MOSS 增加一个List的Items报,异常来自 HRESULT:0x80040E14(Exception from HRESULT: 0x80040E14)

  1. 第一种情况
    1. HRESULT: 0x80040E14 when adding items to SharePoint

      If you receive HRESULT: 0x80040E14 when trying to add an item like announcements/webpart/saving documents before running going through the Microsoft steps you have need to check the following

      1. Your SQL server data drive is not full

      2. Your mdf and ldf database files havent reached there full allocated size

      3. Your database files are set to increase when full.

      If you are still having this issue after checking the above follow the step listed in this link

  2. 第二种情况

给不能插入值的列进行插入和更新操作了。建议只给ListItem["Title"] = "你的值"赋值,再运行你的代码。
