初学者:使用Google Chrome浏览器的StumbleUpon发现新网站

If you are having a slow day and nothing looks interesting on the net what do you do? Instead of looking through the same sites again you could have fun finding new websites with the StumbleUpon extension for Google Chrome.

如果您的一天很慢,网上没有什么有趣的事情,该怎么办? 您无需再浏览相同的网站,而可以通过带有适用于Google Chrome的StumbleUpon扩展程序找到新网站,这很有趣。

Note: No account is required in order to use the extension. Do keep in mind that any websites that you mark as favorites will not be permanently saved without an account though.

注意:使用扩展名不需要任何帐户。 请记住,没有帐户将不会永久保存您标记为收藏夹的任何网站。

The StumbleUpon Toolbar


Here is a quick look at the left side of the toolbar…


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And a quick look at the right side. Height-wise it takes up about the same amount of room as the “Bookmarks Toolbar”.

快速浏览一下右侧。 从高度上看,它占用的空间与“书签工具栏”的空间差不多。

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Using the “Toolbar Icon” you can easily toggle the StumbleUpon Toolbar on and off.


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Get ready to Stumble!



You can start “teaching” the toolbar what you like and to show you more of the same using the “I like this Button”.


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Clicking on the “Share Button” will open a temporary drop-down “Sharing Pane”.


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You can leave the “All Topics Setting” in place and really be surprised by the variety of websites that you will find or narrow the focus to subjects that you are specifically interested in. You can use the “Arrow Buttons” on each side to navigate back and forth between the two “subject panes”.


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StumbleUpon in Action


For our example we chose the “Linux/Unix Category”. Here is the first page that came up for us…

对于我们的示例,我们选择“ Linux / Unix类别”。 这是我们的第一页…

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A few more clicks and another great page to look at. Time to share it on Twitter…

再点击几下,另一个值得关注的页面。 是时候在Twitter上分享它了…

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Clicking on the “Twitter Button” will open a new window as shown here. If you are not logged in yet you will need to take care of that particular detail…

单击“ Twitter按钮”将打开一个新窗口,如下所示。 如果您尚未登录,则需要注意该特定细节……

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Once you are logged in the article name, website name, and a shortened StumbleUpon URL will be automatically pasted into a new tweet. Add anything else that you like and post the tweet.

登录文章名称,网站名称和简短的StumbleUpon URL后,将自动粘贴到新的推文中。 添加其他您喜欢的内容并发布推文。

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Going one step further for the same article we tried the “Share Function”. Just add the appropriate e-mail address, your name, and any message that you want to include. Click “Share now” when you have finished.

对于同一篇文章,我们进一步尝试了“共享功能”。 只需添加适当的电子邮件地址,您的姓名以及您想要包括的任何邮件。 完成后,单击“立即共享”。

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Another stumble and yet another great website. That is definitely a classic help desk sign…

另一个跌跌撞撞,又是另一个很棒的网站。 那绝对是经典的服务台招牌……

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If you are having a slow day and want something new to look at then the StumbleUpon extension should provide the perfect solution to liven things up.




Download the StumbleUpon extension (Google Chrome Extensions)

下载StumbleUpon扩展程序(Google Chrome扩展程序)

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/16424/discover-new-websites-with-stumbleupon-for-google-chrome/
