关于 DirectX 中的 dshow.h 找不到

2008年05月02日 星期五 下午 03:30

DirectX 9.0 SDK 开发包以及扩展包下载(February 2005) http://dev.csdn.net/article/62/62941.shtm。直接到微软官网下的话,需要validation确认。



dshow.h找不到,下个dxsdk extras就可以了。

qedit.h里面dxtrans.h missing的问题很诡异,March2008的版本依然存在这个问题,看看这篇文章http://forums.microsoft.com/MSDN/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=2617687&SiteID=1

①Remove anything to do with "dxtrans.h" and "IDXEffect" .

Say, for file "qedit.h"

//#include "dxtrans.h" -- Line 498

// IDxtCompositor //: public IDXEffect -- Line 837
// IDxtAlphaSetter //: public IDXEffect -- Line 1151
// IDxtJpeg //: public IDXEffect -- Line 1345
// IDxtKey //: public IDXEffect -- Line 1735

Now, everything compiles and works fine.


这篇介绍direcX的配置: http://hi.baidu.com/rain_yx/blog/item/f98d9112695a8fcac2fd782c.html


You can get by with less edits of qedit.h (commenting out the missing interfaces can be error prone).

Comment out the include of dxtrans.h.

Before you include qedit.h, add the following #defines:











