excel 构建数据_构建Excel加载项的新方法

excel 构建数据

Were you using Excel, way back in 1993, when VBA was  introduced in Excel 5.0? Now, there are new ways to automate Excel, and a great opportunity to learn more about them, at the Develop Excel conference in London, on October 18th.

您是否在使用Excel(早在1993年Excel 5.0中引入VBA时)? 现在,在10月18日于伦敦举行的Develop Excel会议上,有许多使Excel自动化的新方法,以及一个很好的机会来了解它们。

为什么要开发Excel? (Why Go to Develop Excel?)

Why should you go to the Develop Excel conference? This one-day event is a rare opportunity to:

为什么要参加Develop Excel会议 ? 这项为期一天的活动是难得的机会:

  • Learn about the changes the Microsoft is making to the Excel platform and APIs – directly from the Microsoft employees

    从微软员工直接- 了解微软正在为Excel的平台和API的变化

  • See add-ins and solutions that you can build with these new platforms


  • Talk with other Excel developers, and the Microsoft developers


This is a non-profit conference, and you can get free admission, or make a contribution to help cover the event costs.


The event will be held at Microsoft's new London Reactor site, so it's worth going, just to see that!


从XLM迁移到VBA (Moving From XLM to VBA)

It's always challenging to learn new development skills, but worth the effort, if you want to keep advancing.


The last big change was when we moved from Excel 4 macros (XLM) to the new VBA, but that was 25 years ago, so you probably don't remember that struggle.

最后的大变化是当我们从Excel 4宏(XLM)移到新的VBA时,但这是25年前的事情,因此您可能不记得这场斗争了。

我切换到VBA (My Switch to VBA)

I wasn't writing Excel macros back then, but I did have to switch from WordBASIC to Word VBA, in the middle of a big project. Way back then, we had giant reference books, instead of Google.

那时我没有写Excel宏,但是在一个大项目的中间,我确实不得不从WordBASIC切换到Word VBA。 那时,我们有了庞大的参考书,而不是Google。

Excel VBA更新 (Excel VBA Update)

In early versions of Excel VBA, some XLM functions weren't available, so Excel 4 macros are still supported. In Excel 2010, most of those missing functions were added to VBA 7.0.

在早期版本的Excel VBA中,某些XLM功能不可用,因此仍支持Excel 4宏。 在Excel 2010中,大多数缺少的功能已添加到VBA 7.0中。

Eric Patterson, from Microsoft's Excel team, wrote about the Excel 2010 VBA improvements, and showed the new properties and functions you could use.

Microsoft的Excel团队的Eric Patterson写了有关Excel 2010 VBA改进的文章,并展示了可以使用的新属性和功能 。

办公室扩展 (Office Extensibility)

I'm sure it will be challenging to move to these new automation methods, but the Develop Excel conference will be a great way to get started, or expand your skills, if you've already started.

我相信转移到这些新的自动化方法将具有挑战性,但是Develop Excel大会将是入门或扩展技能的绝佳方法(如果您已经开始)。

If you're not sure whether to attend, I've put a couple of videos below, with Office Extensibility demos.


And then, push yourself out of your Excel programming comfort zone, and sign up for Develop Excel!

然后,将自己赶出Excel编程的舒适区,并注册Develop Excel!

Microsoft Build 2018 (Microsoft Build 2018)

In the video below, from the Microsoft Build conference in May 2018, there's an intro to Office Extensibility, and 12 demos of what you can do.

在下面的视频中,来自2018年5月的Microsoft Build会议的视频中,有Office可扩展性简介和12演示您可以做什么。

As the presenters point out, there's lots of opportunity for developers.


Here's the video, and I've put a couple of timeline notes below it.


NOTE: Audio starts at the 4:30 mark.

注意 :音频从4:30标记开始。


Timeline Notes:


16:07 – Demo of Flow in Excel

16:07 – Excel中的流程演示

38:14 – Excel Custom development demo. Custom Functions, JavaScript APIs, and custom visuals.

38:14 – Excel自定义开发演示。 自定义函数,JavaScript API和自定义视觉效果。

An advantage to these Custom Functions, over VBA, is that they can be used in Excel online, where VBA macros don't work.


为Excel构建Office加载项 (Build Office Add-ins for Excel)

Here's another video that shows how to build one of the new-style add-ins for Excel. There is a demo starting at the 9:16 mark.

这是另一个视频,展示了如何为Excel构建新样式的加载项之一。 有一个演示从9:16开始。


注册以开发Excel (Register for Develop Excel)

Don't wait too long, if you'd like to attend the Develop Excel conference.

如果您想参加Develop Excel会议 ,请不要等待太久。

  • Take a look at the Agenda, to see the full day of sessions.

    查看议程 ,以了解整天的课程。

  • See the session details – don't worry if some (all?) of the topics look confusing! Get an overview at Develop Excel, and learn the details later, with the Office Add-ins documentation from Microsoft.

    查看会议详细信息 –不用担心某些(所有?)主题令人困惑! 在Microsoft Excel的Office外接程序文档中获得Develop Excel的概述,并在以后学习详细信息。

  • Learn about the speakers – they've been working in Excel for years, just like you

    了解演讲者 ,就像您一样,他们已经在Excel中工作多年了

  • Read about the pricing options for this non-profit event. They just need to cover the event costs, so make a contribution if you can.

    了解此非营利活动的定价选项 。 他们只需要支付活动费用,因此,如果可以的话,请捐款。

Then, when you've decided to attend Develop Excel, go to the registration page, and click the link. And look – you'll get lunch and beverages too!

然后,当您决定参加Develop Excel时,请转到注册页面 ,然后单击链接。 看看-您还将获得午餐和饮料!

翻译自: https://contexturesblog.com/archives/2018/09/20/new-ways-to-build-excel-addins/

excel 构建数据
