drop procedure if exists test.get_title; delimiter $$ create procedure test.get_title(in id int) BEGIN select title,subtitle,pubname from titles,publishers where titleID=id and titles.pubID=publishers.pubID; end$$ call test.get_title(1); drop procedure if exists test.half; delimiter $$ create procedure test.half(in a int , out b DOUBLE) BEGIN set b = a/2; end $$ call test.half(15,@result); select @result;
declare varname1,varname2,... datatype [default value];
drop procedure if exists test.test; create procedure test.test() BEGIN declare x int default 0; BEGIN DECLARE x int DEFAULT 1; if true then BEGIN DECLARE x int DEFAULT 2; select x ; END; end if; SELECT x as `outer`; END; select x as outest; END; call test.test();
3、对变量赋值 。SQL语言不允许以x=x+1的形式对变量进行赋值,必须使用SET或SELECT INTO命令做这件事。后者都是SELECT命令的一程变体,它以INTO varname 结果整条命令。这种语法变量要求SELECT命令返回且只能返回一条数据记录(不请允许是多条记录)。请注意,在函数里只能使用SET命令对变量赋值,这是因为函数里不允许使用SELECT或其他SQL命令。
# 在普通环境中使用变量例子 set @var1 = value1, @var2 = value2; select @var1:=value2; select 2 * 7 into var1; select @total:=count(*) from table where id =1 into @total; select @total:=count(*) from table where id =1 ; select title,subtitle from table1 where id =1 into @var_title,@var_subtitle; SELECT id, data INTO x, y FROM test.t1 LIMIT 1;
# 在存储过程中使用变量例子。 drop procedure if exists test.total; create procedure test.total() BEGIN declare x int default 0; select count(*) from name1 into x; select x; END; call total();
SP里的SQL命令在执行过程中可能会出错,所以SQL也像其他一些程序设计语言那样向程序员提供了一种利用出错处理句柄(error handler,也有称为“出错处理器”)来响应和处理这类错误的机制。
declare type handler for condition1, condition2, condition3;
CREATE TABLE `categories` ( `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `name` varchar(100) default NULL, `parent_id` int(10) unsigned default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ;
drop procedure if exists test.test_insert; create procedure test.test_insert(in newcatname varchar(100), in parent int, out newid int) proc:BEGIN declare cnt int; set newid = -1; -- validation select count(*) from test.categories where parent_id = parent into cnt; if ISNULL(newcatname) or TRIM(newcatname) ="" then leave proc; end if; select count(*) from test.categories WHERE parent_id = parent and `name` = newcatname into cnt; if cnt =1 then select id from test.categories WHERE parent_id = parent and `name` = newcatname into newid; leave proc; end if; insert into test.categories (`name`,parent_id)values(newcatname,parent); set newid = LAST_INSERT_ID(); end proc; -- 调用不能与创建语句同时执行? call test.test_insert("category name 2",0,@newid); select @newid;