This page is intended as a compendium of links and helpful notes for Subversion users who are converting to, or at least trying out, Mercurial and TortoiseHg.
When learning Mercurial the first step should be the hgbook, available in html.Mercurial's wiki is also a key source.
学习Mercurial (分布式版本管理,Google翻译里面有解释“水银”这一项,因此可以理解TortoiseHg(乌龟汞)的由来)的第一步应该从《Mercurial: The Definitive Guide》这篇指南看起;或者浏览Mercurial的WIKI也是个好主意。
As you first begin using TortoiseHg, you may want to configure some of these optional features to approach a more subversion like work flow. See the settings tool manual to learn how to configure these settings either globally or per-repository.
After changesets are pulled from a remote repository, TortoiseHg can perform an automated function. In the settings tool, this option can be found at the top of the Sync tab.
This setting can also be changed on the fly in the Repository Explorer before you perform a pull, in case you want to change your default behavior for a single operation.
This setting can be found on the commit tab of the settings tool. When enabled, TortoiseHg will attempt to push your local changesets to your default upstream repository after every successful commit.
By default, TortoiseHg will use kdiff3 (a graphical three way merge tool) to resolve merge conflicts. You have a number of other options. On the TortoiseHg tab of the settings tool, you will find a 'Three-way Merge Tool' configurable.
默认情况下,乌龟汞(TortoiseHg)使用的是kdiff3(一个图形化的三路合并工具)来解决合并冲突。你还有很多别的选择,在设置工具的的“TortoiseHG”选项卡中,你可以在三路合并工具(Three-way Merge Tool)的下拉框中进行选择。
Seemerge-toolsfor a description of how to configure an external merge tool that was not supported "out of the box."
hgsubversion should work with TortoiseHg "out of the box", since TortoiseHg Windows installers include the SVN python bindings required by hgsubversion. Simply clone the extension to your machine, enable it, read its documentation. then clone your subversion repository.
hgsubversion 应该和乌龟汞(TortoiseHg)一样能够开箱即用,因为乌龟汞(TortoiseHg)的Windows安装包已经包含了hgsubversion所必须的SVN python bindings,所以只需要将这个扩展工具克隆(clone)到你的机子,启用它,阅读它的相关文档,然后就可以克隆你的SVN(subversion)版本库了。
mkdir C:\repos hg clone http://bitbucket.org/durin42/hgsubversion/ C:\repos\hgsubversion
Add lines like these to your Mercurial.ini file
[extensions] hgsubversion = C:\repos\hgsubversion
Make a test clone:
hg clone svn+http://svn.python.org/projects/python python-hg
See also