@MarkFan 口语练习录音 20140423 [风雨哈佛路.Homeless To Harvard口语录音]




一些人的需求 一些人的意志要比你更强






大家好,您现在收听的是@MarkFan 口语练习录音 选自《风雨哈佛路》 选节

the world moves you just suspect

it could no happen without you

situations are not condused to what you want for yourself

someone else's needs, someone else's plate is going to be stronger than yours is.

I think people just get frustrated without harsh, life can be

so they're spending their time dwelling on that frustration

we calling it anger. keep their eyes shut to the wholeness of the situation

to all those tinny things that have come together to make it, what it is

录制时间是2014年4月23日 晚上11点


the world moves you just suspect

it could no happen without you

situations are not condused to what you want for yourself

someone else's needs, someone else's plate is going to be stronger than yours is.

I think people just get frustrated without harsh, life can be

so they're spending their time dwelling on that frustration

we calling it anger. keep their eyes shut to the wholeness of the situation

to all those tinny things that have come together to make it, what it is
