iis 7 application pool

An application pool groups applications together, separating them from applications in other application pools by process boundaries. By using application pools to isolate applications, you can improve application security because you reduce the probability of one application accessing another application's resources. Additionally, the separation prevents applications in one application pool from affecting applications in other application pools on the same Web server.


application pool


An application pool is a configuration that links one or more applications to a set of one or more worker processes. Because applications in an application pool are separated from other applications by worker process boundaries, an application in one application pool is not affected by problems caused by applications in other application pools.

By creating new application pools and assigning Web sites and applications to them, you can make your server more efficient and reliable, as well as making your other applications always available, even when the worker process serving the new application pool has problems.




An application pool is a group of one or more URLs that are served by a worker process or a set of worker processes. Application pools set boundaries for the applications they contain, which means that any applications that are running outside a given application pool cannot affect the applications in the application pool.

Application pools offer the following benefits:

    • Improved server and application performance. You can assign resource-intensive applications to their own application pools so that the performance of other applications does not decrease.

    • Improved application availability. If an application in one application pool fails, applications in other application pools are not affected.

    • Improved security. By isolating applications, you reduce the chance that one application will access the resources of another application.


Application pool is a group URLs of web applications and configuration of worker process such as .NET version, 托管模式。



Application pools isolate sites and applications to address reliability, availability, and security issues. You should consider creating applications pools for any one of the following reasons:

    • To group sites and applications that run with the same configuration settings.

    • To isolate sites and applications that run with unique configuration settings.

    • To increase security by using a custom identity to run an application.

    • To prevent resources in one application from accessing resources in another application. For example, ISPs might create individual application pools for each customer's sites and applications. Separating customer content in this manner can prevent one customer's resources from accessing resources on another customer's site, even though both customers' sites are on the same Web server.

    • To improve performance by separating unstable applications from well-behaved applications.


  • http://www.cnblogs.com/wsdj-ITtech/archive/2012/11/06/2544118.html

     应用程序池将应用程序组合在一起,并通过进程边界将它们与其他应用程序池中的应用程序分开。 通过使用应用程序池来隔离应用程序可以提高应用程序的安全性,因为这种方法降低了一个应用程序访问另一个应用程序的资源的可能性。 此外,这种隔离方法还可以阻止一个应用程序池中的应用程序影响同一 Web 服务器上其他应用程序池中的应用程序。

  • 关于应用程序池


  • http://server.51cto.com/sCollege-103445_1.htm
