValue();

// to Integer ii from int i

Integer ii = new Integer( i );

See this Amanuensis for other conversions.

Why Both?

Why are there both int and Integer? For speed. ints, without any Object packaging are compact and fast. Would it not have been easier if there were only one of sort of creature that could do everything and have the compiler automatically figure out when the packaging was needed and when not? The Eiffel language designers thought so, and the Java designers are gradually coming around to the same conclusion.

        1) Integer与int类型的赋值
        2) Integer与int类型的比较
                这里就无所谓是谁与谁比较了,Integer == int与int == Integer的效果是一样的,都会把Integer类型变量拆箱成int类型,然后进行比较,相等则返回true,否则返回false。同样,拆箱调用的还是intValue()方法。
        3) Integer之间的比较
        4) int之间的比较


public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception


        Integer a = 127, b = 128;


        int c = 128;



        a = c;



        System.out.println(a == b);




        System.out.println(a == c);



        System.out.println(c == a);



         * 总结:只有在赋值(=)的时候才会出现装箱和拆箱两种情况,

         * 在比较(==)的时候只会出现一种情况,那就是拆箱,而不会出现装箱的情况




        Integer i1 = 127;

        Integer i2 = 127;


        System.err.println(i1 == i2);

        i1 = 128;

        i2 = 128;

        System.err.println(i1 == i2);



         * 总结:JVM会自动缓存-128~127范围内的值,所以所有在这个范围内的值相等的Integer对象都会共用一块内存,而不会开辟多个;

         * 超出这个范围内的值对应的Integer对象有多少个就开辟多少个内存,这样做是为了节省内存消耗。



